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Everything posted by Gremo
Reduce Size of Your 5 in 1 Office 2003 CD by 36MB
Gremo replied to ykaramati2's topic in Application Installs
When i execute the command i get "Error: [object Error]" what could be? Can also upload the original sort2cabs.js? I can find it anymore on the original thread! thanks!! -
AutoIT Script Collection - Contributions Only
Gremo replied to FuzzBall's topic in Application Installs
TuneUp Utilities 2008 7.0.8002 My first script! change if needed (early lines of code): - $EXECUTABLE (file name) - $JOBNAME (WinDir\Tasks\jobname.job) to remove - $RCOMP, $RUSER, $RCODE (registration info) it removes unuseful stuff and autostart comments appreciated! TuneUp_Utilities_2008.au3 -
Ok, got it. However doing this i have to (manually) also create start menu entries (for AVC configuration...). this is boring! are we sure there is no way to pass user/serial to the .exe? import this registry before running setup.exe /s didn't work
I have the installer, and of course also the .ax file. I prefer to install with .exe setup, however i get "incorrect serial number" (means no serial number passed). How do i pass the serial to the exe? thanks a lot!!
Hi, anyone knows how to do a silent install? thanks!
[Nero] No more silent install? (SOLVED)
Gremo replied to Gremo's topic in Application Installs
Ok, now it works. You will need: 1) Extract the setup files with 7zip 2) Give to the folder "Data" write permission 3) Run SetupX.exe and abort installation when the first windows come up --> now your source files are updated, you can run SetupX.exe even from a CD/ISO (without write permission on "Data" folder) In fact: "Data" folder BEFORE run SetupX.exe: 627 MB (658.123.972 byte) "Data" folder AFTER run SetupX.exe (cancel installation): 680 MB (713.388.505 byte) -
[Nero] No more silent install? (SOLVED)
Gremo replied to Gremo's topic in Application Installs
I believe this line specifies your problem. Setup needs to copy some files in the same directory on first run, but access is denied in your case. Maybe you could run setup as admin and then retry? First, thank you for your help... Seems that source and destination folder are the same: that is, copy and rename to (in the same folder). The folder of course is shared without write permit, so this is the reason... I will try giving a write permission, however this means that nero setup cannot run from a CD for example... am i right? -
I have downloaded and extracted (using 7-zip) the (demo) version of Nero. However, starting (maybe) from this version, silent install doesn't work: if run SetupX.exe, i can see for a while a progress bar, and then the process ends. If i run the original installer, all works fine. Don't care the fact that extracted files are placed on my machine (named "vaio"), and installation runs from a virtual machine: the same appens if you run it locally. Hope you can help me!!! Sorry for my bad english!!! logfile: *********************************************************************** LogFile Created 18/03/2008 16.00.09 *********************************************************************** 08/03/18 16:00:09 INFO : CSetupXApp::InitInstance Start installation 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: Nero Installer version: 08/03/18 16:00:09 INFO : Locating nps.dll... 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: Nero ProductSetup version: 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: CRegKeyExImpl::QueryDWORDValue(). Query value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Nero\Installation\Settings\DONOTRUNSETUPX result: (2) Impossibile trovare il file specificato. 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: HasAdminRights(void): 1 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::InitInstance RunInstance - Before 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: GetUserDefaultLangID(): LangID = 1040 Lang = 'ITA' 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: CRegKeyExImpl::DeleteValue(). Delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\RestartNeroSetup result: (2) Impossibile trovare il file specificato. 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: Can't delete run value. Error: 2 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: Application full path: \\vaio\Software\Software\Masterizzazione e Virtualizzazione\Nero\Setup\SetupX.exe 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::CleanCommandLineForMSI MSI command line before clean: "" 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::CleanCommandLineForMSI MSI command line after clean "" 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: TryToCopyItSelf() is SWITCHED OFF! 