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Everything posted by soporific

  1. latest news: i was going thru my final tests of the file i was going to upload as v1.95 ... and discovered a few things ... * one of them is that to regularly access Windows Update, i have to use the WU_fix i made, and also make use of both options ... i'd prefer to fix it and make it STAY fixed ... we need to do more work it seems, thanks a bunch microsoft... * the good news is i've finally cracked the false Windows Updates problem ... the answer was inside the hotfixes all along ... i've still yet to tame the cumulative updates but that's 5 red herrings solved, just 2 to go ... so the release will be delayed for a bit ...
  2. I will end up replying to everyone's post ... 1) can people post what happens when you type FREEMEM at the command line. (like RainyShadow did) -- To do this without a screenshot: type FREEMEM > [your file] (eg FREEMEM > c:\tmp.txt) and just post the text file .... this will tell me the various variables i use in 2 of my DOS programs. Thanks for everyone's posts on this ...
  3. v0.54 - 13th March, 2007 - added localization support - changed RAM value code - no more adding 1 to get the correct value - should be right now.
  4. thanks for that ... can you check this? :ITALIAN SET Tex01=Benvenuto alla versione v1.01 del Windows Update fix by Soporific SET Tex02=Aggiornera' il computer in modo che Windows Update funzioni di nuovo SET Tex03=Nota: SET Tex03a=e' stato provato su un sistema Win98se SET Tex04=ma non c'e' motivo per cui non funzioni SET Tex04a=per la famiglia Win9x/Me SET Tex05=Per quanto riguarda il funzionamento SET Tex05a=per altre lingue oltre l'inglese SET Tex06=e' stato testato su edizione italiana e olandese SET Tex07=Premi qualunque tasto per continuare o CTRL-C per terminare SET Tex08=Sto controllando se la cartella Program Files e' al suo posto SET Tex09=cartella trovata SET Tex10=Ci sono due correzioni inclusi con questo pack SET Tex11=la prima funziona per la maggior parte dei casi SET Tex12=la seconda va usata se la prima non funziona SET Tex13=Internet Explorer andra' automaticamente su Windows Update SET Tex14=dopo l'installazione della correzione SET Tex15=Cosa vuoi fare SET Tex16=Premi: 1 per installare la correzione normale (usa prima questa) SET Tex17=per installare la correzione alternativa (se la prima non va) SET Tex18=per visitare l'homepage dell'utility SET Tex19=per visitare Windows Update SET Tex20=per uscire SET Tex21=Sto aprendo Windows Update SET Tex22=Sto aprendo l'homepage SET Tex23=Sto installando i file di Windows Update SET Tex24=Mi sto occupando delle DLL SET Tex25=Sto aggiornando la cartella WindowsUpdate SET Tex26=Sto copiando iuident.cab e iuident.txt SET Tex27=Eseguendo i nuovi certificati SET Tex28=Fatto SET Tex29=Vado in Windows Update per vedere se e' a posto...controlla SET Tex30=Sembra non funzionare per te, cosi' come non sembra SET Tex31=che tu abbia la directory 'Program Files' SET Tex32=Puoi inserire la variabile giusta adesso se preferisci SET Tex32a=o non inserire nulla per USCIRE SET Tex33=Scrivi il nome della directory (senza virgolette) ovvero SET Tex34=l'equivalente di 'Program Files' (di solito 'Programmi') SET Tex34a=sul tuo computer SET Tex35=Nuovo nome directory SET Tex36=non sembra essere corretto. Riprova SET Tex37=sembra quello corretto. Sto continuando SET Tex38=Reboot now
  5. It's about time i made my DOS programs 4DOS compatible. Is there some information i can see that will see where i can work around incompatibilities? Can you send me anything? you can get my email via my profile... Ah ha!! i'm busted ... here's the relevant bit of code... :GET_RAM :: this function tries to calculate how much RAM you have installed :: returns with %NEXT1% :: first see if there is a manual RAM size file IF EXIST "%LOCATE%\files\your_RAM.txt" goto MAN_RAM SET MyFile=C:\@@_tmp.txt "%LOCATE%\bin\FREEMEM" | Find /i "%memmsg% " > "%MyFile%" "%LOCATE%\bin\NSET" /P40 TempVar=$0 < "%MyFile%" "%LOCATE%\bin\ASET" TempVar := SUBALL('K','','%TempVar%') "%LOCATE%\bin\ASET" TempVar := SUBALL(',','','%TempVar%') "%LOCATE%\bin\ASET" MyRAM := %TempVar%/1024 "%LOCATE%\bin\ASET" MyRAM := ROUND(%MyRAM%) :: we have to add 1 to the number, why i don't know. "%LOCATE%\bin\ASET" MyRAM := %MyRAM%+1 "%LOCATE%\bin\ASET" MinVal := %MyRAM%*128 "%LOCATE%\bin\ASET" MaxVal := %MyRAM%*256 :: goto CHUNK_1 Where am i going wrong? why can't i use the value from FREEMEM normally? I would love to be able to get the right answer without having to add 1... is it rounding down weirdly or something? EDIT:: no, i think i can see the problem ... i'm using the wrong value ... back soon
  6. i have already started to use my own method in AutoSYSTEMini but before i start using it i thought it best to see if there is a more obvious and/or proper way to do this. So, is there a registry key i can check or a file or something? This is because it looks like i'll be adding French and Italian locals to lots of my projects from now on... Thanks in advance!
