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Posts posted by redxii
ok one more idea
An option to remove more files, using relative paths. For example, this option to be located in the Components section I could specify to remove files like so:
I'd think it to be better if it is specific like that. I edit the image after vliting to remove 16-bit support. There are two winspool.drv files, \Windows\system\winspool.drv and \Windows\system32\winspool.drv, and as far as I know the one in system32 needs to remain while the one in system can be safely deleted. I remove 100 or so files as part of NTVDM and editing the image afterwards just makes the image grow.
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I used vLite in Vista SP1 to edit the preintegrated Vista SP1 ISO, and it didn't produce any error messages using the same preset.
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They're the ones who packed everything on in Vista; run everything by default; and I notice they decided to put more things in the kernel and/or as services, like they turned something like Offline Files into a driver AND a service running by default, or the need to discover proxies is now a service and a driver running by default.
The only uninstallers they provide at most for their middleware are shortcut uninstallers.
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I want to be able to completely remove IPv6.
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I tried running Process Monitor, and got this result (using same source as Tihiy):
111239 20:57:59.6960528 vLite.exe 2736 QueryOpen C:\Users\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\vsTemp19\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM FAST IO DISALLOWED
111244 20:57:59.6971759 vLite.exe 2736 RegLoadKey HKLM\VTEMP 0xC000017D Hive Path: C:\Users\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\vsTemp19\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM
111387 20:57:59.8018777 vLite.exe 2736 SetEndOfFileInformationFile C:\Users\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\vsTemp19\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM.LOG NOT FOUND EndOfFile: 8,192111525 20:58:00.4927220 vLite.exe 2736 QueryOpen C:\Users\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\vsTemp19\Windows\System32\config\COMPONENTS FAST IO DISALLOWED
111535 20:58:00.4937659 vLite.exe 2736 RegLoadKey HKLM\VTEMP 0xC000017D Hive Path: C:\Users\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\vsTemp19\Windows\System32\config\COMPONENTS
111705 20:58:00.7114115 vLite.exe 2736 SetEndOfFileInformationFile C:\Users\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\vsTemp19\Windows\System32\config\COMPONENTS.LOG NOT FOUND EndOfFile: 8,192It's on XP, and that's a custom profiles directory.
I haven't seen Process Monitor produce a result like "0xC000017D" before, normally they're human readable. The entries after those are just winlogon.exe querying for sound scheme and loading the "Critical Stop" sound to sound the error.
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This is a newer one, the ISO is 1.16GB now.
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The wow32.dll from NT/2000/XP/Vista is "Windows-on-Windows" for use with NTVDM to run 16-bit applications on NT/2000/XP/Vista. The NT versions are a part of NTVDM so you can't just use those alone.
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No, you can use a key from pid.inf, you don't modify pid.inf. If you don't want to use your real cd key, use "TK9P4-DPHDB-RDT36-M9M28-VPVHM" for example which is what Setup would enter in a normal install for OEM media when the user doesn't put in a cd key.
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Vlite 1.1
Vista Business 32-bit ISO: 2.49GB
Vlited: 1.25GB
Install size is 4.2GB that includes the pagefile which is 1.29GB, so minus pagefile is 2.91GB.
I am satisfied, although I am not a fan of using nLite, Vista definitely needs to be trimmed since all that fat is running automatically, like Windows Defender which IMHO they should be brought upon by the EU to remove it themselves.
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How about a "Legacy Filesystem Junctions" option that removes the 'Documents and Settings' etc junctions meant for backwards compatibility. No matter what I do I can't remove them mounting with imagex.
I just don't use programs that require such accommodations.
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Maybe they don't/won't support that with unattended installs, because they figured that if someone is making an unattended install that they're going to put their key in it.
Use one located in i386\pid.inf, which is where setup gets a temporary key when the user decides not to enter one.