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: RestartFromTempWasNeeded Started ... 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: GetCommonDirPath return value: C:\Programmi\File comuni 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: RestartFromTempWasNeeded. Return FALSE because app name is: SetupX.exe 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: Family = 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: STARTMODE = -1 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: USERSEL = -1 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: Updating MSI engine. Required version: 3.0.3790.2180 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: Msi DLL: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msi.dll - File exists 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: Msi EXE: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe - File exists 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: MSI DLL file version: 3.1.4000.4039 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: Required file version: 3.0.3790.2180 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: CompareVersion2: 3.1.4000.4039 ? 3.0.3790.2180 = 1 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: MSI DLL file version is OK. Not updating. 08/03/18 16:00:09 INFO : Locating nps.dll... 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: GetUserDefaultLangID(): LangID = 1040 Lang = 'ITA' 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: LoadLibrary \\vaio\Software\Software\Masterizzazione e Virtualizzazione\Nero\Setup\Setup\nps.dll - 268435456 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: NPS_DownloadWizard handler: 268600720 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: SetLogFileName: nps.log.txt 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: HasAdminRights(void): 1 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: Call DownloadWizard: Count: 1 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: DownloadWizard Started ... 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: FamilyManager::InitFamily(). could not open the registry key: Software\Nero\Installation\Families\. Error: 2 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: GetFamilyCount 0 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: ShowWebDownloadInfo return: 1 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: IsSilentUpdate return: 0 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: IsNotSilent return: 0 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: UserSelection -1 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: FamilyName 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: After user selection. 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: DoItUpdateInstallRepair BEFORE 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: DoItUpdateInstallRepair Started ... 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: GetNPSStartMode -1 GetNPSUserSel -1 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: RunFirstTimeInstallation started ... 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: GetUserDefaultLangID(): LangID = 1040 Lang = 'ITA' 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: RootDir: \\vaio\Software\Software\Masterizzazione e Virtualizzazione\Nero\Setup\ 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: FamilyName: 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: GetCommonDirPath return value: C:\Programmi\File comuni 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: SetFamilyNameAndMode: Nero 87 08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: aAllMsiFullPath count: 1 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CRegKeyExImpl::QueryDWORDValue(). Query value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\UpdateExeVolatile result: (2) Impossibile trovare il file specificato. 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CConcurrentInstallManager::IsRebootNeeded: Is not required for UpdateExeVolatile was not found 0. 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CRegKeyExImpl::EnumValue(). Open key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\RebootRequired result: (2) Impossibile trovare il file specificato. 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CConcurrentInstallManager::IsRebootNeeded: Is not required for was not found . 