  7. I'm on it. Localizations are fun !! I've also improved the fixes a little, fix 2 sometimes needs to reboot to work properly. EDIT2: to avoid having to type in your local equivalent of 'Program Files' if you tell me what it is, i'll include it in the code. and here's the full set of text strings if anyone wants to do their language ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: LANGUAGE strings go here :: Where the strings are grouped together (a blank line separates groups) :: try and make your version equal in character length, :: so you don't have to translate each line perfectly as it is. :ENGLISH SET Tex01=Welcome to v%version% of the Windows Update fix by Soporific SET Tex02=This will update your computer so that Windows Update works again SET Tex03=Please Note SET Tex03a=This has only been tested on a Win98se machine SET Tex04=but i can't see why it won't work SET Tex04a=for the entire Win9x/Me family SET Tex05=Even those using localisations SET Tex05a=in a language other than English can use this SET Tex06=It has been confirmed to work on at least 3 other editions SET Tex07=Press any key to continue or CTRL-C to finish SET Tex08=Now checking if the Program Files folder is in the normal place SET Tex09=the folder was found. SET Tex10=There are two fixes included with this pack SET Tex11=the first one should work for most people. SET Tex12=the second one should only be used if the first doesn't work SET Tex13=Internet Explorer will automatically go to SET Tex14=Windows Update after the fix has been installed SET Tex15=So, what do you want to do SET Tex16=Press: 1 to install the normal fix (use this one first) SET Tex17=to install the alternate fix and reboot the computer SET Tex18=to visit this utility's homepage SET Tex19=to visit Windows Update SET Tex20=to quit SET Tex21=Opening Windows Update SET Tex22=Opening the home page SET Tex23=Installing Windows Update files SET Tex24=Now doing the DLLs SET Tex25=Now refreshing the WindowsUpdate folder SET Tex26=Now copying over iuident.cab and iuident.txt SET Tex27=Now doing the new root certificates SET Tex28=All done SET Tex29=Now going to Windows Update to see if it's fixed... I hope so! See ya SET Tex30=It doesn't look like this is going to work for you, as you don't seem SET Tex31=to have the 'Program Files' directory in the normal place SET Tex32=You can enter that variable in now if you'd like SET Tex32a=or enter nothing to EXIT SET Tex33=Just type the name of the directory (don't put in quotes) SET Tex34=that is the equivalent of 'Program Files' SET Tex34a=for your computer SET Tex35=New directory name SET Tex36=doesn't seem to be correct. Please try again SET Tex37=looks like its correct. Yay! Now continuing SET Tex38=Reboot now EDIT3: i added a prompt for reboot, so i'll need another string: SET TXT_ST38=Reboot now? EDIT4: Max_04 i sent you a PM re: more translations, it doesn't matter now. EDIT5: i redid the strings again, please see the new version
  8. I was playing around with this in Windows 98se and was trying to find a good use for it, when i magically improved the font for all the shortcuts on the desktop. It looks really good, so its now a candidate for inclusion in AutoPatcher as on optional addon (if its OK with you). So, the thing that isn't so good that will help me make a decision is the question of the clock. Until i choose to 'Do not customise clock' all i get is a black blob where the clock should be. Is this normal behaviour on a Win98se machine? The utility is looking good so far ... black blob clock aside that is ...
