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About jander44

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    XP Pro x86

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  1. kenlau, When you say "absolute directory path" does that mean no variables can be used? Any suggestions on how to run this from CD, or a temp file/SFX?
  2. elajua, There is a standalone Recode download here if that helps you out. I think it's a older version but maybe worth a look.
  3. The 'marsinst.exe /admin' function mainly for icon customization
  4. Very nice looking program Marsianin. Two thing I would like to see: 1. Conditional Formating Example: Two programs are included WMP11.exe and WMP11Plugins.exe Windows WMP11Plugins.exe is Enabled=0 by default. If WMP11.exe is checked for installation then WMP11Plugins.exe is Enabled=1 and available to check for installation also. 2. The 'marsinst.exe /admin' functional implemented
  5. Sorry about the link the post is located at: http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?...9&start=150
  6. Or just integrate this registry fix: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.ico] @="icofile" "PerceivedType"="image" "Content Type"="image/x-icon"
  7. If you integrated IE7 with NR_IE7en_Addon_1.0.3a.7z then the registry fix is in this link: [Release] Internet Explorer 7 English w/Updates (v1.0.3a)
  8. Is there a switch to bypass the bootscreen as with XPize? Are there any other switches besides "/S" that are supported? -Thanks in advance
  9. How To Repack an Application with AdminStudio
  10. Just wanted to give a thanks for all your hard work on these installers. I'm sure the majority feels the same. Keep up the good work.
  11. Thanks Dobby that's what I was looking for.
  12. Thanks Camarade, Unfortunately your post didn't help me at all one bit. What .exe file, when where? What I'm saying is can someone post a step by step follow through on how they integrated this pack unattended in to there UACD? I have searched this post up and down and I'm still perplexed. -Thanks
  13. Some questions, 1. In order to make an unattended install of this pack what are the steps I need to take. minimum files I need, use runonce, etc. 2. Do I need to install MPC a head of time or is that bundled into WM10Lite. -Thanks in advance
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