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CConcurrentInstallManager::IsRebootNeeded: Is not required for PendingFileRenameOperations was not found or is empty. 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: COfflineCabHandler: DefaultExtractPath = C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Impostazioni locali\Temp\nero.tmp\Data\ 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: COfflineCabHandler::DuplicateTwinCabs() started... 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: COfflineCabHandler::DuplicateTwinCabs() processing twin cabinet '\\vaio\Software\Software\Masterizzazione e Virtualizzazione\Nero\Setup\\Data\' 08/03/18 16:00:10 ERROR: COfflineCabHandler::DuplicateTwinCabs() cannot copy '\\vaio\Software\Software\Masterizzazione e Virtualizzazione\Nero\Setup\\Data\' to '\\vaio\Software\Software\Masterizzazione e Virtualizzazione\Nero\Setup\\Data\': Accesso negato. 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: COfflineCabHandler::DuplicateTwinCabs() DONE. 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: RunFirstTimeInstallation3 return 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: ShowNeroProductImprovementProgramDialog. IsToShow: 0 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: RunFirstTimeInstallation done. 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: DoItUpdateInstallRepair AFTER res: 0 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: bIsDoItUpdateInstallRepairOK 0 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: DownloadWizard End 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CNPSManager::DeleteDownloadMngr(): Nothing to do. 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: NPS_DownloadWizard - Try to set AfxSetResourceHandle 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: NPS_DownloadWizard - After AfxSetResourceHandle 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: NPS_DownloadWizard return TRUE 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: RunInstallUpdateRepair return 1 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: START CheckForRestart 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: Restart and resume: 0 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: Restart only: 0 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::RunSetupXuExe Started ... 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::RunSetupXuExe return FALSE because not IsInstallUpdateEngine or IsStub 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::RunCommonSetupX Started ... 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::RunCommonSetupX return TRUE because not RunCommonSetupX 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::Install3rdVerdorMSI installs 3rd party applications. strRedistPathCorrection=`` 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: Installing neroxml.msi... 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CreateProcess started... 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: Application Name: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: Command Line : /I "\\vaio\Software\Software\Masterizzazione e Virtualizzazione\Nero\Setup\Data\Redist\neroxml.msi" /qn 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: In Directory : \\vaio\Software\Software\Masterizzazione e Virtualizzazione\Nero\Setup\ 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CreateProcess done... Result OK 08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: Waiting till the process works... 08/03/18 16:00:11 DEBUG: NeroXml was successfully installed. 08/03/18 16:00:11 ERROR: CSetupXApp::Install3rdVerdorMSI Install3rdVerdorMSI - file does not exist: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Impostazioni locali\Temp\nps.tmp\PropertyTable.xml 08/03/18 16:00:11 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::InitInstance close N7Mutex handle. 08/03/18 16:00:11 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::InitInstance N7Mutex handle is closed. 08/03/18 16:00:11 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::InitInstance return TRUE 08/03/18 16:00:11 DEBUG: ErrorCode = 0 (Operation successful) 08/03/18 16:00:11 DEBUG: ResultCode = 0 08/03/18 16:00:11 DEBUG: RemoveSetupXU(). Return because app name is: SetupX.exe
msiexec /a PowerDVD.msi i get: This installation canno tbe run by directly launching the MSI package. You must run setup.exe ideas?
