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Posts posted by hmaster10

  1. If you're an ordinary pc user I would suggest to leave it on, without it, your pc won't be able to get into power saving mode, meaning that for example cpu chip willl run constantly at full load consuming a lot of power, same goes to the rest of the components.

    I like to disable it when overclocking, 30% of bugs in a BIOS are bugs with ACPI. Hmm, sorry I can't tell you more, I forgot a lot about ACPI :(

    ic, thanks for the info.

  2. i have lot info about it on google but almost all that i found are contradicting, others says its good to be enabled others don't, others says it is for multi processor and etc..

    so i want to know your opinions bout it :) to remove my confusion

  3. With new drives you get a long thin pokey thing, about an inch long, that goes in the small hole on the face plate. Using this you can get the tray open.

    Of course this doesn't help you if you havent got one!!

    you can always make one from a paper clip.

    that's what i'm doing currently.. and i'm thinking of replacing it anytime soon.. thanks for the help :)

  4. You don't really need an expensive case... it's the parts inside that are important!

    you said that right :D i'm not after the looks only the airflow inside... coz its hot where i live no airconditioned room only normal fans...

    i think this can be closed :)

    i managed to ask a friend of mine to have his old case (it has a broken front cover, broken on/off switch and dusty :P)

  5. php 2000 would be 36.36 in USD

    increasing my budget to USD 100 thants about 5-9K in php

    this are the antecs sold in pc shop here in my place


    - http://www.pccorner.com.ph/products.do?act...&productid=1571

    2) ANTEC P160 - http://www.pccorner.com.ph/products.do?act...&productid=2844

    3) ANTEC SONATA II - http://www.pccorner.com.ph/products.do?act...&productid=2846

    4) ANTEC SUPER LANBOY CASE - http://www.pccorner.com.ph/products.do?act...&productid=1569

    5) ANTEC SLK3700-BQE CASE - http://www.pccorner.com.ph/products.do?act...&productid=1570

    6) THERMALTAKE / XASER III - http://www.pccorner.com.ph/products.do?act...4&productid=801

    7) ANTEC SLK1650B - http://www.pccorner.com.ph/products.do?act...&productid=2845 (this is the most cheapest cmpare to the other metioned above)

  6. 1) I bought a AMD64 processor and it has a heatsink/fan included, how can i know if it has a thermal pad? is it the grayish square under neat?

    2) If it already has a thermal pad, is putting a thermal solution on it can cause problem or it has no effect?

    1) The gray pad is thermal material

    2) If you want to use a different thermal compound, you will need to clean the gray stuff off first

    thanks for the info :)

  7. 1) I bought a AMD64 processor and it has a heatsink/fan included, how can i know if it has a thermal pad? is it the grayish square under neat?

    2) If it already has a thermal pad, is putting a thermal solution on it can cause problem or it has no effect?

  8. i'll try that

    i noticed something wierd, when i try to access the pc remotely via Computer Name it gives me the "Access Denied" error

    while using the ip iddress, it gives me the "RPC Unavailable" error

    Edit: i have disabled the firewall and there still problem

    Edit: I have found what causing the problem :D thanks

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