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About Kingskawn

  • Birthday 02/03/1978

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  1. Under XP I had a vbs that copied the correct .pbk file with all necessary connection information to All users. Now under 7 this procedure must be changed in order to have this VPN connection visible under 'Dial-Up and VPN' How can I do this. Looked on google but with the wrong words maybe. Tried win7, vpn, unattended, automatically,... but never come on something usefull.
  2. Nice one Zinthose but this can be used for existing users. It will not copy settings to the default user. I am looking something that also copies to the default user. Every new user logged on would receive the same settings then.
  3. That is to set it to 'no paging file' but I want it to set System Managed. I'll try to extract it from registry when I set it to system managed manually
  4. Hi guys, I want to set virtual memory page file size option as "system managed size" through whatever script. I have WIM images (made with SCCM) and already installed XP machines that have pagefile set to 2086mb and I want it to set to "System Managed Size". Is this possible? <Edit>(posts merged by Moderator) I already found something but only works for the current user: @echo off attrib -H "%SYSTEMDRIVE%Documents and SettingsDefault UserNTUSER.DAT" copy "%SYSTEMDRIVE%Documents and SettingsDefault UserNTUSER.DAT" "%SYSTEMDRIVE%Documents and SettingsDefault UserNTUSER.DAT.BAK" attrib +H "%SYSTEMDRIVE%Documents and SettingsDefault UserNTUSER.DAT" attrib +H "%SYSTEMDRIVE%Documents and SettingsDefault UserNTUSER.DAT.BAK" REG LOAD HKEY_USERS.Default_User "%SYSTEMDRIVE%Documents and SettingsDefault UserNTUSER.DAT" REGEDIT /S regional_uk.reg REG UNLOAD HKEY_USERS.Default_User EXIT It comes from http://www.msfn.org/board/applying-current...ers-t16626.html What it is supposed to do is copying all registry to default user which is the base user everybody begins with it. And the "regional_uk.reg" in the same folder is this; Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelInternational] "iCountry"="44" "iCurrDigits"="2" "iCurrency"="1" "iDate"="1" "iDigits"="2" "iLZero"="1" "iMeasure"="0" "iNegCurr"="5" "iTime"="1" "iTLZero"="1" "Locale"="00000809" "s1159"="" "s2359"="" "sCountry"="United Kingdom" "sCurrency"="€" "sDate"="/" "sDecimal"="." "sLanguage"="ENG" "sList"="," "sLongDate"="dd MMMM yyyy" "sShortDate"="dd/MM/yyyy" "sThousand"="." "sTime"=":" "sTimeFormat"="HH:mm:ss" "iTimePrefix"="1" "sMonDecimalSep"="." "sMonThousandSep"="." "iNegNumber"="1" "sNativeDigits"="0123456789" "NumShape"="1" "iCalendarType"="1" "iFirstDayOfWeek"="0" "iFirstWeekOfYear"="0" "sGrouping"="3;0" "sMonGrouping"="3;0" "sPositiveSign"="" "sNegativeSign"="-" [HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelInternationalGeo] "Nation"="21" [HKEY_CURRENT_USERKeyboard Layout] [HKEY_CURRENT_USERKeyboard LayoutIMEtoggle] [HKEY_CURRENT_USERKeyboard LayoutIMEtogglescancode] [HKEY_CURRENT_USERKeyboard LayoutPreload] "1"="00000809" [HKEY_CURRENT_USERKeyboard LayoutSubstitutes] "00000809"="00000813" [HKEY_CURRENT_USERKeyboard LayoutToggle] "Hotkey"="1" "Language Hotkey"="3" "Layout Hotkey"="3"
  5. It's working if I give a path to the settings.ini but now he say that Firefox is installed and if he must install a codec for it too. How to not get that screen? Also, is there a veriable path that we can give for the settings.ini? If my line is ACEMCP603PRO.exe /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /SP- ==> works but with AV screen ACEMCP603PRO.exe /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /SP /LOADINF=settings.inf ==> works but with AV screen ACEMCP603PRO.exe /LOADINF=settings.inf /nocancel /silent /S" /f /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES ==> works but with AV screen ACEMCP603PRO.exe /LOADINF="C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Ace codecs\settings.inf" /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES ==> no AV screen but asks me to confirm for installation of firefox codec So when I don't set the full path to settings.inf he refuses to install it like he should. Is just installing the default pro version with AV scan :'(
  6. Can someone tell me what version de latest Windows update agent is ? Thanks
  7. Yes I know, nLite can strip an xp install like hell but I want to do it manually
  8. I would like not to use nLite for doing those things. I made some xp installs for computers at home and they don't perform as I want and like gamehead said:"you cannot use it for commercial use" Anybody?
  9. There are tons of tutorials that explains how to install xp unattended but where can we find some info what we can delete in order to have an image as little as it is possible? The image must be used in a business so things Movie Maker can be deleted. Network support on the other hand is crucial Have anybody done this before and can give some info on this?
  10. I'm using SCCM to deploy machines now. What I thought this hta was, was a frontend where you can deploy xp from a central machine (can be a server or normal desktop machine) where resides the wim files and all the stuff that is needed in order to stage machines remotely. But this hta doesn't allow remote installations, it's all on individual machines that the hta page must be loaded and execute. In SCCM I deploy a wim files that contains the xp OS but after that it gets a whole bunch of software programs installed on it.
  11. No plans to do this from a central machine that can deploy xp on the same lan? Or is there another HTA from someone else that can do this
  12. We had an universal ghost image that worked untill we got Lenovo T500's and M57's. They end up with a black screen and there is nothing to do. Maybe you got an idea on that? The image was build on a uniprocessor (basic machine). The newest are dual cores and have problems with HAL and mass storage like Iceman told. Otherwise I would like to make a new ghost image on a T500 but my old winpe 1.2 doesn't recognize the NIC so I can't continue. Can someone help on this?
  13. Super interesting this tool! Can you please tell me how it works if you want to install xp on a new machine. How can you push the wim file on it? With 'how' I mean, what information do you use to deploy it, MAC, GUID,...? Or is it only on one machine at the time? I could use such a tool if I can install xp on a distant machine (LAN) if I only know the MAC address. (I already have a running WDS so machines can boot on PXE and of course a DHCP server )
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