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Everything posted by hakeem5454

  1. so what is the silent switch for bit tornado? i need the code for it like this: [_Net] REM NOTES: [url="http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=262d25e3-f589-4842-8157-034d1e7cf3a3&displaylang=en"]http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...&displaylang=en[/url] REM NOTES: Extracted REG ADD %KEY%\iAdd /VE /D ".NET Framework v1.1" /f REG ADD %KEY%\iAdd /V Inum /D "CMD /C Start /Wait %SystemDrive%\Install\_Net\netfx.msi /qb" /f i dont know what that is called but i need a thing for bit tornado like that^^ thanks
  2. where do i get it? i tried the MaxXpsoft site and it says u have to become a member and i did but i still cant find it can anyone tell me where to get it or send it to me?
  3. ok i understood that but can u please answer my questions and ill be good to go! what is the program file path? and where do i put the actuall software? $oem$/$1/Install/applications/software folder/software files? and once i create a runoncex.cmd file and add my software to the cd am i done adding software.. will it work when i put the cd in?
  4. ya but i need to know what a program path is and what i put in the program file field and everything else i said before i dont know alot about this and the guide on MSFN is too confusing for me
  5. but that question was for the Runonceex.cm creator? i just do not know what some things in that are?
  6. what is program path? what do i put in the program file path when i go to add a program and once im done doing all this where do i actually put the real software files? when im done all of that am i done...will xp install my software for me?
  7. what is program path? what do i put in the program file path when i go to add a program and once im done doing all this where do i actually put the real software files? when im done all of that am i done...will xp install my software for me?
  8. i dont understand the guides on http://unattended.msfn.org/ i dont understand any of it....ive been trying for 2 weeks... would anyone like to help me through this? all i want to do is make windows xp install: Nero Norton internet security bit tornado limewire adobe DVD decrypter Dvd shrink win avi k-lite codec pack win rar msn 7.0
  9. so how much more ram do i need to buy?
  10. but i have 246 shouldnt that be enough? and i started it once and it worked, but only once the other times it gave me the memory error
  11. would anyone like to make me a RunOnceEx.cmd with the apps i want on it? or w/e i need to install applications on my XP CD because i don't get this, its extremly confusing and i need a boot cd soon to reboot my computer
  12. i want to use a virtual machine but everytime i make a VM and start it, it says that i dont have enough memory? what should i do
  13. where do i find the CMDLINES.txt file? and once i open the .nsi file in the silent.rar what do i do with it? and once i get all this done do u make a folder for the software in the apps folder? eg) C:\XPCD\$OEM$\$1\Install\Applications\Nero then in the nero folder i put all the files for installing it? and when i open runonce.cmd it closes right away:S
  14. can anyone tell me an easy way on how to put applications onto the unattended windows xp cd because the guide on the site is too confusing
  15. OemPnPDriversPath="Drivers\000_intel_INF;Drivers\001_gigabit_LAN;Drivers\002_monitor" the guide said i have to put this under the [unattended] part in the WINNT.SIF file thats located I386 folder.. but that line up there isnt in the Winnt.sif file.. do i have to make it? and i dont even have a gigabit lan? do and a intel inf do i still have to add this line im soo confused and my other question: in the drivers folder? it says i have to make a folder called 000_chipset etc.. then it shows a pic that says 000_Intel_inf i am confused? what folders would i need to make in the drivers folder if i had these drivers: Realtek AC79 Audio Intel extreme graphics chipset driver canon mp360 printer Realtek RTL8139/810X Family Fast Ethernet NIC Driver microsoft cleartype tuner(powertoy)?
  16. oh and does the SONY VAIO PCV-RS100 have a chipset driver?
  17. in the drivers folder? it says i have to make a folder called 000_chipset etc.. then it shows a pic that says 000_Intel_inf i am confused? what folders would i need to make in the drivers folder if i had these drivers: Realtek AC79 Audio Intel extreme graphics chipset driver canon mp360 printer Realtek RTL8139/810X Family Fast Ethernet NIC Driver microsoft cleartype tuner(powertoy)?
  18. OemPnPDriversPath="Drivers\000_intel_INF;Drivers\001_gigabit_LAN;Drivers\002_monitor" the guide said i have to put this under the [unattended] part in the WINNT.SIF file thats located I386 folder.. but that line up there isnt in the Winnt.sif file.. do i have to make it?
  19. is that all i need to do in order to add software(like 0ffice 2003) and drivers?
  20. can someone give me simple instructions on making the OEM folder and where it goes and what subfolders go inside it, this part is very confusing
  21. im trying to make an unattended windows xp cd and i want to add my software into it but the guied says i need an $oem$ folder in the xp boot cdwhich i dont have?
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