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Posts posted by Mike500

  1. Has anyone done this before? A lot of info is to be found on http://support.intel.com/support/chipsets/iaa_raid/

    Including this: http://support.intel.com/support/chipsets/.../unattended.htm

    // Insert the lines below into the UNATTEND.TXT file (alias winnt.sif)


    "Intel® 82801ER SATA RAID Controller" = OEM






    Place iaStor.inf, iaStor.sys, iaStor.cat, and Txtsetup.oem in the following folder:


    What i'm wondering about is the "Textmode" folder. How does it know it can find the stuff there?

  2. This is a recommended update? Only critical updates on this list  :rolleyes:

    Whoops, forgot that :)

    Either I turned a blind eye, or these 2 hotfixes decided to show itself on WU. Either way I don't know, but when running a hotfix batch (not slipstreamed) via svcpack without the cat files, these 2 updates on WU left me baffled. So I ran WU on my virgin install of Windows XP on another Virtual PC image I had and the two updates I missed out were there.

    Well, Q823559 shows up for sure, but i've either never seen Q323255, or i removed it (due to another patch superceding it) and then forgot about it. But i wouldn't just leave out an update like this, and i've done virgin installs and WU checks on a seperate PC several times... :D

  3. Here's a new one for you guys.  This keeps Windows from creating the Admin$, C$, etc. shares automatically on startup.
    ;Disable Default Hidden Shares

    Thanks for the tweak, but you should add the [ and ] or it won't work :)

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


  4. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has a list for the registry entry names that correspond to the tweaks in TweakUI 2.10? Thanks much.

    It's easy: Use RegShot.

    Download: http://www.majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=965 or http://www.webattack.com/get/regshot.html

    It can make a "before" and "after" shot of your registry. So you make the first shot, then make a change in TweakUI, then make the second shot, and RegShot will compare them and show you what was changed. You can find out everything with this!

  5. I got some more up my sleeve :)

    Redundant ones from previous threads not included (or so i hope):

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 

    ;Remove Alexa Spyware
    [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extensions\{c95fe080-8f5d-11d2-a20b-00aa003c157a}]

    ;Disable Click-Sound

    ;No Reboot when crash

    ;Deactivate Language Bar

    "Append Completion"="yes"

    ;No Move to Recycle Bin

    ;Passive FTP
    "Use Web Based FTP"="no"
    "Use PASV"="yes"

    ;Cache more Icons
    "Max Cached Icons"="8192"

    ;Explorer Tweaks
    "Use Search Asst"="no"

    ;Autorun off

    ;Optimize for DSL


    ;Accept Acrobat EULA
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\AdobeViewer]

  6. Do you people ever read Microsoft help files? :)

    Example: OemPnPDriversPath = MyFolder1; MyFolder2

    Comments: The folders must contain all the files necessary to install the particular devices: catalog files, .inf files, and drivers.

    For example, if you have a folder called \Drivers with subfolders called \Audio and \Net, specify

    OemPnPDriversPath = drivers\audio;drivers\net

    in the Unattend.txt file.

  7. were i can download a demo of Virtual CD??

    It's called Virtual PC and you can download a trial version at this website.

    By the way, if you get a lot of "Datei nicht gefunden" errors with your .cmd files, it means that the filenames are still not correct. Then you need to save it as OEM text, not as ANSI text (can be done in UltraEdit, for instance). When you select OEM mode in UltraEdit, the Umlauts need to be correct (ä, ö, ü) and not some weird symbols.

  8. German XP doesn't work that way. The file- and foldernames are different, and also, the characters have to be in DOS codepage, not ANSI (like Windows saves them as default). I mentioned this several times already, but the german guide wasn't updated yet.

    Take a look at my files, maybe you can understand it.

    At the end of winnt.sif:




    @echo off

    ECHO L”sche ?berfl?ssige Dateien...
    DEL "%systemroot%\Angler.bmp"
    DEL "%systemroot%\Blaue Spitzen 16.bmp"
    DEL "%systemroot%\F„cher.bmp"
    DEL "%systemroot%\Feder.bmp"
    DEL "%systemroot%\Granit.bmp"
    DEL "%systemroot%\Kaffeetasse.bmp"
    DEL "%systemroot%\Rhododendron.bmp"
    DEL "%systemroot%\Pr„riewind.bmp"
    DEL "%systemroot%\Santa Fe-Stuck.bmp"
    DEL "%systemroot%\Seifenblase.bmp"
    DEL "%systemroot%\Zapotek.bmp"
    DEL "%systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper\*.jpg"
    ECHO Fertig.

    ECHO Installiere Windows Media Player 9...
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Apps\WMP9\MPSetupXP.exe /Q:A /R:N
    ECHO Fertig.

