The recent Sasser virus crippled several of our machines last week. The numbers aren’t in yet but it probably cost us thousands of dollars in down time and repairs. In one of our locations we’ve been using an application called Deep Freeze. When a machine is in a frozen state no matter what you do to the machine, when it restarts the PC is restored. It’s a cool tool, and none of those machine had the virus (if they did they were rebooted so we didn’t know about it). One of our over zealous network guys suggested to senior managment that we should move our entire organization from Win 2K to Win XP, enable XPs firewall, install Deep Freeze on every PC and lock down the entire organization. The idea sounds good in theory, but I do have a couple of concerns: Deep Freeze also has the ability to give users “thawed space”. Essentially this allows users to maintain their person files in a folder that is not affected by the machine rebooting. To administer a machine with DF you have to reboot it into thawed mode, make changes, and reboot back into a frozen state. It does however have the ability to allow automatic maintenance scheduling for Windows updates, etc. After reading my problem I would like to hear what you think. Putting WinXP on 500 machines is going to be a big project for us. We have a staff of 5 and a mix and match of Dell machines. Is Deep Freeze the answer or are we asking for more problems? Is there another way of doing this?