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  1. Has anyone tested the hdd before and after the firmware update to check if the update affects the hdd performance (speed)? I m sorry if I missed a previous post about it. Is it supposed to have no effect on the hdd speed? I still haven’t updated mine; I am waiting a while to be sure (I hope my hdd will not kick the bucket in the meantime).
  2. You can go to Control Panel - Regional and Language Options - Languages - Details and use the "Add" button.
  3. Try this bat file empty_files.bat for %%f in (*.txt;*.exe) do copy nul "%%f" You can change (*.txt;*.exe) to something else, for example (*.*) if you want this to work for all files
  4. If you are using Windows 2000 or later try pressing CTRL+C when a message box is the active window.
  5. To send Alt+F4 try this Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.SendKeys "%{F4}"
  6. Hi SGT_JAX Are you looking for something like this? net use /persistent:YES Z: \\SERVER\SHARE /user:DOMAIN\USER PASSWORD
  7. Hi. This probably happens because "con" is reserved for the standard input/output. Try this Open a command prompt and write copy con con Each line you write will be dublicated Exit with Ctrl-Z (or F6)
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