Updated link here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/912310/en-us Thanks for this...I have been looking for a work around for an annoying error similar to this I keep getting: and I tested my ram with MemTest86+, and it yielded nothing. People have also said it could be the AMD Athlon 64 CPU itself. Another person from another board also mentioned about going back to an older version on the nvidia drivers. This system is not overclocked or anything. The CPU however is a packaged bundle with an nForce3 board with the geForce FX nVidia video component. I get no BSODs though...nothing except the annoying popup on event ID 26, and then the warning icon in the taskbar. I also notice some sluggish video performance when watching videos. What I do not understand is that even though this is an x64 system, still a lot of the windows components like WMP, Outlook Express, etcetera, are still not native 64 bit--they heavily reside in the Program Files (x86) folder. In a clean installation, the subfolders in the x86 program files greatly outnumbers the ones in the regular program files folder (64 bit). If Microsoft made a 64 bit OS, almost everything should have been rewritten to 64 bit...at least the basic window components and accessories. I do like the idea that there are two versions of IE, and the fact that we still can run most x86 programs via the WOW64 of course.