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    Windows 10 x64

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  1. I am visually impaired, can you please write the procedure for me?
  2. What are the global.asa and global.asp files in SUS?
  3. How did you synchronize SUS 1.0 with the Windows Update servers? Because I have the error impossible to connect to http://msus.windowsupdate.com. Check the proxy settings. The problem is that I don't use a proxy server, and in the SUS settings I checked the don't use proxy server option.
  4. Can you please send me this getmanifest.asp file? I want to test something.
  5. Does SUS 1.0 also have the getmanifest.asp file? If yes, we could try to use it for the Windows Update v4 site.
  6. @WinFX, do you have any news about getmanifest.asp for Windows Update v4?
  7. Did you find the update catalogs after October 2000 for Windows Update v3?
  8. Ok thank's. For getmanifest.asp, We need https, and probably We need to put all update's details manually, because it is a software update catalog. The consumerdrivers/getmanifest.asp is a update catalog for drivers.
  9. Any news about Windows Update v3 and v4?
  10. In the iuident.cab file, there is a file called iuident.txt. I have read it's content, and there is some interesting information. I put you it's content below. The iuident.cab file: [DownloadRegulation] ODFFileURL="http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/odf/wuodf.xml" [IUControl] ControlVer=5.4.3790.14 ControlVerAnsi=5.3.3790.13 [IUSelfUpdate] Version=5.4.3790.14 VersionAnsi=5.3.3790.13 MinimumVersion=5.4.3790.14 MinimumVersionAnsi=5.3.3790.13 ServerUrl=http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/selfupdate/iuupd/ StructureKey=ARCH|CHARTYPE| [IUBetaSelfUpdate] Version=5.4.3790.14 VersionAnsi=5.3.3790.13 MinimumVersion=5.4.3790.14 MinimumVersionAnsi=5.3.3790.13 ServerUrl=http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/selfupdate/iuupd/ StructureKey=ARCH|CHARTYPE| [IUArch] x86=/x86 ia64=/ia64 amd64=/amd64 [IUCharType] ansi=/ansi unicode=/unicode [IUSchema] SOAPQuerySchema="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SystemSpecSchema="http://schemas.windowsupdate.com/iu/systeminfoschema.xml" ResultSchema="http://schemas.windowsupdate.com/iu/resultschema.xml" [IUServerCache] ServerCount=4 CDMServerCacheIndex=2 BetaCDMServerCacheIndex=2 CDMQueryServerIndex=2 CDMBetaQueryServerIndex=2 IU_SiteQueryServerIndex=1 IU_SiteBetaQueryServerIndex=1 DefaultQueryServerIndex=1 AUQueryServerIndex=3 AUBetaQueryServerIndex=3 AUDriverQueryServerIndex=4 AUDriverBetaQueryServerIndex=4 Server1="https://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/getmanifest.asp" Server2="https://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/consumerdrivers/getmanifest.asp" Server3="https://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/autoupdate/getmanifest.asp" Server4="https://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/autoupdatedrivers/getmanifest.asp" [IUServerURLs] ServerCount=2 Server1="http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/" Server2="https://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/" [IUCertCab] ServerUrl="http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/" [IUPingServer] ServerUrl=http://wustat.windows.com [AUSelfUpdate] ServerUrlEx="http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com" StructureKeyEx=/selfupdate/AU|ARCH|AUOS|LANG [ARCH] x86=/x86 ia64=/ia64 amd64=/amd64 [AUOS9X] 4.89-4.91=/mil [AUOSNT] 5.0.2195-5.0.2195.2.9999=/W2KSP2 5.0.2195.3-5.0.2195.9999.9999=/W2K 5.1-5.1.3499.9999.9999=/XP 5.1.3500-5.2.9999.9999.9999=/NetServer [CUNHeader] arch=IUArch os=CUNOS lcid=LANG9X server=CUNSRV [CUNOS] w98=/w98 [CUNSRV] server="http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/selfupd" [LANG] ar=/ar cs=/cs da=/da de=/de el=/el en=/en es=/es fi=/fi fr=/fr he=/he hu=/hu it=/it iw=/he ja=/ja ko=/ko nec=/ja nl=/nl nb=/no no=/no nn=/no pl=/pl pt=/pt pt-BR=/ptBR ru=/ru sv=/sv tr=/tr zh-TW=/zhTW zh-CN=/zhCN zh=/zhCN [LANG9X] ar=/ar zh=/zhcn zhtw=/zhtw zh-TW=/zhtw zhcn=/zhcn zh-CN=/zhcn cs=/cs da=/da de=/de deat=/de de-AT=/de dech=/de de-CH=/de el=/el el_MS=/el el_IBM=/el en=/en enza=/en engb=/en enau=/en enca=/en ennz=/en enie=/en en-ZA=/en en-GB=/en en-AU=/en en-CA=/en en-NZ=/en en-IE=/en en_arabic=/en en_hebrew=/en en_thai=/en fi=/fi fr=/fr frbe=/fr frca=/fr frch=/fr fr-BE=/fr fr-CA=/fr fr-CH=/fr he=/he hu=/hu it=/it itch=/it it-CH=/it iw=/he ja=/ja nb=/no nec=/ja ko=/ko nl=/nl nlbe=/nl nl-BE=/nl no=/no pl=/pl ptbr=/ptbr pt-BR=/ptbr pt=/pt ru=/ru sk=/sk sv=/sv th=/en tr=/tr sl=/sl es=/es esmx=/es esve=/es esco=/es espe=/es esar=/es esec=/es escl=/es es-MX=/es es-VE=/es es-CO=/es es-PE=/es es-AR=/es es-EC=/es es-CL=/es
  11. Hello, I'm new on msfn. This is a very good project! ☺ Any news about WU? Best regards
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