Thanks. I'll try this point: 5.Create an administrative installation for file PowerDVD.msi (use msiexec /a PowerDVD.msi or Universal Extractor), then delete PowerDVD.msi and files from folder create in step 2 and copy files and folders create during administrative installation into folder create in step 2. I don't use autoit. I would only a workaround for all links in start menu deleted when performing a silent install.
up - i have the same links problem. Have u solved?
Mars Installer 1.5 - automatic software installation
Gremo replied to Marsianin's topic in Application Installs
up -
Slipstream SP3 in 2003, but require key from users?
Gremo replied to brunzwick's topic in Microsoft Office
up...i'm interested too... -
Hi, i have successfully slipstreamed the Office 2003 Service Pack 3 and the updates: - KB943452 - KB943649 - KB943591 However, running Microsoft Updates it says i have to install the (optional) updates: - Update for Outlook Junk Email Filter 2003 (KB943591) - Update for Outlook 2003 (KB943649) - Critical Update for Office 2003 (943452) the same updates just slipstreamed!!! maybe something went wrong? ; Admin install D:\setup.exe /a MSINODISABLEMEDIA=1 ; SP3 MAIN msiexec /a C:\OFFICE11\PRO11.msi /p C:\KB923618\MAINSP3.msp shortfilenames=true /qb ; SP3 Web comp msiexec /a C:\OFFICE11\OWC11.msi /p C:\KB923618\OWC11SP3.msp shortfilenames=true /qb ; Critical Update for Office 2003 (943452) msiexec /a C:\OFFICE11\PRO11.msi /p C:\KB943452\FORMMAN20ENU.msp shortfilenames=true /qb ; Update for Outlook 2003 (KB943649) msiexec /a C:\OFFICE11\PRO11.msi /p C:\KB943649\OLKINTL.msp shortfilenames=true /qb ; Update for Outlook Junk Email Filter 2003 (KB943591) msiexec /a C:\OFFICE11\PRO11.msi /p C:\KB943591\OUTLFLTR.msp shortfilenames=true /qb
hey, how to slipstream the new Office 2007 Service Pack 1
Corel Paint Shop Pro X2 (12.01) - need help & ideas
Gremo replied to Gremo's topic in Application Installs
that works. I need help for: 1) Any way to activate the product (unfortunately, with silent install the window with activation procedure never appears) 2) Switches to customize it (remove shortcuts, avoid to install yahoo crap) mybe i can find switches with orca? -
Hi to all I'm having trouble with silent installing Paint Shop Pro X2. I have already read all topics about version 10 and 11. Activation: the window with activation procedure doesn't appear after closing the program Switches: dont' run "Media Downloader" after install Switches: chage installation language (i've tried C_LANGUAGE but it doesn't work) At this point, i'm able to do Admin installation point (note this will not work with trial download from corel website) 1) Make a working folder called "psppx2" 2) Copy the entire directory content "Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo" from cd to a new folder called "source" under psppx2 folder 3) msiexec /a source\psppx2.msi TARGETDIR=aip transforms=source\1040.mst /qb (1040.mst for italian language, choose your own; aip is target foder under psppx2 folder) - note this is unattended install without setting any serial number. Slipstream 12.01 patch (downloaded from corel website, under updates..) 1) Run the patch (.exe) until first window 2) Copy %TEMP%\PSP1201_EN-FR-DE-ES-IT-NL.msp to "psppx2" directory 3) msiexec /a aip\psppx2.msi /p PSP1201_EN-FR-DE-ES-IT-NL.msp /qb (updates admin installation point) Silent install 1) msiexec /i aip\psppx2.msi Serialnumber=XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXX /qb ... n) Fixes to remove that PSIService.exe crap and run program without it :D Help me people! I'm sure you can do!
Nero SetupX.exe /qb! /NORESTART AgreeToLicense=Yes NSC_DEFAULT_OFF=TRUE SERIALNUM_USERVAL=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=NeroToolbar6231A394,NeroBurnRights72CC518F,NeroImageDriveE38B9E06,NeroCDDVDSpeed82602EE0,Nero DriveSpeed7DFFCC12,NeroInfoToolE72D824A,NeroRescueAgentDE0B9FB0,NeroHome2FF8B816,NeroStartSmartB0354 6 4E,NeroSoundTrax716FE146,NeroVision57D52359,NeroBackItUpCB9D5429,NeroCoverDesigner7CE8D626,NeroWaveE d itorFA3A3F7B,InCDC9AC4AC7,NeroShowTimeD773A6E2,NeroMediaHome53BEFA20,NeroRecode6035F00C,NeroPhotoSna p ED1EAF52 RebootYesNo=No only nero burning rom, nero express, nero scout (OFF, u can turn it on if u want), manuals chm, control center (ho to disable it?) if u prefer install other things, remove the feature e.g. remove the string "NeroImageDriveE38B9E06".
Mars Installer 1.5 - automatic software installation
Gremo replied to Marsianin's topic in Application Installs
