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Posts posted by hmaster10
Currently I don't have any Windows box, and my only Windows box is down, I'm planning on updating my Windows installer before reformatting. Is it possible to run nLite using WINE? If yes, any additional files I need to run it on WINE?
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For a basic file server - processing power is not needed. If you can find an E2100-series CPU for cheaper, then go for that. It'll do quite well for what you need.
What are the rest of the parts that you have? Make sure to indicate what kind of connector each one is (for example PCIe vs AGP for the video card). I'm just trying to make sure that all the parts will work together.
Thanks Zxian, I manage to find an E2160 CPU.
Will a 1GB RAM suffice? Do I need a Dual-Channel, or a Single-Channel is enough?
I notice that the ram I had were DDRs not DDR2. I got myself a 1GB Single Channel one, since that is the only smallest available. But I was a bit slow, prices fluctuated so fast, that I got to spend a little bit higher than what I have canvas
Thanks guys (especially Zxian, for bearing with me
) , I hope my first file server is a success
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I'd recommend getting a motherboard with a newer chipset than the Intel 945. This board uses the much newer P35 chipset, and shouldn't cost too much more than the board you were looking at.
You might want to consider an additional SATA PCI card for any additional hard drives that you might have space for.
Thanks Zxian, I'll try to see if I can fit it to my budget. BTW, I also need to change my Processor since it will not be compatible. Should I get a Core 2 Duo or just a P4
Incase a Core 2 Duo, I think I be getting Intel Core 2 Duo E4700 since its price difference w/ Intel Core 2 Duo E4400 is just minimal.
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Any old hardware will likely work fine - if you want to swing it, you could install Windows Home Server as well and make that second file server quite useful.
If it's just a file server for you or just a few people, processor speeds matter little if performance isn't important, and if it runs Windows then RAM isn't really important either (although if you are planning on using Linux/SAMBA, note that SAMBA does cache things in RAM heavily and having too little RAM for the workload can really slow it down). As always, disk space is most important no matter what. If you want redundancy beyond OS-created arrays, however, you'll need to consider a discreet SATA RAID card.
It seems all old hardware I have are still usable except for the board.
Is the Gigabyte GA-946GM-DS2 board to much?
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do you have an old system you could repurpose, or are you going to build this from scratch? when you say file server, are you only looking for storage, or are you looking to stream media and do other things?
Some old parts are still usable (i.e. Video Card, Power Supply, Case, Fans). For the ram, I've not yet test them w/ memtest.I'm planning to use it as a storage device.
I'd also like to know a bit more about what you're looking for. The term "file server" is pretty varied, ranging from a simple second computer with hard drives, to a redundant server setup with fail-over support and dedicated RAID controllers.What are the hard drives that you have? Are they all the same, or separate sizes and manufacturers?
I'm planning to use it as a storage device. (a simple second computer with hard drives). The HDDs I have are Western Digital & Seagate w/ varying sizes (80GB - 300GB). They are all SATA interface.
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Hi, I'm planning to build a file server since it's my first time building a file server, I like to ask help from experience members of the board. What I currently have are SATA HDDs for the rig.
Here are links to local stores:
* As of this post the estimated conversion rate is 1 Philippine Peso = 45 US Dollar.
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My little question have cause a big ruckus among MSFN members
Thanks for all the opinions (& debates
) I was just curious coz I saw PC cases with vertical mounting position for HDD.
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nmx, thanks for the information, I'll keep that in mind
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Is there any difference between installing HDD in vertical position against horizontal position? If there is, what position is better?
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there are no desktop pc where I am right now, only laptops. I'm not planning on burning anything, just want to see if it runs (check if it works or not). And thanks, I remembered there is a working external burner somewhere here, maybe I can borrow it and put the DVD drive there and test it.
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Is it possible to attach a 5.25 drive to a 3.5 enclosure interface? I'm planning to test a new bought 5.25 DVD writer if it is working, but right now I don't have any desktop to connect it to. So I'm planning to connect it to my external 3.5 drive enclosure. The question is, is it a good idea? (the voltage match but I'm not sure, any suggestion?)
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Same here, I'm using Liteon and it never failed me even once except when there are power outage
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lower speeds are more relaible
Is that statement true? ****, if it is... oh well, if I only knew... all my DVD are high speed (16x).
