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Everything posted by _ANK_

  1. Hi @Tihiy! Icon badges are missing when icon margins are set to XS with the small taskbar. They only appear when set to S or larger. I'm on version 3.8.10.
  2. Hi @Tihiy! I've noticed a bug when using Everything Toolbar with StartAllBack 3.8.6. The toolbar spawns a "Deskband host for wpf" button on the taskbar. If I close it, the toolbar disappears. Thanks for your work on this amazing program!
  3. Hi! I'm using Everything Toolbar together with StartAllBack 3.8.3. I like to shrink the toolbar until it's a single button, but everytime I either reboot my PC or restart Windows Explorer, the toolbar goes back to full size, squishing all other pinned icons.
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