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Posts posted by Bezalel

  1. The question that still needs to be answered is how do you know when to kill the process. My solution would be to start a second process that monitors all windows for the countdown window and kills the player process when it sees the countdown window. (I'm not going to write a code sample for this one but I hope my idea helps you.)

  2. There is an even smaller version called express updates available for WSUS users. These updates don't contain full versions of the files being replaced they only contain delta information for patching the existing files. You can install WSUS and download the full updates (without the package installer) or the express updates but its almost impossable to find the particular update when you navigate the content directory.

  3. this script will give you a list of CDRom drives and their drive letters.

    strComputer = "."
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

    Set colCDROMDrive = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_CDROMDrive")

    For each objCDROMDrive in colCDROMDrive
    Wscript.Echo objCDROMDrive.Drive & " " & objCDROMDrive.Caption

  4. If you remove Automatic Updates then WindowsUpdate won't work. Here are the keys that will disable Automatic Updates and the Firewall for Prefessional Edition.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




  5. There are different types of BIOS passwords. A user password will prevent the computer from loading the OS without a password. An administrator password will only prevent the user from changing BIOS settings (such as boot order) but will allow the OS to load withot any passwords. An administrator password combined with a case lock can prevent a user from being able to boot from an alternate media.

    A few years ago I setup an IBM laptop with an encrypted HD. The user didn't have to enter the key on every boot, it was stored in the BIOS. The BIOS also had an administrator password so the boot order couldn't be changed. If the laptop would have been stoled the theif wouldn't have been able to access the data on the hard drive. If the theif would have cleared the BIOS it would no longer have the key to decrypt the HD.

  6. Here are my instuctions for making a Pre-Activated Windows CD. To complete these steps you will need an OEM windows CD of the same edition(Preferably a Hologram CD but using another vendors CD should work as long as the vendor didn't make too many changes) and a working Pre-Activated PC.

    Create a folder named OEMFILES.

    Change your folder veiw settings to show hidden files and to show extesions.

    Search your hard drive for files named oembios, you should find at least 4 files, oembios.bin, oembios.cat, oembios.dat, and oembios.sig. You also may find the following files oembios.bi_, oembios.ca_, oembios.da_, and oembios.si_.

    If you have the files that end in _ copy them to the OEMFILES directory and skip the next 3 steps.

    Copy the 4 oembios files to the OEMFILES directory.

    Run makecab on each of the 4 oembios files.

    Delete the copies of the oembios files.

    You should now have the following files in your OEMFILES directory: oembios.bi_, oembios.ca_, oembios.da_, and oembios.si_.

    Create a file called winnt.sif in your OEMFILES directory with the following contents:



    Replace the Xs in the winnt.sif files with a valid Generic key using one of these methods:

    Method 1: Use the Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder to find the key used by your OEM in the factory

    method 2: Use a key listed at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechn...y/oempreac.mspx or one of the System Builder keys listed at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechn...oy/wpadepl.mspx.


    Copy the contents of your Windows CD to your hard drive.

    Copy the contents of your OEMFILES directory (it should b 5 files) to the i386 directory.

    Make a bootable ISO using nLite, CDImage, or mkisofs.

    Burn the CD using your favorite CD recording software.

    This process has worked on every computer I tried it on. I'd suggest installing on a spare HD the first few times you do this process

  7. You don't need to specify the length for the Mid function so the following should work.

    DrvPath = Mid(Subfolder.Path,Len(SysDrvFldr))

    With this line you can remove the lines for L1, L2, and StrLenth.


    Number of characters to return. If omitted or if there are fewer than length characters in the text (including the character at start), all characters from the start position to the end of the string are returned.

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