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Miles Prower

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About Miles Prower

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    XP Pro x86

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  1. Yep correct but all the updates either dont even download or install properly because almost all updates from microsoft their servers are deleted so basically the next step is to host a cabpool for installing all the updates you know @WULover is also making great progress on v4 he even has an lead for the results.asp page
  2. Here are some screenshots of it in action
  3. setting up and preparing the Windows server installation and configuring XP so basically everything
  4. ok you know i will just wait until either a video tutorial gets made or a public server gets setup
  5. i did but it still keeps redirecting
  6. ok now it works again but it keeps redirecting
  7. now it just says that it couldnt display the page when accessing the page
  8. ok so i followed it and when accessing fe2.update.microsoft.com it just kept redirecting
  9. and does it work if i run it in a vm?
  10. does anyone know how to properly set up the site?
  11. and then it actually works instead of just saying it cant display a page?
  12. anyways on apache the v4 site doesnt work and just gives me an 500 error
  13. how does v31 work as here it just gives me some errors
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