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Everything posted by cancerface

  1. Assuming that your SCSI array on channel A has its first drive assigned as ID 0 (check the hdd jumpers) then the only reason I can think of is related to your bios configuration. I am running two arrays on an NForce4 mobo, one on the onboard SI and one on an adaptec 29320. However to get this working I had to deactivate the onboard NForce Raid. If it is enabled it becomes the default boot controller. You might want to play around with your setup a bit. Maybe you have an option in your bios to select the boot device and it lists your 39320 there? For the record, it is not Windows or its setup that desides which drive comes first but your bios (ie even without been active a partition should still be able to get assigned as 'C'). Hope this helps ... CF Edit: Hmmm ... Just saw your next comment, about this setup working on a second computer with just a single drive on it etc. Now I am confused When you go to the adaptec bios can you see all the drives participating in your two arrays with unique IDs?
  2. Hi, you can save/restore your printer's config using: (to save the config) rundll32.exe printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Ss /n "Your_Printer's_Name" /a "<path_to>\<filename>.dat" g u m (and to restore it) rundll32.exe printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "Your_Printer's_Name" /a "<path_to>\<filename>.dat" g u m You may have to play around with the options (g u m in the above example), but you can get an idea if you type in a command prompt rundll32.exe printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /? Another option would be to use the printmig tool provided by microsoft. (get it here) CF [Edit] Fixed the command after mrguitarmann's comment.
  3. @MOONLIGHT SONATA I am running a (rather old) batch script from cmdlines called bootfix.bat: bootfix.bat @ECHO OFF CMDOW @ /HID IF NOT "%1"=="" GOTO EOF ATTRIB -H -S -R %SystemDrive%\BOOT.INI REN %SystemDrive%\BOOT.INI *.OLD (FOR /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%A IN (%SystemDrive%\BOOT.OLD) DO IF "%%B"=="" (ECHO %%A) ELSE (IF /I "%%A"=="timeout" (ECHO %%A=0) ELSE (ECHO %%A=%%B)))>%SystemDrive%\BOOT.INI ATTRIB +H +S +R %SystemDrive%\BOOT.INI IF NOT EXIST %SystemDrive%\BOOT.INI (ECHO Restoring original BOOT.INI© %SystemDrive%\BOOT.OLD %SystemDrive%\BOOT.INI) DEL /F /S /Q %SystemDrive%\BOOT.OLD GOTO:EOF It will copy the boot.ini file to a new file while setting the timeout to 0sec before the reboot. Hope this helps CF
  4. not true. Using SSHSecureShellClient-3.2.9.exe you can get a nice silent install: 1) extract SSHSecureShellClient-3.2.9.exe with WinRAR: you should get the typical InstallShield files including a setup.exe 2) Run setup.exe with -r in order to record your answers. This will create a setup.iss in your windows folder. 3) place the setup.iss along with the rest of the files that you extracted earlier. The trick is to invoke the installer with -s AND to tell it where to get the answer file ... Assuming you have the files in D:\SomeDirWithLongFileName then you should run: "D:\SomeDirWithLongFileName\setup.exe" -s -f1"D:\SomeDirWithLongFileName\setup.iss" in order to get a silent install
  5. First specify your adapter(s) in the [NetAdapters] section of winnt.sif (or unattend.txt) and then define the MAC address of your cards and/or the PNP-ID in the [params.adapter instance] section: ... [NetAdapters] Adapter1 = params.adapter1 Adapter2 = params.adapter2 [params.adapter1] NetCardAddress = 0x123456789AB ConnectionName = "MyNetwork" [params.adapter2] NetCardAddress = 0x123456789AB ConnectionName = "WAN" [params.MS_TCPIP.adapter1] SpecificTo = adapter1 IPAddress = [params.MS_TCPIP.adapter2] SpecificTo = adapter2 DisableDynamicUpdate = No EnableAdapterDomainNameRegistration = No DefaultGateway = DHCP = Yes DHCPClassId = abc DNSDomain = fabrikam.com DNSServerSearchOrder = server1.fabrikam.com, fabrikam.com IPAddress =, IpAllowedProtocols = 10 NetBIOSOptions = 1 TcpAllowedProtocols = 10 UdpAllowedProtocols = 10 SubnetMask = WINS = Yes WINSServerList =, ... The other option is to use the PNP_ID of each adapter. MS recommends to use MACs if the PNP_IDs are the same ... all the above can be found in the MS Windows XP Service Pack 2 Deployment Tools
  6. Try this (or give the hardcoded location ie C:\Program Files) msiexec /qb /i ActivePerl.msi TARGETDIR="%ProgramFiles%"
