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Posts posted by tresans

  1. Hi,

    My point is to make a  folder inside %systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data to paste the folder AdobeSystems\product lisences\B2B86000.dat before I execute CS2 the first time.

    If we can do this we can close this topic :)

    and I used command MKDIR but this is making folders inside the point were you directed to and makes a folder "Documents" "and" "Settings" etc etc.

    can I not copy/paste a folder like "Adobe Systems\Product lisences\B2B86000.dat ,thus this folder with the folder and .dat inside it copying to the directory?

    Then we are ready.


    ps:must go to work now I am back in 6 hours  :) and also we are going to solve this problem today I hope,I am brainstorming with it.

    Okay, I think I've got it... Apparently copy wasn't creating the directory structure properly so I first moved the DAT file to Application Data, then created the subdirs, then moved the DAT file to Product Licenses.

    cmdow @ /HID
    @echo off

    regedit /S alreadyregged.reg

    msiexec /i "bridge\Adobe Bridge 1.0.msi" /qb
    msiexec /i "commonfilesinstaller\Adobe Common File Installer.msi" /qb
    msiexec /i "help center\Adobe Help Center 1.0.msi" /qb
    copy B2B86000.dat "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data"
    cd "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data"
    mkdir "Adobe Systems\Product Licenses"
    move B2B86000.dat "Adobe Systems\Product Licenses"


    That was my piont m8,great,now its fully Unattended

    Im glad it works :thumbup:thumbup

  2. What I did,

    make cmd file:

    @Echo off
    Echo Photoshop CS2 (v9.0)
    Echo Een ogenblik geduld

    REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\Install\Apps\Adobe\activation.reg
    %systemdrive%\Install\Apps\Adobe\PhotoshopCS2\adobephotoshopcs2.msi /qb UNITYSELECTION="RETAIL" SERIALNUMBERTEMP="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    %systemdrive%\Install\Apps\Adobe\PhotoshopCS2\bridge\AdobeBridge.msi /qb
    %systemdrive%\Install\Apps\Adobe\PhotoshopCS2\commonfilesinstaller\AdobeCommonFileInstaller /qb
    %systemdrive%\Install\Apps\Adobe\PhotoshopCS2\helpcenter\AdobeHelpCenter.msi /qb
    %systemdrive%\Install\Apps\Adobe\PhotoshopCS2\stockphotography\AdobeStockPhotos.msi /qb
    COPY /Y %systemdrive%\Install\Apps\Adobe\B2B86000.dat "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe Systems\Product licenses"


    make register file

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





    Activate 1 time CS2 and copy %systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe Systems\Product licenses\ B2B86000.dat

    Now you can Install it silently,but without B2B86000.dat inside the folder cause you must execute CS2 1 time and then copy/paste your .dat file.


    @someone: how to make a folder with a command prompt??

    Inside the command prompt you need the mkdir command. Does that help?

    I like where you're going with this...


    My point is to make a folder inside %systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data to paste the folder AdobeSystems\product lisences\B2B86000.dat before I execute CS2 the first time.

    If we can do this we can close this topic :)

    and I used command MKDIR but this is making folders inside the point were you directed to and makes a folder "Documents" "and" "Settings" etc etc.

    can I not copy/paste a folder like "Adobe Systems\Product lisences\B2B86000.dat ,thus this folder with the folder and .dat inside it copying to the directory?

    Then we are ready.


    ps:must go to work now I am back in 6 hours :) and also we are going to solve this problem today I hope,I am brainstorming with it.

  3. What I did,

    make cmd file:

    @Echo off
    Echo Photoshop CS2 (v9.0)
    Echo Een ogenblik geduld

    REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\Install\Apps\Adobe\activation.reg
    %systemdrive%\Install\Apps\Adobe\PhotoshopCS2\adobephotoshopcs2.msi /qb UNITYSELECTION="RETAIL" SERIALNUMBERTEMP="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    %systemdrive%\Install\Apps\Adobe\PhotoshopCS2\bridge\AdobeBridge.msi /qb
    %systemdrive%\Install\Apps\Adobe\PhotoshopCS2\commonfilesinstaller\AdobeCommonFileInstaller /qb
    %systemdrive%\Install\Apps\Adobe\PhotoshopCS2\helpcenter\AdobeHelpCenter.msi /qb
    %systemdrive%\Install\Apps\Adobe\PhotoshopCS2\stockphotography\AdobeStockPhotos.msi /qb
    COPY /Y %systemdrive%\Install\Apps\Adobe\B2B86000.dat "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe Systems\Product licenses"


    make register file

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





    Activate 1 time CS2 and copy %systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe Systems\Product licenses\ B2B86000.dat

    Now you can Install it silently,but without B2B86000.dat inside the folder cause you must execute CS2 1 time and then copy/paste your .dat file.


    @someone: how to make a folder with a command prompt??

  4. I followed the instructions here for the trial version. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=48338

    I had no mce_sym.reg file in my powerdvd folder so I used the one on the thread with my serial number. I had a powerdvd.sim in my powerdvd folder so I used that.

    This is what I got during the installation:


    What I'm I doing wrong here?


    Did you use these settings:

    Setup=setup.exe -s




    Title=Cyberlink PowerDVD DLX 6.0.1102


  5. Hi,

    @Galvanocentric,this is the folder inside C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\"Adobe Systems\Product licenses" ,these last 2 folders are being created if you install CS2 and open this program once you see the activation screen inside the CS2 then these folders are being created.

