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  1. Just built a lightweight 98SE version of the patcher with only the basic functionality. I'd really appreciate some feedback, as I've only tested it on my old 98 SE (US version). A fully featured version of the patcher will be available at https://dsoemu.pages.dev/download/ gtx_fix98.zip
  2. Hi! Yes, FAR and DOS vm sessions work, but this requires additional steps (out of patch scope). Examples attached. In the second screenshot, the default VGA driver from Windows 98 SE is being used.
  3. Hello Everyone! Recently, for one of my projects, I needed to run Windows 95 on a platform with a GTX 1060 3G, and I encountered this issue. After solving it, I developed an end-user patcher. Considering that the GTX 1060-3G/1070 is quite a rare cards today, especially in configurations with Win9x/WFW3.11, I'm curious: do any of the respected users here have a need for my patcher? I've prepared version 0.1, and here's the draft readme for it: # GTX_FIX v0.1 GTX_FIX resolves the incompatibility issue between GTX 1060-3GB and some other Pascal-based NVIDIA GPUs with Windows 9x and Windows for Workgroups 3.11. ## Problem Description When installing Windows, the system fails to boot after the first restart. ## Supported Configurations - Windows 98 SE (US release) - Assumes Windows 98 SE is installed in `C:\WINDOWS` ## Usage - This patch is fully automatic. - Command-line arguments are not supported and not reqired for v0.1 - Compiled as DOS executable, allowing patching directly on the affected system. - Just run gtx_fix.exe on affected system to fix incompatibility. ## Limitations - This patch addresses only the GTX-specific issue described above. - Additional steps may be required to run Windows 98 SE on modern platforms. ## Disclaimer This software is provided "as is." Do not use on critical systems. Always back up important data before use. Enjoy your retro computing! crt0 2025
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