  9. Change log: v0.52 - 10th March, 2007 - added program installer and icon v0.51 - 10th March, 2007 - added FREEMEM.exe - much better tool for finding the RAM size - added support for French localised editions of Windows. Thanks to glock_94 and MDGx for the FREEMEM tip. Its now used to find the RAM.
  10. Yeah, i guess this is a result of updating ... i have no idea what Microsoft is doing with their latest stuff, they've added some detection routines when starting up Windows to see what you've got before loading the desktop, i dunno. But i would expect a different feel to how the computer boots up. For example, one of the most common tools i use is "Install Watch" which tells me exactly what got installed so i can see how to code for it. When i run it on a newly re-installed Win98se OS, the snapshot hardly takes anytime at all to create --- there's hardly any files on your machine, and not many registry entries to sort through. If i do the same after a full auto-patch, it takes 5 to 10 times longer to create the snapshot, especially if you also have .Netframework installed. If you had to choose between a machine that booted faster, or one that had everything you needed for computing in 2007, which would you choose?
  11. Change log: v1.01 -- added 2 menu options: Windows Update, this web page -- after either fix has been applied, Internet Explorer automatically goes to Windows Update -- nothing crucial was added, so those with v1.00 don't really need to upgrade.
  12. The easiest way to achieve this is to automate a ghost image restore. There's no 'easy' way for me to do what you ask unless major work is involved, but it wouldn't be the best option anyway. From what I understand, you want to go back to 'pristine' each time if you want, Ghosting is the way to go --- obviously this doesn't give u the option of gradually accepting updates, but even that can be overcome by gradually building up a stable series of images, each one with additions to the program list, etc. Unfortunately for you, AutoPatcher isn't also mascarading as AutoGhostImager !! ... but it was a nice idea though! Anyway, v1.95 will make you happy enough i think. I just finished the essential code for the debug function and i'll be switiching it on more often than not, its very useful now (i hated it before and never used it unless it was a drastic need)... actually, why don't i give you guys a little sample ... i'm right in the middle of tweaking the text, so its not the finished product, but you'll get the idea... ----------------- Debug log for Auto-Patcher v1.95 Preview Release 2 Saturday, 10 March 2007, 05:04:30 ----------------- --- variables --- COMSPEC=C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND.COM LOCATE=C:\AUTOPACH windrive=C: windodir=WINDOWS Program modes: Force re-installation mode is OFF Undo tweaks mode is OFF Make report mode is OFF Now running code inside C:\AUTOPACH\CODE\RUN-MOD.BAT variables: LOCATE is C:\AUTOPACH 1st switch is Fullup 2nd switch is C: 3rd switch is WINDOWS 4th switch is "C:\AUTOPACH" 5th switch is 6th switch is 7th switch is Now running code inside "C:\AUTOPACH\code\modules\Fullup.bat" -- variables -- TRACK=Inst07 NEXT1=Inst08 FILES=DirectX **** Now starting to run code in the DirectX 9 module Now running code inside "C:\AUTOPACH\code\MainCode.bat" --- variables --- TRACK="DirectX9" TITLE="DirectX 9.0c (December 2006)" PARTH="Files\DirectX" FILES="DXSETUP.bat" FILE2="" CHECK="C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\d3dx9_32.dll" CHEC2="9.16.843.0" CHEC3="" CHEC4="" USECH="FILC" USEDP="none" GONUM="1EXE" ABOOT="G" ARGUS=""C:\AUTOPACH\files\DirectX"" SKIP!