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Everything posted by Travelcard

  1. Wahey! Using RegShot mentioned in a previous post I was able to find that the registry keys are The default automatically running: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MSNMessenger\AppSettings: 62 02 00 00 Not automatically running: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MSNMessenger\AppSettings: 22 04 00 00 I'll check if the same settings work for all users.
  2. I install Messenger 6 fine, but I don't want it to pop-up everytime you start windows, as it does by default. Basically I want to install it unattended but with the following options unchecked by default Tools >> options >> General: * Automatically run Messenger when windows starts * Allow automatic sign in when connected to the internet * Display MSN Today when Messenger signs in anyone know how to do this? Thanks
  3. EDIT... The code below does NOT work. I have no idea why because if you ran it from a command prompt there would be no problems. Putting it in the winnt.sif gives an error and stops the installation from running. It seems as though normal cmd prompt options will not work with the winnt.sif Anyone have any ideas about this? Hmmm, what do you mean 'keeps calling itself'? It sounds like you've put the main.cmd > c:\main.log line in the batch file - is that right? if so that's your error, you should place that in your winnt.sif i.e. I haven't actually tried this yet but I think you should do this. I am going to try it myself right now and will report back in a couple of hours with my results. Replace: [GuiRunOnce] %systemdrive%\software\main_batch.cmd %systemdrive%\software\hotfixes.cmd %systemdrive%\software\applications.cmd With [GuiRunOnce] %systemdrive%\software\main_batch.cmd >> %systemdrive%\batches.txt %systemdrive%\software\hotfixes.cmd >> %systemdrive%\batches.txt %systemdrive%\software\applications.cmd >> %systemdrive%\batches.txt It might also be worth removing @echo off just so you get more info.
  4. I've managed to do that. As the last part of my 'Main_Batch.cmd' I use a IEAK install of IE6SP1 which insists on rebooting when finished, so to get the other two batches to run on reboot I've created a batch file called 'batches.cmd' which runs 'hotfixes.cmd' and then 'applications.cmd'. The code to add to the regular 'RegTweaks.Reg' is: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce] "Batches"="c:\software\batches.cmd" Hope that helps.
  5. If you use >> it will append to the file. > overwrites. That way you can have one log for all of your batches i.e. main_batch.cmd >> c:\batches.txt Hotfixes.cmd >> c:\batches.txt Applications.cmd >> c:\batches.txt
  6. Hmmm? Ok, thanks AaronXP. Obviously some problem just on my machine then. An excuse to rebuild that then.
  7. Anyone else have this issue? Just to put me out of my misery can you have a look at your $oem$ folder and see if it's 'read only' and if so can you uncheck that box. If you can then I know it's some quirk on my PC. Thanks, Travelcard
  8. Ooooops. After running the QFEcheck again it comes up with 6 patches that need to be reinstalled but that's before a reboot. After a reboot everything is fine. Must learn patience.
  9. Cheers, yep that worked. Seems pretty good, I was able to take a snapshot, then mute my speakers and take another snapshot. After comparing the two I can now mute the speakers by default in my build. Cheers again
  10. Actually, after running qfecheck after my last install it reported that about 6 hotfixes should be reinstalled. I have another build going at the moment so I'll run QFECheck again afterwards and list the mentioned hotfixes (if any)
  11. The folders below any beginning with a $ are also affected (i.e. \install and \drivers)
  12. While trying to backup my build folder I noticed a couple of errors that were down to permessions on the folder. After looking through the properties of the folder the "read only" box is ticked - but ticked 'grey' as though the permissions were being inherited. I took ownership of the folder, removed the inherited rights and added myself to the rights box, giving myself full control. I then unchecked the "read only" box and applied the permissions to all the folders beneath. The "read only" box is still checked when I look at the permissions again. If I go to the I386 folder and remove the read only permissions they stay removed so I then went to each parent directory and removed the permissions there. The only ones it doesn't work for are $oem$, $$ and $1. Is there some kind of issue with folders beginning with a $?. anyone come across this before?
  13. Yes, that worked Thanks again for that. I'd buy you a virtual pint if I could.
  14. Fantastic!, that makes sense actually. I try that out tomorrow and will let you know how I get on.
  15. Thanks Muiz, The code looks pretty similar to mine though. Mine just automatically logs on 5 times. Does yours just logon on once? Cheers
  16. Hi there, I've got my cd working pretty well except for a couple of this. One of my problems is that Autologon doesn't seem to work. I always get asked for the administrator's passsword. Here is the first bit of my winnt.sif, any ideas? ;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=1 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [Unattended] UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemSkipEula=Yes OemSkipWelcome=1 OemPreinstall=Yes TargetPath=\WINDOWS Repartition=Yes WaitForReboot="No" FileSystem=ConvertNTFS DriversigningPolicy=Ignore UnattendSwitch="yes" OemPnPDriversPath="\Drivers\IntelINF" [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=e7b843cad153cb7aaad3b435b51404ee112909cde543d92f65a864de072d57a0 EncryptedAdminPassword=Yes AutoLogon=Yes AutoLogonCount=5 OEMSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=85 OemSkipWelcome=1
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