    ECHO Installiere Registry Tweaks...
    REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\regtweaks.reg
    ECHO Fertig.


    hotfixes.cmd (you need the german versions of the patches!):

    @echo off

    SET Choice=
    SET /P Choice="Windows XP Pre-SP2 Hotfixes installieren? (J/N)"

    IF NOT '%Choice%'=='' SET Choice=%Choice:~0,1%

    IF /I '%Choice%'=='J' GOTO Los
    IF /I '%Choice%'=='N' GOTO Ende
    ECHO Bitte J oder N eingeben!
    GOTO Loop

    ECHO Installiere Pre-SP2 Hotfixes, bitte warten...

    ECHO (01/40) Installiere Windows XP Professional Hilfe Update
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\hu1002_pro.exe /q:a /r:n

    ECHO (02/40) Installiere Q816093: Microsoft Java VM 5.00.3810
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\msjavwu.exe /q:a /r:n

    ECHO (03/40) Installiere Q322011: Faxvorschau auf Faxkonsole nicht m”glich
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q322011_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (04/40) Installiere Q323183: Bluetooth Unterst?tzung f?r Windows XP SP1
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q323183_WXP_SP2_X86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (05/40) Installiere Q323255: Ungepr?fter Puffer in Windows-Hilfefunktion kann Angreifern die Ausf?hrung von Code erm”glichen
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q323255_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (06/40) Installiere Q327979: W„hrend der Wiedergabe des einf?hrenden Videoclips reagiert das Spiel nicht mehr (h„ngt) oder wird unerwartet beendet
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q327979_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (07/40) Installiere Q328310: Fehler in Windows WM_TIMER-Nachrichtenbehandlung kann Erschleichen h”herer Berechtigungen erm”glichen
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q328310_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (08/40) Installiere Q329048: Ungepr?fter Puffer in Dateikomprimierungsfunktionen kann Angreifern die Ausf?hrung von Code erm”glichen
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q329048_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (09/40) Installiere Q329115: Sicherheitsl?cke in Zertifikatspr?fung erm”glicht vorget„uschte Identit„t
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q329115_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (10/40) Installiere Q329170: Schwachstelle bei SMB-Signierung erm”glicht Žnderung von Gruppenrichtlinie
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q329170_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (11/40) Installiere Q329390: Ungepr?fter Puffer in Windows-Shell k”nnte Systemsicherheit beeintr„chtigen
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q329390_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (12/40) Installiere Q329441: Nach Wiederherstellung von Windows XP kann keine Netzwerkverbindung hergestellt werden
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q329441_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (13/40) Installiere Q329834: Ungepr?fter Puffer in PPTP-Implementierung kann Denial-of-Service-Angriffe erm”glichen
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q329834_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (14/40) Installiere Q330994: Kumulativer Patch f?r Outlook Express, April 2003
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\q330994.exe /q:a /r:n

    ECHO (15/40) Installiere Q810400: USB-Ger„te funktionieren nach dem Trennen eines untergeordneten USB-Hubs vom Hostcontroller eventuell nicht mehr
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q810400_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (16/40) Installiere Q810565: Hyperlinks werden nicht im Standardbrowser oder Hilfe- und Supportcenter, sondern im Internet Explorer ge”ffnet
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q810565_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (17/40) Installiere Q810577: Ungepr?fter Puffer in Windows-Redirector kann Erschleichung h”herer Berechtigungen erm”glichen
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q810577_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (18/40) Installiere Q810833: Ein ungepr?fter Puffer im Locator-Dienst kann die Ausf?hrung von b”swilligem Code erm”glichen
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q810833_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (19/40) Installiere Q811493: Puffer?berlauf in der Nachrichtenbehandlung des Windows-Kernels f?hrt m”glicherweise zu erh”hten Berechtigungen
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q811493_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (20/40) Installiere Q811630: HTML-Hilfe-Update zur Einschr„nkung der Funktionalit„t, wenn es mit der Methode window.showHelp( ) aufgerufen wird
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q811630_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (21/40) Installiere Q812415: Probleme mit mehreren ATA-Laufwerken im S1-Energiemodus
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q812415_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (22/40) Installiere Q814033: Treiber-Updates von der Windows Update Webseite k”nnen nicht installiert werden
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q814033_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (23/40) Installiere Q814078: Sicherheitsanf„lligkeit in Windows Script Engine erm”glicht eventuell Ausf?hrung von Code
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\js56nde.exe /q

