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Posts posted by Gouki

  1. Well, about the legal part of it, I really cant help you. I had my site with a .com for many years, one day I had problems with my Hostin company and changed it to Dreamhost, there, I wanted to change to a .org domain and did it. I currently have my site with a .org without any problems.

    I dont think legal issues are relevant to domain names, for example, the popular security/cryptographer Bruce Schneier has his site with a .com, and the site is only used as as Personal Webpage.

    As for Dreamhost, I am very happy with them. I currently have the Shared Web Hosting (no need for a Dedicated Server) and I'm really happy.

    The company is growing allot, and everything (hardware) is changing to better on their datacenter.

    As for domain registration, GoDaddy problably already has that domain name registered, since I just tryed to register a new domain and worked great.

    P.S: Still about Dreamhost, their "Control Panel", where you manage everything about your hosting (DB, Installations, Updates, DNS, Mail, etc) is really god and easy to use.

  2. Roger that Tomcat. However I dont think that what it is happening with the thread starter.

    m3n7ot - Even if he has driver issues with other component in his PC, that would not be the reason why he can't use the Internet. (However, it would be good to have corret drivers for everything)

  3. A quick search on Google gave me the following info:

    This may be because the IAS database is damaged because both RRAS and IAS

    use the same database.

    Check out if the link helps

    Also, check out the following link as it may be a problem of accessing group

    policy objects as the application event log suggests.



    From what I could read from your post, you dont have RRAS on that server, but, do you have any other machine working as a RRAS server?

    P.S: Desculpa senão funcionar. Só a tentar ajuda ... :):thumbup

  4. Do you have static IP on the computer wich is not working? Im thinking you have DHCP enabled on the Router, therefor it is providing an IP address to the machines. Having the second PC with a static IP can be the reason to your problem. You would still connect to the Access Point but would not be able to do anything.

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