="" --- label checkpoints --- DIALOG1 -- start to process the update DIALOG2 -- the update has no confirmation marker set yet DIALOG3 -- the update looks like it needs to be installed DIALOG4 -- the update has been cleared to be installed OKayEnd -- the update has finished installing ExitMe -- finished processing the update REGBOOT -- the computer is set to reboot and restart the current module Now running code inside "C:\AUTOPACH\code\Run-Mod.bat" variables: LOCATE is C:\AUTOPACH 1st switch is fullup 2nd switch is C: 3rd switch is WINDOWS 4th switch is "C:\AUTOPACH" 5th switch is 6th switch is 7th switch is Now running code inside "C:\AUTOPACH\code\modules\fullup.bat" -- variables -- TRACK=Inst07 NEXT1=Inst08 FILES=DirectX **** Now starting to run code in the DirectX 9 module Now running code inside "C:\AUTOPACH\code\MainCode.bat" --- variables --- TRACK="DirectX9" TITLE="DirectX 9.0c (December 2006)" PARTH="Files\DirectX" FILES="DXSETUP.bat" FILE2="" CHECK="C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\d3dx9_32.dll" CHEC2="9.16.843.0" CHEC3="" CHEC4="" USECH="FILC" USEDP="none" GONUM="1EXE" ABOOT="G" ARGUS=""C:\AUTOPACH\files\DirectX"" SKIP!="" --- label checkpoints --- DIALOG1 -- start to process the update DIALOG2 -- the update has no confirmation marker set yet GoFouee -- the Update was found ExitMe -- finished processing the update Now running code inside "C:\AUTOPACH\code\MainCode.bat" --- variables --- TRACK="kb904706" TITLE="Hotfix for Vulnerability in DirectShow" PARTH="Files\Hotfixes" FILES="kb904706.exe" FILE2="" CHECK="C:\WINDOWS\system\quartz.dll" CHEC2="" CHEC3="" CHEC4="" USECH="FILC" USEDP="DX90c" GONUM="1EXE" ABOOT="G" ARGUS="/Q:A /R:N" SKIP!="" --- label checkpoints --- DIALOG1 -- start to process the update DIALOG2 -- the update has no confirmation marker set yet DIALOG3 -- the update looks like it needs to be installed DIALOG4 -- the update has been cleared to be installed OKayEnd -- the update has finished installing ExitMe -- finished processing the update HF_END -- the DirectX 9 module has completed NoBoot -- the computer doesn't need to reboot, so start the next module Now running code inside C:\AUTOPACH\CODE\RUN-MOD.BAT variables: LOCATE is C:\AUTOPACH 1st switch is fullup 2nd switch is C: 3rd switch is WINDOWS 4th switch is "C:\AUTOPACH" 5th switch is 6th switch is 7th switch is ++ The modules have all finished ++ now dumping the contents of the marker folder into this debug file StartTim.TRA @_Inst01.tra @_Inst02.tra @_Inst03.tra @_Inst04.tra @_Inst05.tra @_Inst06.tra @_NumIns.TRA @_Inst08.tra @_Inst09.tra @_Inst10.tra @_Inst11.tra @_Inst12.tra @_Inst13.tra @_Inst14.tra @_Inst15.tra @_Inst16.tra @_OP0201.skp @_OP0202.skp @_OP0203.skp @_OP0204.skp @_OP0205.skp @_OP0601.skp @_OP0602.skp @_OP0603.skp @_OP0604.skp @_OP0901.skp @_OP0902.skp @_OP0903.skp @_OP0904.skp @_OP0905.skp @_OP1401.skp @_OP1402.skp @_OP1403.skp @_OP1404.skp @_OP1405.skp @_OP1406.skp @_OP1407.skp @_OP1408.skp @_OP1409.skp @_OP1501.skp @_OP1502.skp @_OP1503.skp @_OP1504.skp @_OP1505.skp @_OP1506.skp @_OP1507.skp @_OP1601.skp @_NumIns.REP go_debug.txt DirectX9.txt mybat.reg DirectX9.fou kb904706.txt @_GoBoot.tra @_Inst07.tra That's it! No more debug info for you, my friend... see ya later! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ps yes, the time is right, it is 5:04am and i'm still up from the night before coding away ...
