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Posts posted by submix8c

  1. Soporific: Good news (I think)

    The problem to the "You must have a Mac" when going to WU web site APPEARS to be one of MS's making. MAYBE related to "ending support" and MS MAY be transitioning away from the V4 website, or at least away from many supported fixes. I stumbled across a KB article referencing WSUS services that indicates "dropping" many "fixes" from the search engine/.CAB file (an XML document).


    Using clean install SAME THING! :no: Installed MSInstaller, then installed IE6SP1, then did the following (partial quotes from another source, then modified):


    For Windows 98 and Windows Millenium Edition.

    Manually install the latest controls:

    1) Download the controls from:


    Save them to your desktop. Extract the .cab file following the steps below:

    *) Go to the desktop and right click the iuctl.cab file.

    *) Right-click "Extract to"

    *) Point to a known location (like the desktop) and click "OK"

    *) Go to the location you selected and right click on the iuctl.inf file.

    *) Click "Install." (the two DLL's go to "WINDOWS\SYSTEM")

    - OR just copy the two DLL's to folder... (faster) -

    2) Download:


    *) Create "Program Files\WindowsUpdate\V4\temp" folder(s)

    *) Copy iuident.cab to BOTH "V4" and "V4\temp" folders

    *) Go to "V4" folder and right-click "Extract to"

    *) Point to the "V4" folder (i.e. "Here") and click "OK".

    3) Try Again!!! :thumbup


    Apparently, there is currently a glitch at WU that refuses you UNLESS you already have these files/folders, because I applied the above procedure to the TEST machine (ALL Autopatch applied, kinda) and it WORKED as WELL :thumbup .

    How long this will work? Dunno...

    NOW back to cross-checking the 6 updates WU THINKS(?) I need...

    (p.s. Remember, LOCATE.COM is DOS-based and CANNOT find anything OTHER than "8.3" filenames...)

    l8tr, dude...

  2. HEY!!! Soporific!

    I found the problem with Optional Components / 3d Party Apps (specifically 7-zip). The problem was the LOCATE program used in routine "MainCode.bat".

    Here is the code patch I used to (temporarily) "fix" the error (comments included):

    :: use the LOCATE.COM method --- this finds a file anywhere on the system
    :::::::: TEMP CODE
    ::: Guess what! The LOCATE.COM uses the "SET LOCATE=" variable to
    ::: utilize default options... (ref. LOCATE.TXT in the package)
    ::: SO....
    ::: we temporarily swap the "LOCATE" variable into a temporary
    ::: variable for execution and then swap them back afterwards...
    ::: OR change the variable named "LOCATE" to something else...
    ::: (p.s.#1: LOCATE.TXT also states use a ":" (colon) for file count...)
    ::: (p.s.#2: ALSO the "not found" string was wrong...)
    ::::: TEMP SWAP!!! :::::
    SET whyme=%LOCATE%
    ::: old and new instructions follow...
    :: "%LOCATE%\bin\LOCATE" "%CHECK%" /F1 /G | Find /i "No Matches Found" >nul
    "%whyme%\bin\LOCATE" "%CHECK%" /F:1 /G | Find /i "No matches found" >nul
    ::::: SWAP BACK!!! :::::
    SET LOCATE=%whyme%
    SET whyme=
    :::::::: TEMP CODE
    goto DIALOG3

    Hope I did this message right; I'm new to this message board.

    Haven't fully tested this beast yet, BUT since I have a LARGE background in mainframes and related scripting (".bat" files are similar to JCL) AND have forced myself to learn M$, I thought it prudent to dig into this. I am building several older PC's for kids/friends using 98SE and since I am lazy (and stumbled onto this) I thought I would try it out, letting you do the "heavy lifting".

    Also, I noted that you had apparently originally (?) intended this to be used from a cd, did you know there are freeware versions of "FINDCD.EXE"? Google it... I THINK there is a legit project out there...

    l8tr, dude! Back to testing...

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