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- Birthday 09/19/1979
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Last Versions of Software for Windows 98SE
Controller replied to galahs's topic in Pinned Topics regarding 9x/ME
ONGD - FREE Calaym from http://ctuser.net/?calaym Should run on Windows 95 / NT3.51 and higher, up to Windows 7. The author is sure - but cannot guarantee - it will work on those Windows versions (Contact if you have any issues). -
Attached are stubs for all older and newer D3DX9_XX.DLL files. Using D3DX9_31 only (latest for Windows 98 as far as I know), all versions above / below will stub to this dll. all dll files in attachement are actually the same file, just renamed so you can easy extract/overwrite. backup your existing files, or you may choose to extract missing versions only; use at your own risk d3d9x_xx.zip Notes: currently NOT UPX compatible!!!!!!!!!!!!! imports / exports all functions like D3DX9_31 import / export table sharing function name strings import table not using hints (->0) thus no additional null termination needed, except for the last entry flat assembler source included (generated, vb6 code generator also included)
Visual patch for volume control (SndVol32)
Controller replied to Controller's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
Right... radio buttons should be dynamically changed if sound cards do not support multiple inputs... Or someone might replace sndvol32.exe if his/her soundcard(s) do not support it. Or better using a non-MS volume control, but most alternatives I found are even worse. Btw, does any of those soundcards work on win98 (or win95)? (It appears most soundcards need win98se (wdm) or don't run on win9x at all. I even have probs installing my soundcard on Win95 using the official driver (which may be an update driver but the original is not provided) etc... -
Visual patch for volume control (SndVol32)
Controller replied to Controller's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
Maybe not the best title, but it is visual, somehow, i guess I didn't encounter any soundcard providing such a feature... if you check any checkbox, the other checkbox gets unchecked. It acts like a radio button (you cannot check mulitple items), so it should look like a radio button! 1) Users could have both patches in one... if you'd use my patch as source or apply the patched bytes to yours.2) If they don't appreciate my radio buttons they can edit resources on the original themselfs, or use your current one without the visual patch 3) If they find my radio button fix appealing but don't like your resource changes, they can use my patch, and maybe edit resources themselfs. You know, it's easier to modify resources than working with assembly, thats why I left the resources as much untouched as possible, and the icon was patched with ExeScope so no additional header or resource data where changed. BTW, do you trust your resource editor? Some are known to do strange things on certain conditions, and most assume all sections following the resource section can be realigned freely, which may be dangerous using certain patched files like done with kernelex... -
Visual patch for volume control (SndVol32)
Controller replied to Controller's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
Stripping resources and relocation sections and comparing, there is are no differences exe except the header changed by resource editing, so its just original win98 with modified resources. As such, you could use my sndvol32 as base for your resource tuning, as my version uses radio buttons for record control (done using assembly and no resource tuning at all). That is because you can choose ONE recording device only, so it should be radio buttons instead of checkboxes. You save some bytes by removing icon groups 303 and 304, which seems to be unused by sndvol32.exe itself (not used in any dialog, and only icon group used by code is 300). Saves a few bytes, but if you really care about, remove all icons from the dialogs, make the sliders smaller, remove DS_CONTEXTHELP flags from dialogs and the F1 accelerator (and maybe remove support for small controls so you can delete more resources and the remaining accelerator)... or even remove all icons and the version resource itself... got some more byte saving at hand but not worth the work and cannot be done hacking resources. Shame -
Visual patch for volume control (SndVol32)
Controller replied to Controller's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
Right... added that too, the version I typically use does not have those icons and I didn't ever look that close. Btw, your file seems to be identical with the win98 one, except for the updated file checksume and modifications/alignments to the resource/relocation section, so guess you just changed version number? If the icon is the only thing changed, it affects pretty much bytes... Changelog: 0511a - Also fixed icon resource 302, as posted on msfn by msstick (Screenshot not updated so) -
I really find it confusing why the volume control uses checkboxes when setting up the recording device, because you can only select one. This patched volume control has some code used for the about dialog stripped (No more special icon or title) and adds code to patch the button style. based on SndVol32.exe 4.10.1998 from Windows 98 EDIT: Screenshot: Download: (see post below for updated version) EDIT: I'm not sure any soundcard supporting hardware mixing for input will work on Windows 98; You should not replace your Sndvol32.exe if your soundcard supports this feature
I've managed to automatically restore systray icons on Explorer (re)start (and handle notifications during missing explorer). I now wonder 1) what's the maximum amount of simultaneous used systrays icons ever used by an application? 2) what icons does systray.exe provide. I know it supports the Unplug and Volume icons, has anyone seen the PCMCIA or USB icon in the systray?
You can leave those They are comment with W98 etc, mostly stubs and not very optimized anyway. Maybe I'll replace them occasionally. My proplem is mostly to find an application to test the apis, or write my own testing app. Feel free to PM me for questions to specific functions.