  13. Well, that is unusual, but it shouldn't be anything different --- unless you AREN'T hiding the backup primary partition from Windows (does it show up as a drive letter?) ... You aren't supposed to be able to have 2 able to be seen by Windows but i think it's actually possible. If you do, well this may stuff up the WININT.INI method that i use to install the Win98 to Me update. But it shouldn't really. But i can't be sure ... No, there shouldn't be ANY restriction in the order you install the modules and updates. Of course there are barriers i've put in place that will stop errors - eg any MSI installer packs need "Windows Installer v2" installed first ... until you install it, you get a message saying an update can't be installed because you don't have X -- but you can do them in whatever order you think you need to. In those cases, you may need to keep running Auto-Patcher (ie installing single items) until you've unlocked all the barriers. Another example is DirectX 9.0c (DX) --- if you run the report for missing updates, an update for DX won't appear until you have installed DX first. But don't forget, this project was made for the sole purpose of allowing a COMPUTER PROGRAM to do all the work for you. Why waste time? Just whack the installer on a CD, when you re-install your OS, after its done installing - whack in the CD, install AP, and set it to auto-patch your system. I also had in mind that your OS could be in ANY state prior to using AP - you might have 2 updates installed, you might have only 2 missing - it shouldn't matter. This project doesn't install anything unless the program THINKS you NEED it. NO OTHER unofficial service pack, or update pack does this. You only have to worry about what you already have installed for OTHER projects, not THIS one! YAY!! I think its a good idea to try the Win98 to ME update on its own. Tell me how you go ...
  14. The reason i dug this post out of the history was that it also refers to the problem of you finding that Directory Services is missing ... i totally agree with you that in an ideal world it would be great for the report function to give more useful information other than listing the title of an update - ie separate the updates into those that are totally missing and those that are newer versions of what you already have. Hence you are getting the report saying you are missing an update when that's not technically true. Its not missing, its just old. You see, at the moment its a binary choice - there or not - and that's very easy to code for. If someone was to suggest the entire method of how we could insert some code into what we have right now, i would be interested but its just not high up enough on the priority list to implement without it. The one thing i am doing is constantly improving the title names for the updates. eg I've changed the title for Directory Services (ie q323455) to Directory Services Client Update (NEGOTIAT.DLL 5.0.2195.4784) which does two things: it shows the user what they can search and check for to see if they have the latest update, and it shows what the code is checking for to tell if the update is needed. There a few cases where i've added this info to the title - bugger if i know which ones but i did, honest. Anyway, the code is looking for version of NEGOTIAT.DLL (5.0.2195.4784) for Directory Services and i think we've already confirmed you have an older version but i could be wrong. Please feel free to criticise the above mercilessly!!
  15. I'm a bit concerned that someone is experiencing a problem with Win98 to Me module so its at the top of the priority list for things to do before next release ... just letting you know and if you can provide as much information about the context of the error that would be great. Things like security apps protecting files inside certain folders and not allowing changes, or any customizations you have made to your OS, or what exactly happened when the error occurred (more details) ... thanks for all comments and feedback you're all helping to keep Windows 98 alive.
  16. Sorry, i missed this post ... um, I have had problems with free hosting ever since I started releasing to the public --- your best bet is to wait for v1.95 which is due out very soon, and there will be lots of download options including emule and bittorrent. Just out of interest, what unofficial update packs had you already installed before trying to run the Win98 to Me module as you described above? My guess you had at least one ... Thanks for all your comments, lots of good info. Re: running from CD: was it you that saw from my code I had already planned to have the option of using from a CD? Well, that was at the very very start before the program started to use so many marker files (check out the markers folder just before the program ends, you'll see what i mean. I know this could easily be got around --- but I was following how the guys who do the AutoPatchers for WinXP et al, and they aren't afraid to whack 350mb on your computer to store all the files, so I suppose neither am i. If there was a very good reason to make the change, i might do it, but unless there are some who live with less than 500 mb of free space, most should be fine. By the way, I have made the automatic Windows Update fix like i promised: go here to get: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=94225
