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Posts posted by mjd79

  1. @yoltboy01 I made it! Even on Windows 7, although I had to swap a fair amount of functions. On Windows 8.1, in the libcef.dll file, replace the missing imports from NETAPI32 with NetGetJoinInformation. And add --no-sandbox of course :)


  2. 21 minutes ago, yoltboy01 said:

    I already tried that out. Copying netapi32 from Windows 10 22H2 to 8.1, will prevent Windows 8.1 from loading the User profiles. You can‘t sign in.

    By the way, you just have to copy your Spotify folder from Windows 10 to 8.1

    Don't do it this way, it has to end like this....
    Name that netapi32 as netapi33, copy it to system32 and rename the import in CFF Explorer.

    I know I can copy from Windows 10, but it will be a while before I install it on VM and download Spotify.

  3. 1 hour ago, yoltboy01 said:

    Hmm interesting but I already saw that coming, since Steam relies on an Embedded Chromium framework (Steam Browser In-Game). Their current one is based on Chromium 85. 

    Same goes for Spotify by the way. We should have an easier procedure on Windows 8.1, than on Windows 7, but I haven‘t found a way yet. I tried making Spotify 1.2.7 (Chromium 110) run on Windows 8.1, but there are two functions added in net32api (Azure Active Directory Join Information Functions) : NetFreeAadJoinInformation and NetGetAadJoinInformation. I don‘t know with what function we could replace those

    netapi32 from Windows 10 is likely to be able to run on Windows 8.1, as there are no missing dependencies besides the two missing files.

    I can check it, but please send me this zipped version of Spotify to bypass the Win10+ installer.

  4. 10 minutes ago, legacyfan said:

    has the gtx 1000 been made usable on vista yet? I've been working on trying to modify drivers for it but none of them have worked so far (and the one from communities website gives the stuck orb issue)

    D.Draker mentioned in another thread about a rare 373 driver that supposedly can be run even on Vista x86. The problem is that I only found a version for Win 10.... Is this version also suitable for that?

  5. 10 minutes ago, D.Draker said:

    I still think some sort of punishment needs to be applied for stealing.

    What punishment, do you watch what you write?
    Your advice sent to this user was not copyrighted, so neither will you prove to him that it happened at all.

    You can ban me for innocence, go ahead, I don't decide about that.

  6. 6 minutes ago, D.Draker said:

    You "know more than me" ? LOL. In that case - I'll just make it very simple, I shall not share any of my knowledge with either of ya in the future , and we'll see how far the both talented developers from Poland go with "their" versions.

    Why are you taking my words out of context????

    I wrote that I know more than you in the topic of the unsuccessful @msquidpl tries.

  7. 1 hour ago, D.Draker said:

    your" version ? Care to elaborate ? Are you a developer of some sorts ? We already had a developer with "his" chrome versions recently, from the same country, pure coincidence some might say.

    By the same coincidence, he also couldn't go on with the newer chrome versions.

    My version not in the literal sense. It simply means the one modified by me that I am currently using. I know this guy from Discord, from him I received advice.

    I know perfectly well that he did not come up with it himself. On the subject of clumsy attempts I know more than you :)

    I'm not going to make this widely available and promote it as my project, I'm simply reporting that this version works. This will be for my use or possibly for those interested from the forum.

  8. Perhaps this tool will help you - I used to update Windows 8.0 with it :)

    Sorry for the Polish download link, pobierz means download.


    The program itself is in English anyway.

    I can also send you a link to a version with integrated updates post EOL until July 2021, created by a well-known and trusted Polish modder, but in an English version, as long as you are willing to install it from scratch :D

  9. 4 hours ago, legacyfan said:

    actually my preferred release is windows 7 7601 (with all the 'importent' updates installed only) it's runs really well for a almost 21 year old and does everything I need it to do (including gaming)

    The thread is about preferred versions of W10.... In the case of Windows 7, there isn't even much to choose between, well maybe between build 7600 and 7601 (SP0/SP1) :buehehe:

    Personally at this moment I am using Windows 10 21H2 LTSC on my main computer, I have never been so happy with W10 :)

  10. 7 minutes ago, legacyfan said:

    I don't really know if this is possible (ive never used a network card) but with as much talented people as there is here solution should be a easy to find  :hello:                                                                                                           -legacyfan                                                                                                  

    It just turned out that... the second Ethernet port on the motherboard works, only for some reason its controller was disabled in the BIOS.

    I have always been convinced that he does not work.
    Problem solved :D 

  11. 45 minutes ago, legacyfan said:

    I'm working on getting the certificates and other components updates and was wondering where I can download the complete latest certificates for 2023 if anyone could help with this it would be much appreciated 



    It will also work for Windows 7.


    In this menu, enable both SSL 2.0 and 3.0, and TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2.

  12. On 3/3/2023 at 8:13 PM, legacyfan said:

    as the longest supported windows 10 version its is considered the best version of windows 10 for long term use but with older programs still slowly losing support will last that long?

    I used W10 1511 until very recently, 99% of "ordinary" Win32 applications worked, while the store is dead. From what I gather, the same will happen to the store on version 1607 of LTSB after installing it by unofficial methods.

  13. 3 hours ago, FantasyAcquiesce said:

    I got a copy of the 111 builds, but never got a chance to grab the 112 build before it was removed.

    As far as I know, the only thing different between 111 and 112 was the DiscardVirtualMemory function, which had to be replaced with VirtualAlloc. This was build 5570.

  14. Hi, the integrated network card in my computer is probably broken...
    I found an old 3COM on PCI, unfortunately it only has drivers for 32 bit systems. I am not able to install it through the device manager because the architecture does not match.
    Is it possible to get around this somehow?
    Thank you in advance for your answer :)

  15. The 472 driver will 99% not work! You need to create an osver.ini file (In the thread below you will find information about what it should contain)

     Even so, you are bound to get a BSOD or error code in the device manager anyway. The 372 driver is too old to support RTX. Perhaps version 398 modified by win32 will be able to support your graphics card after modifications, but it is unstable probably.

    There is no point in using anything newer than the 900 series on Windows Vista, or the 1000 series on modified drivers.

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