    ECHO (24/40) Installiere Q814995: Einige Programmkompatibilit„ts-Updates funktionieren nach Installation von Update 328310 eventuell nicht mehr
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q814995_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (25/40) Installiere Q815021: Ungepr?fter Puffer in einer Windows-Komponente kann die Sicherheit des Webservers gef„hrden
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q815021_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (26/40) Installiere Q815485: Windows XP-Supportpatch f?r Wireless Protected Access
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q815485_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (27/40) Installiere Q817287: Patch f?r Windows Update Fehler 643
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q817287_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (28/40) Installiere Q817606: Buffer Overrun in Windows Could Lead to Data Corruption - Deutsch
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q817606_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (29/40) Installiere Q819639: Fehler in Windows Media Player kann den Zugriff auf die Medienbibliothek erm”glichen
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\WindowsMedia9-KB819639-x86-DEU.exe /q:a /r:n

    ECHO (30/40) Installiere Q819696: Ungepr?fter Puffer in DirectX kann zu einer Kompromittierung des Systems f?hren
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q819696_WXP_SP2_x86_DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (31/40) Installiere Q822925: Kumulativer Patch f?r Internet Explorer, August 2003
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\q822925.exe /q:a /r:n

    ECHO (32/40) Installiere KB282010: Jet 4.0 Service Pack 7
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\WindowsXP-KB282010-x86-DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (33/40) Installiere KB817778: Erweitertes Netzwerkpaket f?r Windows XP
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\WindowsXP-KB817778-x86-DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (34/40) Installiere KB820128: Kernel Rollup Hotfix Package
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\WindowsXP-KB820128-x86-DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (35/40) Installiere KB820291: Neues Symbol und Hilfethema f?r das Feature "Programmzugriff und Standardeinstellungen festlegen"
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\WindowsXP-KB820291-x86-DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (36/40) Installiere KB821253: Windows Error Reporting Update
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\WindowsXP-KB821253-x86-DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (37/40) Installiere KB821557: Ungepr?fter Puffer in Windows-Shell kann das System gef„hrden
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\WindowsXP-KB821557-x86-DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (38/40) Installiere KB823559: Puffer?berlauf in HTML-Konverter kann Ausf?hrung von Code erm”glichen
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\WindowsXP-KB823559-x86-DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (39/40) Installiere KB823980: Puffer?berlauf in RPC-Schnittstelle kann Ausf?hrung von Code erm”glichen
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\WindowsXP-KB823980-x86-DEU.exe /u /q /z /n

    ECHO (40/40) Installiere Q823718: Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) Security Patch MS03-033
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes\Q823718_MDAC_SecurityPatch.exe /Q /C:"dahotfix /q /n"

    ECHO Fertig.

    ECHO Installiere DirectX 9.0b...
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Apps\Directx9b\dxsetup.exe /windowsupdate
    ECHO Fertig.



    @echo off

    ECHO Installiere Acrobat Reader...
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Apps\AdobeReader6\Adobe Reader 6.0 - Deutsch.msi /QB
    ECHO Fertig.

    ECHO L”sche ?berfl?ssige Dateien...
    DEL "%systemdrive%\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Startmen?\Programmzugriff und -standards.lnk"
    DEL "%systemdrive%\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Startmen?\Windows-Katalog.lnk"
    DEL "%systemdrive%\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Desktop\Adobe Reader 6.0.lnk"
    RD /S /Q "%systemdrive%\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Startmen?\Programme\PrintMe Internet Printing"
    RD /S /Q "%systemdrive%\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Dokumente\Eigene Bilder\Beispielbilder"
    RD /S /Q "%systemdrive%\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Dokumente\Eigene Musik"
    RD /S /Q "%systemdrive%\Programme\Online-Dienste"
    DEL "%systemroot%\system32\dllcache\tourstrt.exe"
    DEL "%systemroot%\system32\dllcache\tourw.exe"
    DEL "%systemroot%\system32\tourstart.exe"
    DEL "%systemroot%\setupapi.log"
    DEL "%systemroot%\*.tmp"
    ECHO Fertig.

    ECHO L”sche Temp-Dateien...
    RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\install
    ECHO Fertig.

    Hope this helps.

  9. Could be that the second drive has a primary partition, while the first drive only has logical drives in an extended partition. This would make the second drive's partition come out as "C:". You can check that with a DOS bootdisk (i.e. one from Win98) and typing "fdisk". If that's really the case, you need to delete the partitions on the first drive and make a primary partition on there.

  10. And also check which patch supercedes which older patch, so you don't have doubles
    Yes, this is something that bugs me. When microsoft release new patches I wish they'd say there and then on the update site or update catalog which patches -- if any -- the new one replaces. That link you posted Mike500 does this but I can't really make the article out. Is it just for one patch?

    Yes, that page is only for the patch 823980.

    Take this link and replace the number at the end of it with any patch number:


    Then you see the notes for that patch.

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