  17. EDIT: it IS caused by your use of a RESERVED word ... change the name of Netstat.bat to something else and it will work. My original post text - obsolete now it really should work... does NETSTAT -an work from the command line? i couldn't replicate your problem ... try this code in a bat file: [code]@echo off echo. IF NOT EXIST "C:\My Documents\nul" echo "C:\My Documents" could not be found... IF NOT EXIST "C:\My Documents\nul" echo PAUSE IF NOT EXIST "C:\My Documents\nul" echo goto END echo. echo. Now turning off directory protection... rem|choice>NUL /c:c /n /t:c,1 ATTRIB -H -S -R "C:\My Documents" echo. echo. Now writing output file... rem|choice>NUL /c:c /n /t:c,1 netstat -an> "C:\My Documents\netstat-out.txt" rem|choice>NUL /c:c /n /t:c,1 echo. echo. Now turning directory protection back on... rem|choice>NUL /c:c /n /t:c,1 ATTRIB +S "C:\My Documents" echo. echo. Now checking that the file exists... rem|choice>NUL /c:c /n /t:c,1 IF NOT EXIST "C:\My Documents\netstat-out.txt" goto NOLUCK echo. echo. File was found! Yay! echo. PAUSE goto END :NOLUCK echo. echo. File was not found... sigh. echo. PAUSE :END CLS EXIT
  18. Windows Update Fix for Win9x/Me What is the Windows Update Fix for Win9x/Me? Recently, users of Windows 98 and Windows ME discovered they couldn't access the Windows Update website properly. The most common message was: "Thank you for your interest in obtaining updates from our site. This website is designed to work with Microsoft Windows operating systems only. To find updates for Microsoft products that are designed for Macintosh operating systems, please visit http://www.microsoft.com/mac/" The Windows Update Fix for Win9x/ME will hopefully fix this problem. It re-installs the files needed for Windows Update to work, and also installs the recently released root certificate updates which seems to be the cause of the problem. While it has only been primarily tested to work using a Win98SE (English) machine, this fix should work for the entire Win9x/ME family, including localizations in other languages. Windows Update Fix for Win9x/ME has already been confirmed to work on at least 5 localised editions of Win98SE. download locations: v1.22 - zip file v1.22 - exe v1.21 - zip file v1.21 from softpedia installation notes: if you double-click the file it extracts to a temp directory, runs the program (with menu options and everything, and then deletes itself after its all done. or you can extract to a directory and run the RUNME.bat file localization text strings: :ENGLISH SET Tex01=Welcome to the Windows Update fix SET Tex01a=Version SET Tex01b=by SET Tex02=This will update your computer so that Windows Update works again SET Tex03=Please Note SET Tex03a=This has only been tested on a Win98se machine SET Tex04=but i can't see why it won't work SET Tex04a=for the entire Win9x/Me family SET Tex05=Even those using localisations in a SET Tex05a=language other than English can use this SET Tex06=It has been confirmed to work on at least 3 other editions SET Tex07=Press any key to continue or CTRL-C to finish SET Tex08= SET Tex09= SET Tex10=There are three fixes included with this pack SET Tex11=the first one should work for most people SET Tex12=the second one should only be used if the first doesn't work SET Tex12a=the third one can be used at any stage SET Tex13=Internet Explorer will automatically go to SET Tex14=Windows Update after the fix has been installed SET Tex15=So, what do you want to do SET Tex16=Press: 1 to install the normal fix (use this one first) SET Tex17=to install the alternate fix and reboot the computer SET Tex17a=to put a modified shortcut icon to WUPDMGR.EXE to your desktop SET Tex18=to visit this utility's homepage SET Tex19=to visit Windows Update SET Tex20=to quit SET Tex21=Opening Windows Update SET Tex22=Opening the home page SET Tex23=Installing Windows Update files SET Tex24=Now doing the DLLs SET Tex25=Now refreshing the WindowsUpdate folder SET Tex26=Now copying over iuident.cab and iuident.txt SET Tex27=Now doing the new root certificates SET Tex28=All done SET Tex29=Now going to Windows Update to see if it's fixed... I hope so! See ya SET Tex30=It doesn't look like this is going to work for you, as you don't seem SET Tex31=to have the 'Program Files' directory in the normal place SET Tex32=You can enter that variable in now if you'd like SET Tex32a=or enter nothing to EXIT SET Tex33=Just type the name of the directory (don't put in quotes) SET Tex34=that is the equivalent of 'Program Files' SET Tex34a=for your computer SET Tex35=New directory name SET Tex36=doesn't seem to be correct. Please try again SET Tex37=looks like its correct. Yay! Now continuing SET Tex38=Reboot now SET Tex39=You do not seem to have WUPDMGR.EXE on your system SET Tex40=so this fix will not work for you SET Tex41=Now copying icon to desktop
