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Everything posted by finnish

  1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Search\Gather\Windows\SystemIndex\Extensions\ExtensionList but precisely HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Search\
  2. i'm ready to share if someone needs
  3. ah! i found everything, everything integrates sorry if it's offtopic list of my updates is here: http://forum.oszone.net/post-584503-247.html [russian spoken forum]
  4. mklink Creates a symbolic link. MKLINK [[/D] | [/H] | [/J]] Link Target /D Creates a directory symbolic link. Default is a file symbolic link. /H Creates a hard link instead of a symbolic link. /J Creates a Directory Junction. Link specifies the new symbolic link name. Target specifies the path (relative or absolute) that the new link refers to. this way if i open CMD in C:\USERS and type mklink /j denis d:\profiles\denis it will create denis folder in users and i can create such user with name denis and everything will be stored on d:\profiles\denis and system will think of it as it's in c:\users\denis haven't you noticed how documents & settings folder works in vista it points to c:\users same way i'm telling you about
  5. hi, i'm looking for .msu or .cab version of following updates: Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition 1.18.2533.5) Update for OS Windows Vista (KB931099) and a way to integrate them into .wim MRT Windows - April 2007 (KB890830) maybe the last one only in .exe? then how to integrate .exe into install.wim?
  6. what can be wrong if it works with same dvd on PC's but doesn't on my notebook?
  7. hey. you forgot 3rd way: symbolic links mklink or mklnk don't quite remember as i'm too sleepy now. read help on that command and look what's done with Documents&Settings -> Users, You can make Users point to folder Users on another drive. Guess you'll have to boot from WinPE to make it as users folder can be locked..
  8. i read through the topic and didn't understand. what do i do to get "Press any key to boot from CD.." on my vista dvd. assuming i don't want to makeiso again, but i'm able to inject something into iso with Ultraiso. can anyone help?
  9. yes i did put 4 and it worked. but now i slimmed down install.wim to only 1 image. so should i put 1? or 0?
  10. thanks. that worked for me: <component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <SetupUILanguage> <UILanguage>ru-RU</UILanguage> </SetupUILanguage> <InputLocale>en-US</InputLocale> <SystemLocale>ru-RU</SystemLocale> <UILanguage>ru-RU</UILanguage> <UserLocale>ru-RU</UserLocale> </component>
  11. shout i put <value>4</vlaue> for ultimate? or 1 is enough ? as my product key restricts to only this version, though i have all versions on that dvd..
  12. same problem. all values seem set correctly, but the screen appears. (btw, i made a topic on this forum with similar problem, sorry - haven't then seen this one). i set all values except for fallback to ru-RU and inputLocale to 0409:00000409 as i want english by default. but the screen pops with input set to russian. strange
  13. i just wanted to store all settings in 1 file and possibly manage them through windows system image manager from WAIK
  14. hi. 1. i want windows setup not to show langage selection options and the very beginning, what options should i set in autounattend.xml? in which section - specialize or windowsPE? 2. i want "ru-RU" UserLocale & SystemLocale 3. i want english layout by default so i gues i should set InoutLocale to 0409:00000409, am i right? 4. should i set UIFallback ? Or is it en-US by default?
  15. Hello everybody. As for the moment i found a way to disable only System Restore service (DisableSR key). Is there a way to disable services during the stage of setup, and preferrably not by importing regtweaks but through autounattend.xml?
  16. hi guys. i don't post often but i read very attentively all your topic from time to time. 1. thanks to BTS for his driverpacks, worked for me great! btw, i use it with RIS on WIN2003 AD Domain controller to deploy workstations with no problems. had to do some efforts to make it work with RIS IMAGES but now it's okay. 2. thanks to mark49 - i just delted both .inf files and it went okay! no portcls.sys error! thank you guys.
  17. hey, afterall, maybe someone is capable of brute hex editing somefile to bypass figital signature check in windows installation? nobody heard of it?
  18. people, tell me again (if it was mentioned anywhere else) why can't we modify syssetup.inf? some digital signature?
  19. you see, jdeboeck, people need it. people need your scripts.
  20. here's my tip: [RegionalSettings] InputLocale=0409:0409,0419:0419 LanguageGroup=5,1 SystemLocale=0419 UserLocale=0419 where LanguageGroup 1 is Western and English group, and 5 is Cyrillic support and where 409 is english (us) layout, and 419 means russian. this way setup installs my Win, so i can read/write russian, but default layout is english.. grab the example, make you own the way you need it
  21. make backup. run it in root of XPCD local copy. make iso, try it under VMWare or kinda, and find out by yourself. i'm doing kinda 6 such experiments a day... if something goes wrong (what?) try reverting to backup and manually deleting files. still, interested to get rid of ms internet connection firewall for good
  22. hajj_3 XtremeMaC already told you to grab REMOVE.ZIP. look at jdeboeck's signature seriously and you'll find how to get rid of those files. all is xpsp2rc1 limited to 180 days? what if i use it with corporate version?
  23. awesome component list!
  24. is it about crashing while auto installing some hardware? then i remember too..
  25. at least if not secure then friendly
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