    Question how can I make empty folders with cmd so I can create these 2 folders and paste my B2B86000.dat inside it before I install it?


    ps If i copy paste it works flawlessly

  6. Based on information gathered haphazardly from all over the place in this lengthy thread it looks like all you need for a "full" (skipping Stock Photos, of course) installation of Photoshop CS 2 is a batch file with the following commands:

    cmdow @ /HID
    @echo off

    copy B2B86000.dat "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Adobe Systems\Product licenses" /y
    reg import activation.reg

    start /wait "bridge\Adobe Bridge 1.0.msi" /qb
    start /wait "commonfilesinstaller\Adobe Common File Installer.msi" /qb
    start /wait "help center\Adobe Help Center 1.0.msi" /qb


    A dat file containing your activation data in the same folder as your command script

    And a reg file containing the following:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


    Is this pretty much a summary of whatever the devil y'all have came up with after twelve pages of reading? :thumbup


    Okay, I changed things a bit with the command script... Now it's:

    cmdow @ /HID
    @echo off

    msiexec /i "bridge\Adobe Bridge 1.0.msi" /qb
    msiexec /i "commonfilesinstaller\Adobe Common File Installer.msi" /qb
    msiexec /i "help center\Adobe Help Center 1.0.msi" /qb


    Copying the activation file over and running the reg import bit didn't seem to do shinola :P so I happily exorcised it... Plus I had to change a few bits, use msiexec...

    Everything should run smoothly, just remember to use the modified MSI so Activation doesn't open after the installation end. Then when you first load Photoshop you'll just have to click thru registration and activation... I didn't want to remove registration because I like registering my products. Unless you're doing something illegal and have something to hide (remember... if a million people say "Adobe can afford my using pirating copies..." Adobe won't make any money, ick, then we don't get CS3) you should be fine with that. :P


    I have tried this method the only problem is you need to open CS2 1 time to make a folder Adobe System and Product License ,am I right cuase Im trying it a several hours but it doesnt make a folder in your apllication folder after you installed only after you execute CS2 1 time,and yes Im using the modded msi

    My question what is the command to make a folder in cmd (like "make folder Adobe System.xxx) I do not know a extension for a folder.If we could make it this problem is solved..

    Just try deinstalling CS2 and also deinstall the activation (so skip transfer) and look what the program does after installation look if there is a folder whit Adobe system and Product License.


    ps:sry 4 my English

  7. how can i install it silently? :no:


    What I did:

    sorry I made this with Dutch version but still works

    Extract the package with winrar or something else.

    Select all the files you extracted and make a SFX file,

    write into the SFX:

    Setup.exe -s in your SFX

    Extract to temporaly folder

    collapse Startdialog hidden

    collapse All files rewritten and hit ok. :thumbup


    In shortly:

    Setup=Setup.exe -s




    Title=Patch Powerdvd 6

  8. tresans, that`s interesting, I just downloaded the Dutch updates and the msp files are the same size as the english ones, appart from the sp which is a bit bigger.

    did you use the full or medium pack for office 2003?

    If anyone has non-english version of office 2003/XP can you test the full pack/s and let us know if office update comes up clean.

    Hi Neantherthal,

    I used the medium pack,and downloaded the Dutch updates separetely of the medium pack,what I did then is unpack with winrar and replaced the files in the medium pack,copied the map into C: and run the first compiled batchfile,took a coffee and sit back and watched it.

    after finish and installed I did go to uncle gates site and checked if there were updates none were there,great job again m8 :thumbup .

    kind regards

  9. does anybody now what the Silent switch for Microsoft PLUS! for XP are for my unattended setup.

    i have tried setup.exe /? and also /help but nothing just goes into installation,

    Also need silent and target path switches for movie maker 2

    any help would be aprecciated

    I install plus silently whit cause its an MSI file.

    %systemdrive%\install\Apps\plus\plus.msi /QB


  10. if you send me a link to the plug in, i'll have a go at writing you an autoit script.

    I'm sure it won't be too hard.

    another idea, might not make a difference

    ...switch dolbyw5.exe /S /V /QN

    you also might wanna try

    dolbyw5.exe /S /V/QN

    no space between the /v and /qn

    :( I have tried these switches but the only one who works is .exe /S /V /QN and still have the same screen.

    about the link you mean a Internet link :( ?,i have it on my HDD and dont know how I could use an autoit script never worked whit it.send me a mail for the plug-in or ill upload to a gmail account if this isnt illegal.

    Im calling it from a menu (WIHU.exe) after the setup of XPpro and then installing the programs.

    anyway tnx


  11. :hello:

    I want to silently install the dolby plug-in for winamp 5.092,and using the switch dolbyw5.exe /S /V /QN it installs but at the end it gives me the info "The plug-in was installed.Would you like to run Winamp.If Winamp is currently running close it to take effect ".So al of this isnt installing silently how can i install it very silent I have tried many switches but no effect. :no:


  12. Hi all, :hello:

    I have some problem with adding the Multichannel and 5.1 plugin into the regfile of Nero,this is how my regfile looks.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ahead\Nero - Burning Rom\Info]

    "User"="Nero User"

    "Company"="Nero "


    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Plug-ins\Dolby Digital\Info]

    "User"="Nero User"

    "Company"="Nero "



    "User"="Nero User"

    "Company"="Nero "


    what am i doing wrong,im very frustrated about this,cause i can register it in Nero and not whit the reg file. :realmad:

    Please someone


    ps:I looked over the forum but could not find anything about this prob.

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