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Paul 365

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Posts posted by Paul 365

  1. I first tried changing the name by adding extra letters to the end of "AdvSetup" but that didnt work so i changed the whole string.

    The first file i use is like this

    ; Version 2.0
    ; Copyright  : © 2000,2001,2002,2003
    ; by Brook Humphrey (bah@webmedic.net)
    ; for Mobile PC Medic OEM systems

    signature = "$CHICAGO$"
    Compatible = 1
    AdvancedINF = 2.5,"You need a newer version of AdvPack.DLL!"
    LayoutFile = layout.inf, layout1.inf, layout2.inf

    AddReg  = AdvSetup

    HKLM,%RunOnce%setup," Install XP by Brook Humphrey",0,""
    HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"   © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003",0,""
    HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"      www.webmedic.net",0,""
    HKLM,%RunOnce%setup," ",0,""
    HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Importing Regestry Entries..",0,"REGEDIT /S \install\\import.reg"
    HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Applying Icon Layout Script",0,  "wscript \install\\iconlayout.vbs"
    HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Running Command file",0,  "\install\\doit.cmd"
    HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Turning on the Quick Launch ToolBar",0,  "wscript \install\\qlaunch.vbs"

    Runonce     = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Runonce\"

    And the second is -

    ; Version 2.0
    ; Copyright  : © 2000,2001,2002,2003
    ; by Brook Humphrey (bah@webmedic.net)
    ; for Mobile PC Medic OEM systems
    ; Used without permision

    signature = "$CHICAGO$"
    Compatible = 1
    AdvancedINF = 2.5,"You need a newer version of AdvPack.DLL!"
    LayoutFile = layout.inf, layout1.inf, layout2.inf

    AddReg  = XPES-1

    HKLM,%RunOnce%setup," Install XP by Brook Humphrey",0,""
    HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"   © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003",0,""
    HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"      www.webmedic.net",0,""
    HKLM,%RunOnce%setup," ",0,""

    HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Advanced Networking Pack",0, "%systemdrive%\\install\\system\\Recomended\\KB817778.exe -q -n -z"

    ;HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Final Setup",                      0,  "%systemdrive%\\install\\system\\setup.cmd"

    HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Installing Shell Toy",0,""

    systemdrive = "c:"
    Product     = "Shell Toy XP"
    DiskName    = "Shell Toy XP, Setup Disk #1"
    Uninstall   = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\"
    Runonce     = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Runonce\"
    Setup       = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup"
    EXPLO       = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer"
    KEY_RUNONCE = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce"
    KEY_INSTALLEDCOMPS="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components"

    I know the format isnt correct in the first inf file but i did that before i read your post on it and havent fixed it yet.

  2. Aaron move the prep folder to your root folder - it dosnt like spaces in names

    Here is the latest do command i know of. please read the last few pages of the thread to learn what to do with the mdac fix

    @echo off
    :: setlocal enableextensions
    echo. > log.txt

    :: check if hotfix file exists
    if not exist 1\*.exe echo No hotfixes present. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    if not exist 1\*.exe echo Please add your hotfixes. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    if not exist 1\*.exe goto _end

    :: create folders Needed for setup
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo Creating directories and set up. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo __________________________________________________________________________ 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    SET PrepDir=
    if "%1" == "/prep" set PrepDir=%2
    IF DEFINED PrepDir goto :Make_Dir
    echo using for to find dir
    FOR /F "delims=" %%i IN ('cd') DO SET PrepDir=%%i

    echo PrepDir = %PrepDir% 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    if not exist 4 md 4 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    if not exist 5 md 5 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    if not exist 5\svcpack md 5\SVCPACK 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    if not exist tmp md tmp 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt

    :: delete any files in extract and final folder
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo Deleteing stale files. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo __________________________________________________________________________ 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    if exist 4\* del /s /q 4\* 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    if exist 5\* del /s /q 5\* 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt

    :: extract hotfix to extract folder
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo Adding hotfixes from hotfix1 folder 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo __________________________________________________________________________ 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt

    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 1\*.exe`) do COPY /Y "1\%%~ni.EXE" "tmp\????????.EXE" >> log.txt
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 1\*.exe`) do del /f /q 1\%%~ni.EXE >> log.txt
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b tmp\*.exe`) do Move /Y tmp\%%~ni.exe 1 >> log.txt
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 1\*.exe`) do 1\%%~ni.exe /q /x:4 >> log.txt

    :: extract hotfix to extract folder thisis for newer style hot fixes
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo Adding hotfixes from hotfix2 folder 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo __________________________________________________________________________ 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt