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Yeah I know, I was just using it as an example, because enclosure don't specify any size limit that I just want to confirm if they can hold more, for future recycling of enclosure
Thanks guys
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Since you're only talking 3 users a MUCH cheaper option would be to simply purchase a regular external FireWire drive and attach it to one of your existing PCs. From there you can share it out for all users to access.
Of course, that's not the optimum situation, but it's better than nothing and cheaper than purchasing a NAS or building a dedicated file server. A Western Digitial MyBook Premium 750GB can be found for around $250USD. Should you decided to build a dedicated file server later on, you can attach the MyBook to it as a backup device.
I see, I'm planning to get me a separate enclosure & hdd, I think its much cheaper, but my only concerned is that they don't specify any drive size limit.Does that mean they support any size?
example would be this enclosure: Max4 Active Cooling it doesn't specify any limit drive size, so does it means it can be use w/ the WD 1TB hdd?
BTW, I can't get firewire for now, currently I don't have a firewire port.
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File Server for a networked external storage. So if I will be scrping the idea of having it networked. Is using a single external hdd better compared to using a multi-bay external hdd (no networking, similar to My Book Pro Edition II [WD My Book are Dual Bay type]).
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I checked out those prices in your country, first I want to say that they don’t sell the latest part over there and prices are a bit on the high side. A simple file server with a single core processor, 1000Mbit network interface, 1TB (2x500GB) Hard drives and 1GB RAM in a normal case (Antec) cost about 650 US$.
That's my country for you ...
Thanks for the info. For now I think I'll just be contented to burning to DVDs as a backup means.
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all online store that I visit are mostly local.
This would be a first time for me looking at a international online store, like NewEgg.
I can also settle down w/ just an ordinary external storage, and just mount it to which user is in need (this is just my other option)
In terms of backup, would I be saving more if I burn them to DVDs (that is only available here, no HD or Blu-Ray yet), or Using a File Server, or having many External HDD?
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- How many users are connected to it at the same time?
at least 3.
- What kind of data will be used?documents, musics, videos
- How much disk space you need?atleast 1TB if possible (currently I have a 320GB and it seems not enough)
- How technical you are?this is a hard one... hmm, I think I'm about above average.
- How much you like to spend on it?if it is base on USD and I'm converting it back to my currency here, not more than $600
- ... …Did I forget something?Later maybe, other issues might arise.
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i'm all ears to the idea
If you're looking for that much external storage, you do NOT want to be running it over USB2.0. USB is horrible for block data transfer because of the way the protocol is structured. Firewire, eSATA, or gigabit ethernet are the interfaces you want to consider.But before we go further, I'm planning to use that storage as a sharing storage to multiple user. So should I go to a normal external hdd (like My Book Pro Edition II) or a file server?
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In need of recommendations for Multi-Bay External HDD Enclosures, if possible one with atleast more than USB 2.0 Interface or have Networking interface. I have found some but they are either just USB 2.0 or just eSata Interface.
Thanks in advance.
no ones seems posting any recommendations or suggestion
Is having a multi-bay enclosure a bad idea?
I have found some:
- Muse NAS-RAID N0001LN (Thermaltake) : http://www.thermaltakeusa.com/product/Stor...1LN/n0001ln.asp
- Muse X-Duo-Raid N0015LU (Thermaltake) : http://www.thermaltake.com/product/Storage...5LU/n0015lu.asp (this one seems smaller max 2 HDD)
- When they say it supports up to xGB hdd size, does that mean they won't work for larger hdd size?
ex: for 'Muse NAS-RAID N0001LN (Thermaltake)' it says 'Supports up to 2.0 TB storage' which means if I use 4x 500GB hdd I will get 2TB. So it won't work if I have 4x 750GB or more?
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A cellphone driver, i.e. Sony Ericson Phone, to be able to update the firmware and such.
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Have you "Map The Network Drive"?
Right Click 'My Computer' > Map Netwrok Drive...
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Is it possible to give Power User Hardware Device installation priviledge?
I have read some guides about adding User in the 'Administrative Tools>Local Security Policy>Local Policies>User Rights Assignment>Load And Unload Device Drivers' but it didn't work.
Formating a backup drive to ext3
in Other Operating Systems
Drive capacity = 1 TB
File size (mostly) = 200 MB - 300 MB
Is setting block size to 1024 bytes ideal?