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  1. Have not been here for a few years, wasn't even sure if I remembered my creds to get in. lol Need help on where to start. Want to create my own Win 10 install images complete with updated driver packs, add on applications etc, just like I was doing in winxp. Where do I start? Is there a getting started thread I am not seeing? Thanks
  2. WordPress from the org site.
  3. Ok, I found the new version of BDD 2007. Microsoft has cleverly renamed the tool kit to MDT. It can be found here for those looking. MDT Tool Kit 2008
  4. Can anyone post a working link to the correct download of Business Desktop Deployment Tools 2007 (BDD 2007). Please and thank you.
  5. Thanks for the heads up on this ... any plans to fix this in the future? I am a developer and rely on the pagerank feature quite often..
  6. Why not just use O&O Defrag(much better program)...you can download the silent install package from 'ryanvm's site)
  7. Last Updated: 14.IX.2007 Current Version This file is not downloadable...hardware_config.zip link is broken...do I need it or can I just copy the .xml code
  8. Well, with a little help from these forums this is how you install Nero 7.014 silently with serial number included. It installs successfully from GUIRUNONCE. It should work from RUNONCEEX although I cannot confirm that. This will only work if you have a full legal version. Put this code in your regtweaks.reg file Then put this code in your install.cmd which you launch from GUIRUNONCE: Here are what all the codes mean thanks to mercury 22 CB035464E NeroStartSmart CBCAFF604 NeroBurningRom C2FF8B816 NeroHome C57D52359 NeroVision CD773A6E2 NeroShowTime C6035F00C NeroRecode C53BEFA20 NeroMediaHome CCB9D5429 NeroBackItUp C7CE8D626 NeroCoverDesigner CED1EAF52 NeroPhotoSnap CFA3A3F7B NeroWaveEditor C716FE146 NeroSoundTrax CE38B9E06 NeroImageDrive C82602EE0 NeroCDDVDSpeed C7DFFCC12 NeroDriveSpeed C72CC518F NeroBurnRights CE72D824A NeroInfoTool CC5AB9CFD NeroFastCDDVDBurningPlugin adding a ="0" behind these codes will mean that particular item will not be installed. And there you have my contribution to the forums here at msfn. Create A Great Day! Go Oilers Go! slatz
  9. Ok, that is cool, that puts a whole new spin on things. Thanks oioldman
  10. I thought T13/t12 was used for service pack inf? runonceex runs after first logon does it not?
  11. Is there an app out there that is more affordable than FlexnetAdminStudio? I have been trying to download an evaluation copy of Flexnet but the server keeps re-setting the connection . Not sure if I can afford it anyway, it's around 2 thousand dollars for a basic version, after the 30 day trial expires. Is there a more affordable solution out there. I just want to break apart some .msi files and edit them for my installs. Any suggestions? Creat A Great Day! slatz
  12. I may be wrong but you can't run a cleanup cmd until everything is installed, the way I see this is that the cleanup cmd is deleting all your installation apps before they are installed. But like I said I could be wrong as I am not an expert in the field. Also your winnt.sif file has to say YES to the OEM Preinstall question. Hope that helps, maybe someone with more experience will hav a better answer.
  13. Ok, upon further reading I just realized I can run more then one command from GuiRunOnce. I will just create another command for the office installation seperate from the rest of the apps. Sorry for the dumbass question..lol
  14. Is it possible to install programs from GuiRunOnce and RunonceEx? during an unattended installation. the reason I am asking is because I currently have 5 programs that get installed from GuiRunOnce. I have added Nero 7 to the GuiRunOnce and it now pooches my install of Office Premium. So, to avoid issues I am thinking of running my Office Premium installation from "RunOnceEx to aviod the issues. Is it possible or will they interfere with one another? If that isn't possible, how would I go about resolving this issue? Could I write a batch file that installs Office on the second reboot or something? Or write a batch file that installs Office upon creation of a new user account? Thanks in advance! Create A Great Day!
  15. It might help us a little more if you could post the exact error message you are receiving.
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