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Posts posted by Bezalel

  1. So if I have a bunch of OEM machines(Dell, HP, Gateway, etc), and I'm creating an image for those machines, I can use the Product Key located in their WINNT.SIF from the Recovery CD instead of the Key on the sticker?

    In that case you already have to OEMBIOS files. And yes you can use the key in winnt.sif as long as your target machine will pass the BIOS check.

    You cannot use the same image for multiple manufacturers and still preserve the activation. (I'm working on that but am not ready to discuss any details.)

  2. hi, can you explain this with more detail? i have xphome on my laptop and on each install it has to be activated which is kind of a pain, are you saying that i wouldnt have to keep activating it? thanks

    If your laptop was mande by a Royalty OEM (the COA sticker hase manufacturer's name or logo) and you also have access to the Windows intallation bits (hologrammed OEM CD) you can use these files to recreate the OEMBIOS files and extract the CD-Key origionally used by the manufacturer to install windows. A Windows CD made with these files will not require activation when used on the computer the files were extracted from (or other computers of the same make).

  3. My Dell Pro SP1a CD, my Hologrammed SP2 OEM CD, and My Hologrammed MCE 2005 CD all have the same setupp.ini (76487). All of them will work with any Pro OEM CD-Key. They all installed (on a HP) with the Toshiba factory key, a Sony COA key, and a Mom-and-Pop OEM key (The MCE key also works but leaves me with an unstable PC with any other CDs).

    The differance between the Hologrammed CDs an those produced by the Royalty OEMs are in the OEMBIOS.??_ files, not in setupp.ini.

  4. Just look for the DeviceInstanceID in the details tab of the device properties. USB devices will start with USB\VID_???? the question marks represent the manufacturer's VendorID. Unfortunately I don't know of any publicly available list of VendorIDs

  5. I've put together two files that can be used to make a pre-activated CD if all you got with your computer is a restore CD you will also need access to an OEM hologram CD for the rest of the files. Put the following files in the same folder


    attrib -s %SystemRoot%\system32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\OEMBIOS.CAT
    makecab %SystemRoot%\system32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\OEMBIOS.CAT
    attrib +s %SystemRoot%\system32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\OEMBIOS.CAT
    makecab %SystemRoot%\system32\OEMBIOS.BIN
    makecab %SystemRoot%\system32\OEMBIOS.DAT
    makecab %SystemRoot%\system32\OEMBIOS.SIG
    cscript //nologo getkey.vbs > winnt.sif


    Dim objFS, objShell
    Dim strXPKey

    Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    strXPKey = objShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProductName")
    If Len(strXPKey) > 0 Then
    WScript.Echo "[UserData]"
    WScript.Echo "ProductKey=" & chr(34) & GetKey(objShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DigitalProductId")) & chr(34)
    WScript.Echo "[Data]"
    WScript.Echo "MSDosInitiated=0"
    WScript.Echo "UnattendedInstall=Yes"
    End If

    Function GetKey(rpk)
    Const rpkOffset=52:i=28
    dwAccumulator=0 : j=14
    rpk(j+rpkOffset)=(dwAccumulator\24) and 255
    dwAccumulator=dwAccumulator Mod 24
    Loop While j>=0
    i=i-1 : szProductKey=mid(szPossibleChars,dwAccumulator+1,1)&szProductKey
    if (((29-i) Mod 6)=0) and (i<>-1) then
    i=i-1 : szProductKey="-"&szProductKey
    End If
    Loop While i>=0
    End Function

    Getfiles.bat will generate 5 files to be placed in the i386 directory of your CD. the files are:






  6. I am writing some code to collect various files and settings from an existing installation for an unattended CD but the following line

    copy %SystemRoot%\system32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\OEMBIOS.CAT .

    always fails with the following error

    The system cannot find the file specified.
    0 file(s) copied.

    From explorer I can see this file (it is not hidden) but from the command prompt I can't see any files in the C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE} directory.

  7. Does the CD say "Restore" or "Reinstallation". Restore CDs generally contain an image of the hard drive as it shipped from the factory but sometimes without Office becauce MS requires that the Office CDs be provided to the customer. Reinstallation CDs usually contain the OS with only slight customization such as mass storage device drivers.

    If you have a hologrammed CD you may be able to extract the files from her computer to make a pre-activated CD for use in HP computers.

  8. I think the problen is the space after the equals sign. The JoinWorkgroup value is a string and should start immediately after the equals sign. When the setup reaches the space it treats it as the end of the string. Since an empty string is not a valid workgroup name setup uses the default value which for this version is ARBEITSGRUPPE. Quotes are only needed when the string value contains deliminating characters.

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