    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 2\*.exe`) do COPY /Y "2\%%~ni.EXE" "tmp\????????.EXE" >> log.txt
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 2\*.exe`) do del /f /q 2\%%~ni.EXE >> log.txt
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b tmp\*.exe`) do MD tmp\%%~ni >> log.txt
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b tmp\*.exe`) do tmp\%%~ni.exe /Q /T:%PrepDir%\tmp\%%~ni /C >> log.txt
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b tmp\*.exe`) do xcopy /d /h /y tmp\%%~ni\*.* 4 >> log.txt
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b tmp\*.exe`) do bin\rm.exe /fvn tmp\%%~ni >> log.txt
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b tmp\*.exe`) do Move /Y tmp\%%~ni.exe 2 >> log.txt

    attrib -R -A -S -H tmp\* /S
    :: extract hotfix to extract folder thisis for newer style hot fixes
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo Adding hotfixes from hotfix3 folder 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo __________________________________________________________________________ 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt

    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 3\*.exe`) do COPY /Y "3\%%~ni.EXE" "tmp\????????.EXE" >> log.txt
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 3\*.exe`) do del /f /q 3\%%~ni.EXE >> log.txt
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 3\*.cmd`) do del /f /q 3\%%~ni.cmd >> log.txt
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b tmp\*.exe`) do MD tmp\%%~ni >> log.txt
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b tmp\*.exe`) do tmp\%%~ni.exe /Q /T:%PrepDir%\tmp\%%~ni /C >> log.txt
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b tmp\*.exe`) do xcopy /d /h /y tmp\%%~ni\*.* 4 >> log.txt
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b tmp\*.exe`) do del /f /q tmp\%%~ni\*.* >> log.txt
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b tmp\*.exe`) do bin\rm.exe /fvn tmp\%%~ni >> log.txt
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b tmp\*.exe`) do Move /Y tmp\%%~ni.exe 3 >> log.txt

    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo Adding cmd files to hotfix3 folder 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo __________________________________________________________________________ 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt

    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 3\*.exe`) do echo CLS 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt 3\%%~ni.cmd
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 3\*.exe`) do echo @echo off 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt /+ 3\%%~ni.cmd
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 3\*.exe`) do echo start /wait %systemdrive%\install\system\hotfixes3\%%~ni.exe /T:%systemdrive%\install\tmp /C:"%systemdrive%\install\tmp\dahotfix.exe /q /n" /Q 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt /+ 3\%%~ni.cmd
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 3\*.exe`) do echo EXIT 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt /+ 3\%%~ni.cmd

    :: check extraction took place
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo Checking for extracted files 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo __________________________________________________________________________ 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    if not exist 4\* goto _end

    :: move hotfix to svcpack folder
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo Moving hotfixes to svcpack folder. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo __________________________________________________________________________ 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    copy /y 1\*.exe 5\svcpack >> log.txt
    copy /y 2\*.exe 5\svcpack >> log.txt
    copy /y 3\*.cmd 5\svcpack >> log.txt
    copy /y 3\*.exe 5\svcpack >> log.txt

    :: delete unwanted files from extract folder
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo delete unwanted files from extract folder. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo __________________________________________________________________________ 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    for /f %%i in (files\hotkill.ini) do del /f /q /s 4\%%i 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    for /f %%i in (files\hotkill.ini) do del /f /q /s 4\sp2\%%i 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt

    :: move cat files to svcpack folder
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo move cat files to svcpack folder. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo __________________________________________________________________________ 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    for %%i in (4\*.cat 4\update\*.cat 4\sp2\update\*.cat) do move /y %%i 5\svcpack 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt

    ::NEW BIT::
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo Updating sp1.cab. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo __________________________________________________________________________ 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    xcopy /d /h /u /y 4\*.* files\sp1 >> log.txt
    xcopy /d /h /u /y 4\sp2\*.* files\sp1 >> log.txt
    bin\cabarc.exe N 5\sp1.cab files\sp1\*.* >> log.txt

    :: compress files and copy to output folder
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo compress files and copy to output folder. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo __________________________________________________________________________ 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    if exist files\winntbbu.dll xcopy /y files\winntbbu.dll 4 >> log.txt
    bin\compress.exe -d -r -zx21 4\* 5 >> log.txt
    bin\compress.exe -d -r -zx21 4\sp2\* 5 >> log.txt

    :: create svcpack.inf file
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo create svcpack.inf file. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo __________________________________________________________________________ 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo [Version] 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt 5\svcpack.inf
    echo Signature="$Windows NT$" 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt /+ 5\svcpack.inf
    echo MajorVersion=5 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt /+ 5\svcpack.inf
    echo MinorVersion=1 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt /+ 5\svcpack.inf
    echo BuildNumber=2600 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt /+ 5\svcpack.inf
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt /+ 5\svcpack.inf
    echo [SetupData] 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt /+ 5\svcpack.inf
    echo CatalogSubDir="\i386\svcpack" 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt /+ 5\svcpack.inf
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt /+ 5\svcpack.inf
    echo [SetupHotfixesToRun] 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt /+ 5\svcpack.inf

