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Posts posted by Bezalel

  1. hey is it possible to use debug in one line of code instead of just opening debug and getting to the - prompt...

    then typeing S F000:0000 FFFF "Pavilion"

    I want to do something like:

    Debug S F000:0000 FFFF "Pavilion"

    It doesn't seem to work that way though. :(

    I want to implement this into the oembios.exe I made.

    BTW is it possible to use Debug within detached program?

    Debug isn't scriptable but you can get around this limitation with a combination of AutoIT and redirecting stdout to a file. (I never tried this but in theory it should work.)

  2. Sry guys, but i'm working off of short term memory right now...

    can someone refresh me how to grab the SLP BIOS string like this:

    (Dell System,Dell Computer,Dell System,Dell System) or similar.

    I seem to remember a batch file... but I can't remember for the life of me...


    Run MGADiag and copy the results to the clipboard, the report will show the first 4 SLP strings. (The GUI doesn't show the strings.)

  3. This I think would give a much better organization and also allow us to easily make it all 8.3 compliant. I would also suggest the project run from outside of the $OEM$ directory. Possibly in an "OEMBIOS" directory at the root of the disk. This way it can easily be implemented in a multiboot disk environment.

    What do you guys think?

    The next version will be 8.3 compliant, the files will be in directories named according to the CRC32 hash of the CAT file at the same level as the program file. If I ever deside to make archive files of the directories I'd use CAB because it's the easiest format to implement.

  4. What would happen if I try using the OEMBIOS files on a computer from another manufacturer? How do the files "know" if the computer is from this manufacturer or that?

    The OEMBIOS files containg a encrypted list of strings and memory ranges. In the case of Dell, WPA searches a particular portion of the BIOS for "Dell Computer", "Dell Inc", or "Dell System". If you were to uses these files on a non-Dell the check would fail. The MGADIAG tool from MS will show you the first 4 strings in the list but will not show the memory locations.

  5. I already have working OEMBIOS files, I think I can convert any nearly any OEM CD to a Dell CD.

    The problem is I don't have the Dells preactivated factory key for XP Home.

    Someone else previously "fixed" the PC using a pirated CD-Key and activation hack, so I the CD-Key I recovered is worthless.

    I got a XP Home SP2 CD with Dell OEMBIOS ready and waiting, all I need is Dells Volume Home CD-Key, which will be in the winnt.sif file on the XP Home SP1 Dell will send me.

    I am trying to download a Dell XP Home CD before then or find the CD-Key somewhere else, so I don't have to wait several days for the CD to arrive.


    At least know exactly what hoops I need to jump through to do a clean install of a Royalty OEM PC.

    Factory CD-Key for that OS version + compatible OEMBIOS files + standard install CD = Working Branded Install CD

    I even got batch files to extract the CD-Key and OEMBIOS files.

    The CD-Key is not Dell specific, you can use any Home SLP Key.

  6. Hi guys,

    I got another Philips today, BIOS set is the the same as the Advent set.

    Also has antoher messed up Computer Report :D

    Manufacturer: DIXONSXP

    Model: To Be Filled By O.E.M.

    4449584F 4E535850

    It seems like as far as MS is concerned Dixon's is the manufacturer of both Advent and Philips PCs. I don't think Philips actually manufactures PCs, in the USA the computers that Philips sells to control their radiology equipment are made by Dell.

    Also I now have the correct "Dell Quanta" set in my RapidShare folder. http://rapidshare.de/users/LWN7M8

  7. You can't just drop a SLP string into the bios, it needs to be within a specific address range. I will not elaborate further, this project is designed to allow you to use the same source on multiple machines that qualify for SLP activation it is not intended to bypass activation on systems that require activation.


    I am not trying to pirate, just test my cd without having to burn a bunch of cds. I was attempting to do the same thing as FreeStyle. I didn't just add the string randomly, i replaced a current string.

    But besides that, you must have missed the part where I said i tried it on a Dell Computer, and Inspiron 5100 to be exact. and it fails with the exact same problem, which is why i started working on vmware.

    so does the MGADiag tool show anything useful to you guys that may be able to point me in the right direction?

    originally i used regular oem media, with the slp key/oembios files, and then I was able to get my hands on a Dell XP Home SP1 cd, that had the correct OEMBIOS files/ original winnt.sif and $OEM$ directory, etc. I slipstreamed that to sp2. (I have not tried the original yet, to see if that would work).

    Try running the following lines in debug on the Dell and post the results. This should provide me with enough information to determine which oembios set you should be using.

    S F000:0000 FFFF "Dell Computer"
    S F000:0000 FFFF "Dell Inc"
    S F000:0000 FFFF "Dell System"
    S F000:0000 FFFF "Dell Quanta"

  8. Hi

    I am installing windows 2003 R2 from a network share using winpe and winnt32 at the moment it installs fines and on first boot it requires the 2nd CD for windows 2003 to finish installing however I want it install from the network

    Can you just copy CD two into the network share folder? what is the best way?


    This thread may be of help since the structure is simular to MCE and TabpetPC. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=72954

  9. I need some help. I have read all the pages on this thread, plus the other thread for making a CD. I have tried the automatic script in cmdlines, and I have also taken a Dell Original Disk (sp1), slipstreamed to Sp2. (with confirmed SLP Key, and OEMBIOS files). Everything seems to work great, up to the point of WGA, WGA says the machine needs to be activated. the MGADiag tool says the same. It recongizes it as an OEM SLP, etc but I can not seem to get past the activation requirement. Windows itself does not seem to care about activation and seems to be content, until I run the MGAGiag tool, then it pops up the activation wizard, otherwise it never seems to show up.