You can use the OEM key that Dell uses for automatic BIOS activation, it simply won't be activated in vmware, and shouldn't be a problem if you're just testing the answer file. It won't say "You don't have a Dell BIOS, Setup must cancel!" or anything like that.
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In the TechNet forum someone asked about it and someone with an [MSFT] tag responded that only retail (full or OEM) don't have to enter keys but volume licenses still do. Is it a volume license?
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Go to Sony's website and lookup drivers for your laptop and see if they have an XP driver for your SATA controller. You need a SATA Controller driver, not a hard drive driver. Then you need to use a program like nLite to integrate it.
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floppy emulation?
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Do you use nLite or any other addons? If so, install with a CLEAN (no addons, nothing removed, no silent installs, etc) XP CD.
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If the driver doesn't work unattended after using the addon then try installing the driver after you install Windows, done the OOBE and logged in.
The addon works with my Conexant HD Audio & modem.
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What does this CD look like? Is it a burned CD or a hologram or have the name of a computer company? A burned CD might not necessarily mean it was altered and you can't change pressed CDs or CD-Rs once they're made.
You can always pay $30 for a replacement, $150-$300 depending on the type you need by buying it from the store again.
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And of course:
- The trial will be held in East Texas
- A jury of the plaintiff's peers.. people who think IE is the internet
I will even bet that they will lose. They always lose.
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The upgrade version should ask for a CD of a previous version of Windows that is qualified to be upgraded during setup (like windows 2000) and it does allow clean installation. Setup may also scan for existing Windows installs and if you have an existing XP install then it would not ask for a CD from another version of Windows.
The only difference between a full version and an upgrade CD OEM or retail is one file, 7 files if comparing volume license vs retail/OEM. Though I haven't heard of any volume license upgrade CDs.
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SP3 can't include IE7 or WMP 11 updates because it still comes with IE6 and WMP 9 and there are completely different updates for each. The installers for each aren't continually updated and wouldn't include updates from only a few days ago, but IE7 still supersedes IE6 SP3 and WMP 11 supersedes WMP 9.
The real problem is that the updates for IE7 are restricted to service pack 2 and you get an error message like "Setup has detected that the Service Pack version of the system installed is newer than the update you are applying to it. You can only install this update on Service Pack 2." even though if the restriction were gone it would work just fine. But the restriction is there so you can't update IE7 when installed on SP3. The WMP 11 updates does not have a restriction of only SP2 which is why you are presented it on Windows Update and it installs without a problem.
Every update has a file that says "This is the minimum service pack requirement and this is the maximum service pack requirement." IE7 hotfixes like the ones for this month say "minimum SP2 and maximum SP2" or in other words "SP2 ONLY". WMP 11 & this month hotfix for WMP 11 are "Min SP2 and max SP20" (there won't be anything beyond SP3 so SP20 is just for good measure). I tried editing the IE7 hotfix to allow SP3 but it just gives a signing error and doesn't install.
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Any one has this file:
An addon to fix the 888111 problem!....?
The first person to post the link had it correct:
You have to right-click the link and copy the location using the browser you can't just highlight it and copy it.
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IE7 hotfix installers are limited to SP2 where as WMP11 hotfixes are limited to some really high service pack number. So in order to receive updates for IE7 you have to wait for them to allow installation on SP3, until then you'll be vulnerable.
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Yeah same here.i thought you posted how to slipstream the SP1. i have installed with the updates folder amny times and is helpful but with SP1 or a few updates the install time increases.No true integration (replacement of source files with newer ones) for Office 2007 SP1 or Vista SP1. They're certainly going backwards.
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If not, MS have http download links (no user/pass required) for Vista (I'm not sure how legal it is to post those so I won't be doing that)
If it isn't protected and is on Microsoft's server, what's the problem? If they don't want it public then they need to put it on part of their network that isn't on the internet.
Vista SP1 RTM ....Formal Release on Monday Feb 4 .... Slipstream ?
in vLite
They're going backwards... or just dumb, one of those.