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Posts posted by hmaster10

  1. The first one will not output that text file

    The second one will output the text file

    To Test

    Open Cmd.exe

    Copy and paste the Red Example In To Cmd.exe

    Then hit enter

    Next Open Your Program Files And There Will Not Be A Text

    File There.

    Now Cut And Paste The Green Example Into Cmd.exe

    Hit Enter

    Open Program Files And There Will Be A Text File There Now.

    Hope This Helps

    both commands created the "txt" files. so i guess its not the cause of the problem

  2. @echo off

    COPY /Y "%systemdrive%\Install\AdAware\defs.ref" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Professional\"
    COPY /Y "%systemdrive%\Install\AdAware\sites.txt" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Professional\"
    COPY /Y "%systemdrive%\Install\AdAware\awsettings.awc" "%UserProfile%\Application Data\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware\"
    COPY /Y "%systemdrive%\Install\AdAware\settings.awc" "%UserProfile%\Application Data\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware\"


    anything wrong with this code, it won't work (this is called during the first logon after installation of a clean window OS)

  3. nero

    installer w/ the following 0-bytes:



    -Nero BackItUp

    -nero soundtrax

    -Nero StartSmart

    -Nero Toolkit

    -Nero Wave Editor


    - Nero -> all "*.msg" files (except for ur selected language)

    left intact:



    -common files


    it installed fine with no error reported.

    wat else should i check to see if there really no problem?


    an error do occur, that is after the reboot, it will report that "AudioControls2.ocx" is not valid and can't be register

    *this item is found in Nero Wave Editor

  4. cmdow @ /hide
    RD /S /Q %AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Accessibility\

    RD /S /Q %AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Nero\Nero Toolkit\
    RD /S /Q %AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Nero\User's Guides\

    RD /S /Q %UserProfile%\Favorites\Links\

    RD /S /Q %UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Accessibility\

    how come this does not delete the following folder ?

  5. where can i get what each component points to?

    AccessOpt = On
    Appsrv_console = On
    Aspnet = On
    AutoUpdate = On
    BitsServerExtensionsISAPI = On
    BitsServerExtensionsManager = On
    Calc = On
    Certsrv = On
    Certsrv_client = On
    Certsrv_server = On
    Charmap = On
    Chat = On
    Clipbook = On
    Complusnetwork = On
    Deskpaper = On
    Dialer = On
    Dtcnetwork = On
    Fax = On
    Fp_extensions = On
    Fp_vdir_deploy = On
    Freecell = On
    Hearts = On
    Hypertrm = On
    IEAccess = On
    Iis_asp = On
    Iis_common = On
    Iisdbg = On
    Iis_ftp = On
    Iis_htmla = On
    Iis_doc = On
    Iis_inetmgr = On
    Iis_internetdataconnector = On
    Iis_nntp = On
    Iis_pwmgr = On
    Iis_serversideincludes = On
    Iis_smtp = On
    Iis_smtp_docs = On
    Iis_webadmin = On
    Iis_webdav = On
    Iis_www = On
    Iis_www_vdir_printers = On
    Iis_www_vdir_scripts = On
    Iis_www_vdir_terminalservices = On
    Indexsrv_system = On
    Inetprint = On
    Licenseserver = On
    Media_clips = On
    Media_utopia = On
    Minesweeper = On
    Mousepoint = On
    Msmq_ADIntegrated = On
    Msmq_Core = On
    Msmq_HTTPSupport = On
    Msmq_LocalStorage = On
    Msmq_MQDSService = On
    Msmq_RoutingSupport = On
    Msmq_TriggersService = On
    Msnexplr = On
    Mswordpad = On
    Netcis = On
    Netoc = On
    Objectpkg = On
    OEAccess = On
    Paint = On
    Pinball = On
    Pop3Admin = On
    Pop3Service = On
    Pop3Srv = On
    Rec = On
    Reminst = On
    Rootautoupdate = On
    Rstorage = On
    Solitaire = On
    Spider = On
    Templates = On
    TerminalServer = On
    TSWebClient = On
    Vol = On
    WMAccess = On
    WMPOCM = On
    Zonegames = On

    Incase no one knows all, i just want to know where are:

    address book

    remote assistance

    sound recorder

    accessiblity (all of them)

  6. i can't apply these reg tweak... i paste them on notepad and save them as a *.reg file, when i run it windows pop-up an error saying that its not a valid registry script.

    sample content of the file


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