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Posts posted by zedox

  1. I've just installed windows with my new HFSLIP'd disc...

    Went to Microsoft Update to check I hadn't missed anything.

    I was faced with this screen:


    When I click "Start Now" this screen comes up:


    It used to go straight onto scanning for updates?

    When I click "continue" this happens:


    I've looked up thee error code...

    Information I found tell's me to ensure WUAUSERV and BITS are listed under the netsvcs key in registry location HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\SvcHost

    I checked that, and they're both listed there ok.

    I checked whether the services were actually running and neither were, I can't manually start the "Automatic Updates" service.

    It comes up with error...

    "Could not start the Automatic Updates service on Local Computer.

    Error 1083: The executable program that this service is configured to run in does not implement the service."

    Strange thing is that if I restart the machine... it all works fine.

    I've attached my log file for you



  2. Vista Source Patcher 0.2 beta 1

    Vista Source Patcher patches your Microsoft Windows Vista Source with all the beautiful wonderful resources available with Vize.


    - imagex.exe

    - Vize


    - Settings.txt file holds the location of imagex.exe

    - icon changes depending on what file extension is being modified

    Known Issues:

    Please give feedback on any issues you comes across.


    - I am not accountable for any problems/issues using Vista Source Patcher or any previous releases may cause your system, the only way any issues would occur is through user misuse, and if you are unaware of how to use this release correctly you should consult these forums for advice.

    Download Mirrors:

    Primary Mirror Windows Live SkyDrive

    Mirrors Needed!

  3. If you actually researched this yourself before posting here you would have relealised what is wrong and why.

    This is a "known" problem that usually is the result of adding either

    KB937143, KB933566, or KB931099 updates. Each of these results in a

    second module w/a different version # added to the WIM file. The

    first two are IE related, the last one is a Windows Defender update.

    There is already a fix being worked on by Windows SE (Sustaining

    Engineering). When the BDD Workbench attempts to import the WIM (or

    WSIM attempts to create a catalog), these duplicate components

    generate "versioned" entries in the catalog and resulting unattend.xml

    that cause the failure.

    The current workaround is to either avoid installing these updates

    until post deployment or to ADD the required versioned component

    settings to your unattend.xml file (you will see the two IE components

    in the left lower section of WSIM.

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