    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 1\*.exe`) do echo %%~ni.exe /n /q /u /z 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt /+ 5\svcpack.inf
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 2\*.exe`) do echo %%~ni.exe /Q:A /R:N 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt /+ 5\svcpack.inf
    ::for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 3\*.exe`) do echo %%~ni.exe /T:C:\\install\tmp /C:"c:\\install\tmp\dahotfix.exe /q /n" /Q >> 5\svcpack.inf
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 3\*.cmd`) do echo %%~ni.cmd 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt /+ 5\svcpack.inf
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt /+ 5\svcpack.inf
    echo [ProductCatalogsToInstall] 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt /+ 5\svcpack.inf
    for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 5\svcpack\*.cat`) do echo %%~ni.cat 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt /+ 5\svcpack.inf

    :: compress svcpack.inf
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo compress svcpack.inf file. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo __________________________________________________________________________ 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    bin\compress.exe -d -r -zx21 5\svcpack.inf >> log.txt
    :: comment out the next line if you want to examing svcpack.inf afterwards.
    :: del /q 5\svcpack.inf

    :: copy winnt.sif to output folder
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo copy extra files. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo __________________________________________________________________________ 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    echo. 2>&1 | bin\mtee/+ log.txt
    if exist files\winnt.sif xcopy /y files\winnt.sif 5 >> log.txt

    :: copy dosnet.inf to output folder
    if exist files\dosnet.inf xcopy /y files\dosnet.inf 5 >> log.txt

    :: copy TXTSETUP.SIF to output folder
    if exist files\TXTSETUP.SIF xcopy /y files\TXTSETUP.SIF 5 >> log.txt
    if exist files\sys\*.sys xcopy /y files\sys\*.sys 5 >> log.txt

    :: clean up
    :: if exist 1\* del /s /q 1\*
    :: if exist 2\* del /s /q 2\*
    :: if exist 3\* del /s /q 3\*
    :: attrib -R -A -S -H tmp\* /S
    :: rd /s /q tmp

    goto _end


  3. Oh dear.

    Hands Aaron the icepack.

    I'll have a revised procedure for the rollup install to you in a little bit

    in the meantime, do not slipstream the files to i386 until I get that to you as they will blow the install out under uncontrolled conditions

    (some of the files mismatch out of the driver and sp1 cabs (known problem)

    Can you clarify this a little?

    Are you talking about the rollup fix or something else you and aaron are working on or are you refering to webmedics methods of installing the service packs that are available at this moment in time?

    I would hate to think we have been wasting our time doing it or even worse webmedics method dosnt get included in the write up because of a mix up.


  4. As i said above there is a way to change icons that are contained in shell32.dll without editing or touching shell32.dll.

    Use regedit and find this key

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Icons\

    In the section you will find a bunch of numbers that refer to the icons in shell32.dll

    If you edit the number that represents the icon you wish to change and point it to a new icon then it will change it but there is a catch.

    You need to flush out the icon cache and i havent found a way to do this without using the option in tweakui to "Rebuild Icons"

    There is a catch to doing that and that it will loose all your desktop and icon positions.

    As i said before all i wanted was a blue desktop folder instead of a yellow one - so i havent played with any of the other numbers except #3

  5. Thats a quite a hard and daring look on things.

    lets take the blaster problem as an example -

    it didnt get me because i update when ms tells me to. I took great plesure in laughing at my friends who turned off autoupdates crying about ms and there invasion of privacy.

    But to use a vehicle as an analgy like you did -

    If ford sold a car with an airbag that worked perfectly 99.9% of the time (just like the dcom code does) but failed to deploy if an oncoming car hit it at 37.6% going at 38.5 MPH (ie the malformed malicious code) would they recall it and fix it for free.

    Appoligies for names and spelling but you get the jist of what i am saying.

    Should i also have to buy an extra seat harness incase the one built into my car fails or should i trust the one my cars manufacturer supplied?


  6. @yazoo all the settings in your theme use %WinDir%somethin.whatever, I think it is missing the first \ after %windir% - like


    Edit - Ive just looked at mine and its like yours so forget that.

    Edit again - I have looked at others and they are done correctly, its about 50% each way so i don't think it would hurt to add the offending \ in place but im not sure it will fix your problem.

    @ AaronXP - Sorry dude i told you i was missing the point. I still think its the cab thats signed and not the file but time wil tell

  7. Custom icons for what?

    If you are refering to the "my computer, network, documents and recycle bin" the you could use a theme and put the hacked uxtheme.dl_ file on your disk. then use the below command in winnt.sif

       CustomDefaultThemeFile = "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows\Resources\Themes\yourtheme.theme"
       DefaultStartPanelOff = No
       DefaultThemesOff = No

    if you are after changing icons like the default yellow folder or other icons that are contained in various .dll files then you would need to edit those files with a resource editor and then use the hacked sfc .dll to turn off wfp and replace those files and then turn wfp back on.

    I have found a way of changing the default folder icon via the registry but it requires you to flush the icon cache and i havent found a way to do that yet without the help of tweakui or a simaler program.

    I guess its possible to apply the above fix to other icons but i didnt look as i was only interested in a blue folder :)

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