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Everything posted by almulder

  1. Looks great. New Official Logo "WPI logo made by "Wonkster & j_h3000" like this version with the letters. Can be downlaoded Here
  2. Looks great. New Official Logo "WPI logo made by "Wonkster & j_h3000" like his version with the letters. Can be downlaoded Here
  3. just zip the files up andupload them to http://www.uploadtemple.com/ it will give you a link, then post the link. Thank You,
  4. Yes I got the message about the paypal, (replyed to email and said thank you!) The text looks better, but how about making the black outline smaller and the box wider, the text shadow is beuing cut off!
  5. try with the white texy a little larger its hard to read.
  6. More of a soft blue, with Black outline on WPI text and white with black outline on other other!
  7. Yes this is a know issue, If you don't need the new blank page press the delete button! Yes also know issue, being worked on to be corrected! Yes also know issue, being worked on to be corrected! Thank you for your feedback!
  8. windows or WPI language (Works in every WPI language with or without audio player) ??? Not sure! can you post a pic of the error?
  9. Ok got the file, I need to find out when and where you are getting the error. And what are the setting when you get it.
  10. yes I agree it looks great! Can you make a file and post just the logo with a transparent background I am sure other want it also.
  11. Give me until this weekend and I will see what I can find out. I will look my code over. ther are just som many line (1000+ made) (500+ edited) But beleve me it will be worth the wait!
  12. Will be posting new screenshots this weekend for you to drool over. LOL Catch ya later
  13. There is alot of code I have made (over 1000+ lines) cant remeber off hand where or what code it was. it is just automateded in the new upcoming wizard, some alpha screen shots here (Early stages) http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=53296 Sorry!, anything else I could help with?
  14. There is a place in the apperancewizard that will let you just type in the pic file name and poof done.
  15. Just teasing here are a few shots:Have pic on the Left: Have pic on the Right: Have pic on the Botttom: Have pic on the Top: Have no pic on buttons: Bar is one pic. Text area is another (Current none shown but you have the options) Above pics have "bar pic" and black text box. Program pic is a jpg file for each. This way on blank box like aboue will be ther when over a mouse. All of these are already programed into the apperance wizard. (Ya that is why I was able to do this so fast.) Thoughts?
  16. give me a few min and i'll show you what i have for you.
  17. Ok as far as I can tell yes, but also no. Do you want a seperat bar and background for each box or just one for the bar and one for background ?
  18. bad zip file. (errors) please re zip whole wpi folder and send. Thank yOu
  19. "larciel" post you wpi folder and I will take a look!
  20. Ok, been talking with kel alot, seem alot of us have been good enough to help him get a better computer, but there is just one more thing he is lacking. HE NEEDS TO GET WITH THE TIMES AND GET A DVD BURNER. I just spent money on getting him a new case about $50, else I would just get it for him. If you have one you can spare let me know so we can send it to him. I will get you a shipping lable if needed. Or if you can spare $5 or so and we all chip in just a little more we can get it for him. If so send me the money via paypal at almulder@yahoo.com (Reason: We found out he cant transfer the money to me when needed.) Now this is not a scam or beging, just thought we could help him out. (I myself cound not live without my DVD burner) Let me know what you decide! Thank you for all your suport. I know kel is greatfull. Well back to work on WPI I go.
  21. ya looks good, to move the exit button up just edit the WPI.HTM file with in the theme folder!
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