  7. MSI cmd-line bottom of page, you need to find the property that corresponds to the installation directory. Use ORCA to find it. Usually it is TARGETDIR or INSTALLDIR. Something like this: msiexec /i package_name.msi TARGETDIR="C:\MyDir\My App\"
  8. Hello everybody, Since I have been feasting on the vast amount of knowledge floating around in this forum for almost a year now without contributing anything, I present an alternative method to deploy Firefox (or pretty much any application you want) using NSIS. In this method an install-package generates a small banner on the target PC showing information about the actual steps taken during the installation of an application. Although I like command scripts and my unattended CDs/DVDs are based on them, I started a while ago moving everything to a GUI driven method. It looks sleeker, it is certainly faster than a cmd script plus it gives the option of having feedback during the process. If you take into account the extended documentation as well as the nice forums which provide a solid background, this is an interesting platform to use Intro This guide is based on this thread by SiMoNsAyS. It will help you create a package that contains a custom version of Firefox with extra extensions, themes and plugins. This package will auto-expand and install all the above without asking any questions and it will display a small banner with feedback for the steps of the process. Something like this. What you need Carefully read the original Guide: Mozilla Firefox Unattended in order to understand the process and customize it according to your liking. Download the main EXE from one of the provided mirrors in that thread (version 1.0.1 of the main Firefox installer is included) (required) Download the latest Firefox version (required) Download the silent NSIS script (attached here: FxNSI_Script.zip)(required) Download NSIS in order to compile the installer (required) Download Venis IX in order to author the NSIS script (optional) NSIS wordlist for UltraEdit (optional) Extra Plugins (such as DjVu Browser) (optional) More Firefox Extensions (optional) More Firefox Themes (optional) Procedure (1) Create your work folder (mine is ‘My Documents\Firefox’) which will hold the NSIS script (check image-1) (2) Create a subfolder (mine is ‘My Documents\Firefox\Firefox_Silent’) and expand the EXE from SiMoNsAyS’s thread. The links provided in his guide contain the 1.0.1 version. Remove all files from this folder (but leave intact the Setup subfolder) and expand the latest Firefox distribution here (check image-2) (3) Place the extra Extensions inside the XPI folder (mine is ‘My Documents\Firefox\Firefox_Silent\Setup\XPI’), extra Themes inside the JAR folder (mine is ‘My Documents\Firefox\Firefox_Silent\Setup\JAR’) etc. (check image-3) (4) Create a folder called Xtras within the Firefox_Silent folder of step (2) and expand extra plug-in distributions inside (check image-4) Here is what it should look like at the end: (5) Install NSIS (current version is 2.0.7). It should associate the .nsi files with its compiler. (5a) [Optional] Install Venis IX in order to edit the .nsi files. (5b) [Optional] Include the NSIS wordlist for UltraEdit to your existing wordlist (how-to) (6) Edit the NSI script (FirefoxSilent.nsi) according to your needs (check image 1) You may want to add more plugins in the Plugins section (include the distribution for every new plugin in a separate folder within the Xtras folder and then create an appropriate section in the FirefoxSilent.nsi script) (7) Compile the script, either by using the right click shell extension from NSIS or by directly opening the file within the NSIS compiler. You should get the file ‘FirefoxSilent.exe’ which contains the entire distribution of firefox. Upon executing this file, it will expand all the subfolders from steps 2-4 inside your %TEMP% folder, it will invoke the firefox setup (setup.exe –ms), delete the icons created by this setup, create new icons with prefetch enabled, create file associations, install extra plugins, register extensions and themes and clean up all the temporary files. Notes If you don’t want the installer to be silent by default remove the following line from the above script: Function .onInit SetSilent silent … FunctionEnd You can still get a silent installation with a banner if you start the installer with the /S switch (FirefoxSilent.exe /S) Kudos go to SiMoNsAyS and all the people who contributed to his guide.
  9. Take a look at the Virtual Plastic site. This is what you need.
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