    Any tips? I have tried this on a true Dell machine, and a vmware image that I managed to 'fix' (see above)


    You can't just drop a SLP string into the bios, it needs to be within a specific address range. I will not elaborate further, this project is designed to allow you to use the same source on multiple machines that qualify for SLP activation it is not intended to bypass activation on systems that require activation.

  10. Is their a real benefit for swithing to another sheme?

    As far as i can tell current CRC sheme works well, unless a theoraticly issue which will never appear there is no need to switch?

    Bezalel, is there more to it?

    I am planning to validate the files during the install process. I will be starting with the CAT and checking the CRC32 hash. Once I've validated the CAT I'll retreive the SHA1 hashes and validate the rest of the files. Since the CAT is the only file that can never be reused in another set it is the best source for a unique identifier.

    I'm not worried about someone hacking the CRC32 of the CAT because doing that would invalidate the CAT.

  11. I need to know if there are any systems that require the 06D652A4 'HP PAVILION' fileset or can I replace it with CD4E1902 'Compaq,Hewlett'?

    I think you will need both sets unless there is a set out there that has all 3 strings (Hewlett,Compaq,Pavilion) combined. If you remember my problem on a HP machine earlier in the thread.. it was fixed by using a HP PAVILION set instead. Any set that only included Hewlett or Compaq would install, but not activate.

    So far i have tested 4 OEM machines with success;

    2 HP's with HP PAVILION 25330489 set

    1 Compaq with CD4E1902 set

    1 Sony with 376E13C7 set

    The only issue i had was using a "Hewlett" set on a HP that had HP PAVILION in the bios.

    I also tested a Abit NF7 retail board with HP PAVILION edited in and that worked as well, but failed testing the same process using Dell B6F0EEFD.

    The PC at 1st login screen would report the "Cant determine the license for the pc" and had a yes and no button to activate. Choosing NO would get you in a loop of the same error and choosing YES would load msoobe.exe which reported Windows was already activated, but the system would then just loop back to the login screen name and show the error all over and question to activate again.

    The determining question is: Does HP make a computer that does not have the string 'Hewlett' anywhere in the BIOS? I only care about official HP BIOSes not those that had their DMI tables edited by the und user.

    >I need to know if there are any systems that require the 06D652A4 'HP PAVILION' fileset or can I replace it with CD4E1902 'Compaq,Hewlett'?

    The SLP strings are not the least bit similar. There are many indications that HP is an OEM that does nothing more than insert the SLP String into Manufacturer field of the DMI so there's no reason to believe that they would always sprinkle Hewlett, Packard, or Compaq anywhere else. This is also the OEMBIOS set that HP & Compaq are using for all their Desktops and some laptops from 2005-.

    I was thinking logically not technically. There is a HPQ set that replaces all previous HP and CPQ sets. Wouldn't it make sence to also include the PAVILION strings if they were actually needed? I guess that end uses could test their BIOSes using debug

    S F000:0000 FFFF "HP PAVILION"
    S E000:0000 FFFF "Compaq"
    S F000:0000 FFFF "Compaq"
    S E000:0000 FFFF "Hewlett"
    S F000:0000 FFFF "Hewlett"

    If only the first line finds anything you need the Pavilion set

    If any of the other lines find anything you can use the HPQ set

  12. i've been making some changes to http://rapidshare.de/users/LWN7M8. There are some important changes being made:

    1) I'm using the CRC32 of the CAT file to name my filesets and not the CRC32 of the BIN file. It is possible for two different sets to use the same BIN file. (I haven't seen any examples but in theory it can occur). The CAT file contains the SHA1 hashes of the remaining files so any changes to any 1 file would result in a unique CAT file.

    2) I'm listing each of the SLPBIOS strings instead of the manufacturer's name. (MGADIAG.EXE only lists the first 4 strings but some sets have more than 4 strings, Gateway has 22 strings.)

    3) I'm listing which filesets are obsolete and what to replace them with. Any fileset that has been replaced by a newer set that includes all the strings in the origional set will not be included in this project. (From the 35 sets I have 9 are obsolete.)

    I currently have the following issues:

    The 'Dell Quanta' fileset I have has the wrong CAT file. (if cannot be included in this state)

    The A04597C6 'Gateway' and C86378C7 'Gateway,EMACHINES' filesets have 21 matching entries and 1 unique entry. Is there another set than includes all 23 entries?

    I need to know if there are any systems that require the 06D652A4 'HP PAVILION' fileset or can I replace it with CD4E1902 'Compaq,Hewlett'?

  13. This has probably been asked a time or two in this thread, but i've sifted through a couple times and can't find the answer now.

    What's the best media to use for an OEM Preinstall disk like this? I've got a Home Retail, Home OEM, and Home Dell disk at my disposal, but don't want to waste hours finding the right one to use.

    Also, same question for the serial number. I know oem-preactivation keys should work regardless of the manufacturer, but i've tried using that dell key with oembios files from a toshiba cd, and i get "cd key rejected" when trying to activate. I checked the msoft site for a key to use, but they're all for XP Pro.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated

    You should use a hologrammed OEM CD to start the project.

    To determine what went wrong in your case the best tool is the MGADIAG tool from http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=52012. just copy the report to the clipboard and post the results here. It also might help to run this tool on the Dell you got the key from.

    Also be prepared to provide the CRC32 hashes for the oembios files you have.

  14. Is there a point that MS will not let you activate windows?

    what I mean is,...every now and then I have to call to talk to some lady in india. When will MS tell me to stop reinstalling? :whistle:

    When they find your key on a warez site, until then you can activate by phone.

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