You can skip those They are comment with W98 etc, mostly stubs and not very optimized anyway. Feel free to PM me for questions to specific functions.
Any usage for the shell32.dll source code ( http://www.ctuser.net/download.php?win98pr...504a_source.zip ) from this project: http://www.msfn.org/board/Windows-95-shell...98-t120443.html It's Flat Assembler, update the include path in line 4 and ready to compile (Ctrl+F9)
Patch that installs modified Windows 95 Explorer & shell, shell32 compatibility layer and some other related fixes / patches on a Windows 98 computer; Do not install this version on Windows 95. Not tested on Windows ME. 2008-07-11, based on Windows 98 Professional Download: http://www.ctuser.net/download.php?win98pr...ws_98_0504a.exe Patched files: appwiz.cpl: there were some issues with older shell32 replacement with shortcuts, maybe not required any more comdlg32.dll: from Windows 95. Comdlg32 from Windows 98 should work with the shell32 wrapper, except the toolbar does not work. desk.cpl: option for stretching wallpaper without IE explorer.exe: from Windows 95 explorer; 256 color systray icons and some other patches grpconv.exe: added SHGetSpecialFolderPathA hint to ordinal AF (which is SHGetSpecialFolderPathA/W)); No longer associates grp files msshrui.dll: From Windows 95 (?); fixes rare crashes when renaming/deleting shared folders. plustab.dll: option for transparent desktop icon labels rnaui.dll: use shell95.dll instead of shell32.dll shell.dll: use shell95.dll instead of shell32.dll (fixes the device class loading issue after startup (during Windows installation)) shell95.dll: from Windows 95 OSR2, with lots of my shell updates; shell32.dll: shell32 wrapper; logs most calls to shell32.log in the windows temp dir. The huge size is because of the resources. Additionally supports all folder IDs from ME/XP is set properly in the regestry (folders will be created when using proper API/flags); Source (Flat assembler) available on demand. shfolder.dll: the shell32 wrapper supports all relevant apis, so this stub dll redirects to shell32. Issues: On first explorer instance, settings may be corrupted (splitter is complete right aligned); welcome.exe deleted some class InProcServer32 changed to shell95.dll some class DefaultIcon changed to %11%\shell32.dll,%% removed internet (explorer) icon from desktop (NoInternetIcon) some explorer/shell settings reset (show all files, details view, ...) Briefcase is not working MyDocuments is not fully working Task Scheduler seems to work, however the tray icon is not shown on startup. In case you have completely removed Internet Explorer, you cannot open CHM files, and some programs (dialogs) will not run. If you need a stripped version which (mostly) solves this issues, contact me.
By default, Windows 95 [shell] uses default folder icons for network sharings; After applying this 'patch', it will use a different icon, similar to Windows XP; As replacement icon we use icon #32, a tree icon which usage is uncertain [to me]. Patching consists of 1) hex editing shell32.dll to use this icon [iD] instead of the default folder icons, and 2) replacing the icon. You need a resource modification tool - http://angusj.com/resourcehacker - http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA003525/Eindex.htm ) and a hex editor 1) Hex editing: For original shell95.dll, patch: 0005E324 from 03 to 29 0005E32C from 03 to 00 For OSR2 shell95.dll, patch: 0005E664 from 03 to 29 0005E66C from 03 to 00 2) Replacing the icon Replace icon[group] 42 (tree icon) with the desired new one Icons can be found here: http://ctuser.net/download.php?win98pro,sh...sharingicon.zip Screenshot: http://ctuser.net/other/win98pro/shell95pa...sharingicon.png
Update: http://ctuser.net/download.php?win98pro,sh...patch_0504a.zip Changelog 0504a: - removed some uppercasing stuff when processing network sources
There are plenty of missing (shell folder stuff) and incompatible (SHGetSetSettings) exported functions in Windows 95 shell, and most 'undocumented' functions which are exported by ordinal only (*) are unicode on WinNT and ansi on Win9x. On Win9x, you can use a shell32.dll wrapper which passes most functions through, and adds the missing ones (Actually what I'm doing). However, it internally still uses ansi? (shell uses plenty of OLE and therefore unicode, just who studies how far unicode is implemented), and you still need Windows 95 explorer. On XP etc, I don't know about shell32 dependencies etc, I thought about that idea myself, however I don't use XP (long and failing installs, size, speed, ...). Maybe using Windows 2000 / NT explorer may speed up a bit (guess 2000er does not, and NT one's was buggy I heard?) For the wrapper, I can provide some source in Flat Assembler. Guess any other language should do, if it can export functions by ordinal only (So Flat Assembler does not support this either when using the export macro) Also gotta think about where to store (and which) resources, which make up most of the dll size (*) Several of those functions are named in WinXP (SP?) and Vista; Using a wrapper for shell32, you may have to export both by ordinal and name, because GetProcAddress using ordinals fails on Windows 9x if the function is named.