thank you again, i solved on minute after posting that! (i also edited that post)... btw, here are my suggested little improvements: 1) add the possibility to define variables into programs sections (variable for username, regkey, etv...) 2) myabe a more usefull progress bar? i think you can create it based on Run1, Run2, Run3, etc... steps, displaying current step graphically (or maybe current steps done (sum of all...) / total steps...) 3) a switch to remove automatic exit after xxx seconds 4) more important, some shortcuts to run custom commands used often: e.g. DelStartupVal (val) delete a startup value in registry DelDeskShortcut (name) delete a desktop shortuct (short of cmd /c del /f /q %DESKTOP%/(name) this will make ini file more easier to read. also notice that cmd /c reg DELETE key doesn't work here for access denied error bye! -
Hi, maybe it is possible to create an unattendend install (with 8.1 patch) without create an administrative installation point?? I know, the correct sequence to slipstream all patches is: 1) msiexec /a AcroPro.msi transforms=AcroPro.mst (create an aip apply the answer file, even if don't know if it is needed) 2) msiexec /a G:\Temp\AIP\AcroPro.msi /p G:\Temp\AcrobatUpd810_euro_incr.msp (apply 8.1.0 patch to aip) 3) /a G:\Temp\AIP\AcroPro.msi /p G:\Temp\AcrobatUpd811_all_incr.msp (apply 8.1.1 patch to aip) however, this will grow my installation folder from 584MB to 0,98 GB! Any chance? (no 7zip please...) Thank you for helping! Sorry for english people
Mars Installer 1.5 - automatic software installation
Gremo replied to Marsianin's topic in Application Installs
Hi, first, thank you for your great software! I'm trying to silent install opera, maybe there are problems with quotes? SOLVED WITH SINGLE QUOT SORRY this works: Run1="%FOLDER%\Opera_9.24_International_Setup.exe" /S this will NOT: Run1="%FOLDER%\Opera_9.24_International_Setup.exe" /S /V"CREATE_DESKTOP_ICON=0 CREATE_QUICKLAUNCH_ICON=1 CREATE_STARTMENU_ICONS=1 ALLUSERS=1 /qn" LOG (note missing " after /qn): Mars Installer 1.3 log file. Installation started on 05/12/2007 7.46.25 %BDRV%=C: %CDROM%=D: %ROOT%=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Software ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Opera 9.24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Run1=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Software\Internet\Opera 9.24\Opera_9.24_International_Setup.exe" /S /V"CREATE_DESKTOP_ICON=0 CREATE_QUICKLAUNCH_ICON=1 CREATE_STARTMENU_ICONS=1 ALLUSERS=1 /qn The system cannot find the file specified ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installation finished on 05/12/2007 7.46.25 -
where i can find msi installer?
hi, can u help me? this is my config.txt of my self extracting archive .... but i cannot remove "Nero scout" and "Nero control center" Maybe switch NERO_SCOUT=FALSE doesn't work when ADDLOCAL=ALL. And i cannot find the "component id" for Nero Control Center app. thanks ;!@Install@!UTF-8! Title="Nero" BeginPrompt="Avviare l'installazione?" FinishMessage="Installazione completata." GUIMode="1" SetEnvironment="c1=NeroToolbar6231A394" SetEnvironment="c2=NeroBurnRights72CC518F" SetEnvironment="c3=NeroImageDriveE38B9E06" SetEnvironment="c4=NeroCDDVDSpeed82602EE0" SetEnvironment="c5=NeroDriveSpeed7DFFCC12" SetEnvironment="c6=NeroInfoToolE72D824A" SetEnvironment="c7=NeroRescueAgentDE0B9FB0" SetEnvironment="c8=NeroHome2FF8B816" SetEnvironment="c9=NeroStartSmartB035464E" SetEnvironment="c10=NeroBurningRomBCAFF604" SetEnvironment="c11=NeroSoundTrax716FE146" SetEnvironment="c12=NeroVision57D52359" SetEnvironment="c13=NeroBackItUpCB9D5429" SetEnvironment="c14=NeroCoverDesigner7CE8D626" SetEnvironment="c15=NeroWaveEditorFA3A3F7B" SetEnvironment="c16=InCDC9AC4AC7" SetEnvironment="c17=NeroShowTimeD773A6E2" SetEnvironment="c18=NeroMediaHome53BEFA20" SetEnvironment="c19=NeroRecode6035F00C" SetEnvironment="c20=NeroPhotoSnapED1EAF52" RunProgram="SetupX.exe /qb! /NORESTART ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=%c1%,%c2%,%c3%,%c4%,%c5%,%c6%,%c7%,%c8%,%c9%,%c11%,%c12%,%c13%,%c14%,%c15%,%c16%,%c17%,%c18%,%c19%,%c20% RebootYesNo=No NERO_SCOUT=FALSE serialnum_userval=XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX AgreeToLicense=Yes EULA_AGREEMENT=1" RunProgram="hdicon:reg DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v NeroFilterCheck /f" ;!@InstallEnd@!
Unattended Secret: Reducing Size Of Source
Gremo replied to gosh's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
sorry, i know this thread is old. with this good method i'm not able to integrate hotfixies and even the windows service pack 2, starting from a copy of windows home oem any help? thank you