  19. Wow, new people and lots of feedback and info. You people are all great !! * I will try to add the Windows Update IUIDENT package to save the USER having to do it ... it will probably go into the Critical and recommended system updates module. * I repeat what worked for me with WU - clean install of Win98se, run the IE6 module from Auto-Patcher, run the newest rootsupd.exe file, go to WU. - can someone confirm that it DOESN'T work for them doing exactly the above, so we can start to get somewhere with this problem. * For those trying to get the v1.80 / v1.92 package from Softpedia --- i'm sorry you are having problems, I am nearly finished v1.95 which is going to be another preview release and so i'm going to upload it via emule, bittorrent, & ShareBigFile probably within a few days (get your feedback IN!) --- Bittorrent is probably your best bet so if you aren't familiar with bittorrent, get familiar now! * Submix8c: you will find that WU reckons you need either 6 or 7 updates that you definitely DON'T NEED - here's the bit of code that i'm putting back into the program that explains all this. EDIT: re: WU --- you do need to have all the files in the WindowsUpdate folder as described in a post above --- i am preparing a fix for you to download that will do this automatically :OpenWU CLS echo. echo. A short note about Auto-Patcher and Windows Update: echo. echo. After you fully patch your computer using this program, echo. when you visit Windows Update it will report you have echo. either 6 or 7 missing updates (see the list below). echo. echo. These are all false alarms: in all these cases, all that is missing echo. is the hotfix information that was deleted because the hotfix is now echo. superceeded by other updates released since Microsoft stopping counting. echo. echo. There is no harm whatsoever in installing these updates as nothing echo. of value is installed. You just waste a little bit of bandwidth! echo. echo. The list is: echo. 1) Security Update for Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 (kb916281) echo. 2) Security Update for Windows 98 (kb891711) echo. 3) Windows Share Level Password Update echo. 4) Q323172: Security Update (Windows 98) echo. 5) Security Update, May 19, 2000 echo. 6) Security Update, March 17, 2000 echo. echo. Press any key to open Windows Update PAUSE >nul echo. echo. Opening Windows Update... echo. START IEXPLORE.exe [url="http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com"]http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com[/url] echo. echo. When you have finished, press any key to return to the main menu... PAUSE >nul goto RETMENU
  20. I'll check out freemem, thanks for the tip. And yep, localisations aren't supported in AutoSYSTEMini as such but maybe it won't be too hard -- i'll look into other methods that don't cause these errors. EDIT:: i've had a quick look at the code --- i'm not sure why its stuffing up. The only thing i can think of is that the directory doesn't exist that the code is trying to write to. It was supposed to be already created as a folder in the package you downloaded. I do admit to not adding error-checking for the folder to make sure it was there (which i will now add) so lets at least rule that out ... i'll release 0.51 in a day or so for you to test. I'll be adding my first ever language option in any program i've ever done if we can get this right for you...
  21. I will definitely add your code suggestions now ... its the least I can do for one of the people on my honour roll ... and i hope you feel better soon -- just remember, its not you, its the stinkin system.
  22. submix8c, welcome aboard !! I just reviewed the entire problem and your suggestions and comments and have realised you are going to be good for this project ... very good. I had better get a version of 1.95 uploaded quick smart because that's a little more robust than 1.80 with 1.92 tacked on. I'm on it ... I just wish there was even ONE WORD of feedback on the layout of the navigation and the changes from v1.92 to v1.95 (the improved report function with all the time statistics and such) ---- come on guys don't keep me in suspense ... even if its just 'Its all good!' --- or 'what a mistake, please go back to the original letters' that's at least something ... i have my feedback begging cup out in front of me and there's nothing yet inside it .... )
  23. info from my experience: I've got it to work but I first tried with IE v5.0 (ie the one that comes with a fresh install) after installing the latest Rootsup ... got the Mac message. Then used my IE6 module in Auto-Patcher, re-ran the rootsupd and i was in and able to scan for "missing" updates like usual. Someone wanna confirm that IE v5.5 works? Grrrrr microsoft, enough with stuffing us around! Thank Che i only commented out my 'go to Windows Update' menu option and not deleted the entire bit of code in a flailing spasm of despairing emotion.
  24. Can you send me a screenshot of the DOS window when you type MEM /A/C at the command line? The code is trying to determine the RAM from this info and because its probably different for you (localised version?), i'll need it so i can get it to work for you... I only need it from "Memory Summary:" onwards so don't worry about pausing the screen and sending more than one shot. I should be able to find the other bug from what you already said (but if you want to send me a screenshot of that be my guest.) Thanks for the feedback.
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