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Found 3 results

  1. Hello fellow members . As some of you already know , Instagram went totally nuts and tighten up their security lately . The levels are insane . Just a couple of examples from MSFN topics. Members reporting not working videos : https://msfn.org/board/topic/178259-instagram-videos-not-working-in-firefox-52-esr/ From a French member : "all my browsers don't work (get loggin page) after getting this login page in one of my browsers..." "New surprise to me: I get the login page after 3 times reloading page ..." https://msfn.org/board/topic/178259-instagram-videos-not-working-in-firefox-52-esr/?do=findComment&comment=1211117 I am also having the exact same problem , even now , when I had to purchase a "good" VPN . A very funny discovery just came to my attention : Instagram favours IP addresses from some coutries , such as Russia and similar !!! Who would have thought !?!? From my real IP I get the login page after the 3 times of reloading , just like @msfntor, but if I switch to a russian IP - voilà : no more login crap !!! The problem is , this VPN service doesn't have some IPs constantly, so it's not a good solution . And as of now, it got worse, I can't even login from my real IP anymore ! Please help to find clean proxie lists . All well-known VPN solutions do not work . Instagram knows about them , obviously !!! Thank you all ! P.S. A side note , it doesn't have to be super secure , ordinary proxies would do just fine . Instagram already knows about me and my IP.
  2. I've read a few posts on this forums about TLS support under Windows XP and i've just stumbled upon Stunnel, which is a proxy designed to add TLS encryption functionality to existing clients and servers. I don't know if this can solve the TLS issue under XP, but here you go to learn more about Stunnel. And here is the latest version (5.49) for Windows XP (32 bits).
  3. Used uTorrent for many years, with free proxies from HideMyAss or other sources. (I always check the free proxy IPs first to be sure they show as proxies and will connect on to https websites.) uTorrent was always a bit slow to start a download but would get up to speed once a download finally started. (uTorrent will speed up when "Peer Exchange" finally shows many seeds.) All downloads and uploads are always encrypted (the E flag always shows in the Peers list). Well, not this weekend. Have the torrents and good tracker lists with many trackers "working" for each torrent and showing many seeds. But it just won't start downloading - even through four different proxies that otherwise test good. (And "Peer Exchange" stays at zero.) What to do? If my favorite forum MSFN isn't the right place to ask, please suggest a good forum. Thanks.
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