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Posts posted by Bezalel

  1. In some of the older BIOS you could still use the Print Screen key to send the text screens directly to the printer. Some of the newer BIOS systems you still can others you can't. Otherwise I think you are out of luck. Or write em down.

    You would need a parralel printer that can use the generic driver for this to work

  2. So... I've read this forum, but so far it doesn't to be anything other than gathering the manufacturer and model strings from the BIOS. When do we get to use it? :D This would make reformatting clients' PCs a lot easier! I've called Microsoft too many times :(

    Take a look at Post #43 The first working version of the tool (and proof of concept) is posted there. The next version will be completely redesigned.

  3. As per the subject. Is it legal for me to download, from bit-torrent, a Windows XP Tablet PC Edition CD, and then use the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition CD-Key on the bottom of my laptop?

    Probaply not, but if you have an OEM Pro SP2 CD and the files TABLETPC.CAB and NETFX.CAB you can make your own CD. (And if your TabletPC was made by a Royalty OEM you can keep the preactivation.)

  4. BTW, did you know the HP & COMPAQ oembios files are 100% identical?

    at least mine are, (expanded) oembios.bin both have this MD5 value "3598a33c8de2e13bb3f5dbd22bc8cb76"

    strange thing however is both systems have different SLP strings eg: "Hewlett-Packard" and "COMPAQ"

    An OEM can have multiple SLP strings in their OEMBIOS files. This allows them to use a single image for multiple product lines.

  5. Hi Guys,

    I'm not sure if this a warning or question. :lol:

    I've read a few times in this thread that you can use a Pro OEMBIOS set on a Home install, and vice-versa.

    I myself have used a my Dell Pro set to install Home on an old Dimension testbox.

    Recently, I've been playing with a multi-boot disk, everything seemed fine till I tried the 'Hedy' set.

    They worked with the Home install, but failed on the Pro. Has anyone else come across this problem. :huh:

    I'm wondering, if its a case of the Pro sets will work on all installs, but the Home sets only work on Home.

    My experiance is that the files should be interchangable. Since almost everything in the thread is based on observation and not MS documentation and I don't have (and never even saw) a Hedy PC I can't offer any more advice. If you are sure that you built the CD correctly I will add a notice in my RapidShare Directory with your observations.

  6. I have been trying this and not having any success with an HP install. The HP machine came with XP Home installed ..drive crashed and lost all the original files and would like to create a restore disk for this machine with hotfixes and drivers.

    I used an OEM Dell Home cd with SP1 as my source. Below is what i have done to the cd.

    1. Slipstreamed to SP2

    2. Copied over the svcpack folder and SVCPACK.INF file from an updated source so i wouldnt have to run all the integrate commands over.

    3. Copied the OEM files for HP inside the I386 folder.

    4. Used my custom Winnt.sif, which works fine on my retail source, with an HP SLP Home key.

    Using the disk setup completes with no issues. At 1st boot all i get is the XP logo screen and then the system restarts and keeps doing this over and over.

    Any suggestions?

    I would do Step 3, Step 1, Step 4, and then intgrate the hotfixes. Also be sure to test your CD between each step.

  7. You can run a program that does not produce any output and redirect the output to a text file.

    wuauclt > blank.txt

    wuauclt was first program I could think of that never produces any output.

    If you have a C compiler you can compile this program that does nothing and use it instead of wuauclt.

    int main(){}

  8. i've got a HP laptop that has a windows xp home edition licence, but i've lost the cd for it, i've tried a couple OEM and retail versions, but they dont accept the key on the bottom of the laptop can anyone help me?

    thanks mitch

    You should be able to use the Key on your laptop with a generic OEM CD. You will just have to activate by phone because your key is blocked from online activation.

    If you want to rebuild a preactivated CD you can get the OEMBIOS files from http://www.oembios.net (Posting OEMBIOS files was already OKed by a mod) and compress them with makecab. You can use a key from http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechn...oy/wpadepl.mspx.

  9. I've read the ref.chm help file of the xpdeploy tools and I found the following :
    If you set OemPreinstall to Yes in the [unattended] section of Unattend.txt and do not provide values for the [RegionalSettings] section, set OEMSkipRegional to 1 in the [GuiUnattended] section of Unattend.txt or in the [GuiUnattended] section of Sysprep.inf to ensure Setup completes without prompting for regional option information. However, do not distribute computers that do not:

    Have preconfigured regional, language, and keyboard settings.


    Enable the Regional and Language Options page during the end user's first-run experience.

    So I think it will be better if you remove the RegionalSettings section of your winnt.sif file.

    Hope this will help you.

    These instructions are not are not based on technical issues, MS just doesn't want you to distribute PCs that might have differant regional settings than your end users expect.

  10. Is it possible to nest the for statements?

    set tags=programs documents music videos
    for %%I in (%tags%) do for %%J in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do if exist "%%J:%%I.sys" set %%I=%%J:

    Update: I tested this code and it works.

  11. Because I don't know how to!!! Could you explain?

    Use the following format in your cmdlines.txt

    "command to install Ghost"
    "command to install AutoIT"
    "command to install anything else"

    Each command will be run at T-12

    The working directory at this stage will be \$OEM$\ so the root of your CD will be ..\ in case you dont want to copy the installers to your hard drive. (I put the installers I don't want copied to my hard drive directly in $OEM$)

  12. How do you create your own system file - a file that cannot be viewed even when "Show hidden files" is enabled.

    Here is what want to do.

    In my Media partition (H:), I want to put a file called media.sys (0 bytes). I want to hide media.sys so it can't be seen and can't be deleted and is not a nuisance.

    Then, I want to be able to search for this file like you search for the tagfile during windows setup and assign the drive where it belong to a variable.

    Then, I can label that partition "Media".

    I want to be able to do this to all my partitions during setup... for example, find my Documents partition and label it "Documents", Images partition and label it "Images", Programs partition and label it "Programs" automatically by using these 0-byte system files.

    Of course, I can make these files hidden and make it work, but I wanted these files hidden even when hidden files are enabled.

    ATTRIB +S +H +R h:\media.sys

    The only problem is that your scripts will fail if they can't find the file.

  13. WGA is software distributed through Microsoft's Automatic Update and Windows Update that identifies fake or counterfeit versions of Windows and informs those who fail validation how to get a legal copy of Windows.

    Would this affect this method of activation?

    ZileXa's method just is an AutoIT script that does an online activation uning the GUI. A simpler method is to use the activation API provided by MS.

    for each Obj in GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2").InstancesOf ("win32_WindowsProductActivation")
    if Obj.ActivationRequired <> 0 then Obj.ActivateOnline()

  14. If you have a [Components] section in your winnt.sif you must specify the Media Center components in order for them to be installed. If you are doing a network install you must use the switch /makelocalsource:all.

    Some patches break the install because the Media Center components will only install if you have a specific version of .NET installed.

  15. You could get the Manufacturer and Model using WMI (and Serial# if you know where that partiucular manufacturer keeps it). The first time you can use WMI is during GuiRunOnce. There is no way to get the support information using WMI so either you will have to leave it out or create a template (or select from multiple templates based on the manufacturer).

    I am working on a project the reads the SMBIOS table directly from memory bypassing WMI so that I can have this information availabe from cmdlines.txt.

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