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Posts posted by Bezalel

  1. There are 4 files that are differant on the Dell cd than on the hologram CD and 1 additional file (there are other different and additional files but these don't concern us). The files that are diffeant are the 4 oembios.??_ and the added file is winnt.sif. during install winnt.sif tells setup what key to install with. This key is a generic key that is permanently blocked from activation but is allowed for WGA. The oembios files tell Windows that activation is not required on Dell hardware. If you use this CD on non Dell hardware the install should complete but it will require activation. When you attempt to activate you will be prompted to change the key. If you attempt to use a key from one of the top manufacturers you will be blocked from activating online but will be able to activate by phone.

  2. When you've paid the big bucks for Pro, it allows U to use a cheaper version....

    It doesn't work the opposite way though.

    All this is only relative if you're bent on staying 100% MS-Legal.

    The EULA only allows Windows 2000 Professional, Windows NT Workstation version 4.0 or Windows 98 (Second Edition). It does not allow the use of Windows XP Home or Windows ME.

    I've never tried using a Pro key on a Home CD. but my Advanced Server Key doesn't work on my Standard Server CD

  3. Thanks for both of your replies. I wrote the following script the to check for a CD-R drive but it isn't working:

    strComputer = "."
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

    Set colCDROMDrive = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_CDROMDrive")

    For each objCDROMDrive in colCDROMDrive
    For i = 0 to Ubound(objCDROMDrive.Capabilities)
    ' Wscript.Echo "CDROMDrive Capabilities: " & objCDROMDrive.Capabilities(i)
    if objCDROMDrive.Capabilities(i) = 4 then ReturnCode = 1

    'Wscript.Echo "Return Code: " & ReturnCode

    I am getting capabilities of 3 and 7 for a drive Windows recognizes as a CD-RW drive. I am hesitant to use the Caption property unless there is a documented industry-wide naming convention.

  4. I am trying to create a multi-vender preactivated XP CD. During the intall process but before WFP is enabled I will determine the manufacturer and replace the generic oembios files with vendor specific files. I need to know when WFP is enabled because these files are protected.

    Note to moderators: This inqury is for legitimate purposes.

  5. The ATI drivers allow you to set the desktop resolution higher than your screen resolution and will "zoom in" to whatever portion of the desktop your mouse is at. When you plug in a projector the driver will recognize the maximum resolution the projector is capable of (using PnP or VESA) but will not change the desktop resolution. The nVidia drivers will lower the desktop resolution if they determine that it is too high for your screen.

  6. The speeds you see during a file transfer are measured at a differant OSI layer. Often the bits come over the wire in a differant order than they were sent. When enough bits come over the driver puts the bits in order and sends them to the application, this is the speed you see during a file transfer.

  7. The boot partition contains the %WINDIR% directory and can be selected during the install. The system partition contains ntldr, ntdetect.com, boot.ini and a few other files and must be on the active partition on the drive that the BIOS boots to. The setup program does not let you choose where to put these files. It would also help if I could see the contents of your boot.ini.

  8. I am trying to create an unattended W2K setup with IE6 and .NET1.1 but it looks like my cmdlines.txt file is not being processed.

    Here is my i386\winnt.sif file:


    And here is my $OEM$\cmdlines.txt file:

    "%systemdrive%\installs\ie6sp1\ie6setup.exe /q:a /r:n"

    My $OEM$\$1\installs\dotnet\dotnet.bat is:

    %systemdrive%\installs\dotnet\dotnetfx.exe /q:a /c:"install /q"

    The files are copied correctly to my hard drive and I can install using the commandlines once Windows is installed.

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