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About piaqt

  • Birthday 05/01/1953

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  1. Anyone know the whereabouats of MSNWar? He's not been heard from in a month.
  2. Same diff.
  3. Oops. Forgot that part. Thanks, Wasim.
  4. Control panel\ folder options\ view tab\ apply to all folders button.
  5. I'm on dialup. Plus ca change... So am I. Thanks for all suggestions.
  6. I copied the wmaccess.inf from windows\service pack files\I386. Then I got the same message, but for wmpcoem.inf. Did the same for that file. Now, when I go to add\rem windows components, I don't get the component tree. It goes directly to "setup is inspecting your configuration and installing the components you selected". And I still can't access the list.
  7. When I try to open the windows components tab in add\remove, I get the following error message: Setup was unable to open information file wmaccess.inf. Contact your system headministrator. The specific error code is 0xe0000003 at line 0. Same thing happens when I try the setup CD. I'm running SP2 RC1.
  8. Snow globe, with heavy precipitation predicted. This is an MS Release date.
  9. Thanks from a fellow curmudgeon.
  10. "The moving finger writes...."
  11. Do a KB or Google search for the error number. My guess? Switching progfiles to D:\ is the culprit. Default for windows update is C:\Program Files\Windows Update. Maybe put that directory back whence it came?
  12. Try http://www.virtualplastic.net/. If it can be done, they'll know how.
  13. The perfect gift for the frat rat with everything. ;-)
  14. How did the imsomniac agnostic dyslexic spend his time? He lay awake all night pondering the existence of Dog.
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