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Everything posted by eger

  1. Thank you Rick, this is a big help. I will try this command out in MDT.
  2. The linked download is dead. Appears the domain is no longer registered :\
  3. It is a download from Microsoft. Actually, with a Microsoft mouse plugged in, the installer will also popup from Windows Update (which is very annoying). Though, you can't find the download in the windows update catalog I am basically trying to install it before Windows update has a chance to try (which will popup an install dialog and wait). The file comes as a setup.exe which doesn't appear to have any switches at all. I can extract the setup.exe to get to the MSI file. The MSI only installs if it is modified to remove a property that says it can only be run from setup.exe. Also canot find any documentation from Microsoft on it. I guess another solution would be to block the update from Windows updates. Any idea on how to exclude it before Windows update runs?
  4. I am trying to install IntelliPoint 8.2 in my unattended install. It always seems to prompt me (from Windows update) even if I do the unattended install of the MSI. I have been trying to directions from here: http://www.appdeploy.com/packages/detail.asp?id=215 I also modified the MSI using WinINSTALL to remove the restriction of installing from setup.exe. But I still always get the prompt which locks my script up until I click next. Anyone know of a proper way to silently install IntelliPoint 8.2?
  5. My goal is (if possible) get a slimmed down version of Windows 2008 that may fit on regular 750MB CD instead foa DVD. The CD I have from Microsoft Licensing is for Standard, Enterprise, and Datacenter editions. Wondering what can be removed to save space and build only for Standard?
  6. Thanks for the info. I think I will try both and see what works well. Shouldn't there be a variable for the files that are located on the drive that are copied by the textmode install? Seems like this would save a lot of time.
  7. I was just about to make a post on a similar topic. I am looking to basically get the i386 folder that is copied over to stay there or to move it to a new location instead of the setup removing all the files. Have you tried 7yler code above? I was thinking about trying it out using RunOnceEx at the t - 13 stage. At this stage, is SourcePath on the HD so the script is essentially copying from a folder on the HD back to the HD? If so I think this may still be faster than from the CD and is worth a shot. I currently copy from the CD using cmdlines.txt after all the updates are done and it is slooooow.
  8. Some interesting additional information. Recently there were 3 more updates for XP/2K/2K3. One of which was KB943485 which was a fix for lsass (which was throwing the initial error when trying to integrate the KB942615 patch). After I integrated KB943485 I decided to try KB942615 integration again for kicks and giggles. This time it works and integrates and windows setup does not throw any errors about lsass and completed fine. However KB942615 still shows as not installed and is trying to be updated by windows update. I am going to play with it a little more as it seems like KB943485 allows KB942615 to be integrated now with no problems and maybe it's just an incorrect order now?
  9. Yep, it is for Windows XP only. It would not let me integrate it into the Windoes 2003 distribution. Hopefully someone else will know a workaround.
  10. Very interesting. So if I am reading that correctly I should add KB946627 in line with KB942615 in my svcpack.ini method (using integrate switches)? Or should I replace it with KB946627? I will test this out next week when I work on my slipstreamed win2k3 install more. Thanks!
  11. I am trying to integrate KB942615 using the /integrate switch (building my slipstreamed CD by hand) and am coming across the issue found in this thread: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=88472 I have determined it to be after I integrate KB942615 that the issue happens (finally found after countless days of starting from scratch). Is there a workaround to integrate KB942615 without having to use nLite or HFSLIP? Anything other than the /integrate switch I can use? I am using Windows 2003 Standard and all other updates integrate flawless and this is the only one showing under Windows Update when I am finished. Not sure where I can throw this in to be slipstreamed without killing the installer with the lsass problem
  12. I know this is an older thread. But I noticed the same issue. My question is, what is HFSLIP doing differently than the /integrate switch is? I'm trying to build my CD without having to use these special tools. I am following just the normal deploy.chm help file.
  13. Did you ever find a solution to integrating KB936181? I have the same issue on the 2 msxml updates for Windows Server 2003. Not quite sure the correct switches to integrate (if it's even possible).
  14. I know this is a little old. But I am still looking for original Windows Server 2003 logos from Microsoft (there are a couple colored and one grayscale one I remember seeing that I am interested in). Are these public material or do I need to be a special subscriber (such as MSDN)? Anyone know?
  15. See his signature or simply click here Thanks. I don't see any signature on his post... Maybe my settings are not correct? Hmm..
  16. Thanks.. But this doesn't really help with my questions... I am doing automation which is much easier to use pxelinux and pxelinux configs and it tailored around open source Linux software. I'm just trying to get the files that windows copies during text setup similar to the CD.
  17. I'd love to learn about these. What is your site address? I don't see a website listed in your profile.
  18. I'm wondering if anyone knows of another reference for unattended options. Here are some options which are not in my ref.chm from my regular Windows 2003 Standard CD: Floppyless OriSrc OriTyp LocalSourceOnCD DisableAdminAccountOnDomainJoin OsLoadOptions SetupSourceDevice These all seem to be related to RIS. But I can't find any reference to them so I can find out if there are any more options that I'm missing and what these options are actually for. Anyone know where they come from?
  19. I'm not sure if anyone here is using Linux to do RIS (I'm using a python binlsrv, pxelinux, and tftp to do windows RIS from Linux). But I'm trying to figure out some things when comparing the install to a regular CD install. When I install Windows 2003 from RIS it seems to copy a LOT more files during the Copying files in text mode part than the CD install (so many that it takes about 10 minutes just to pass that stage and get to the normal yellow progress bar for copying the regular files). Is there a reason for this or a way to prevent it? I can't figure out why an RIS install would copy so many more files than the CD especially when i'm using the exact same CD image for the RIS install (with only a modified winnt.sif for the correct sources on tftp and samba). I will actually be finishing up a tutorial for RIS on Linux soon. But there are tutorials out there that I followed to get this running for me. Having never used the Windows 2003 RIS server I'm not quite sure how the Linux version compares... Any ideas? Anyone else doing RIS on Linux have any tips for me? I'd love to know.. Thanks!
  20. I am looking for Windows Logos to create a customized classic style setup billboard for my corporate Windows Server image. Anyone know where to find high quality Windows logos? Particularly Windows 2003 Server Standard and Enterprise?
  21. Hi, I looked over this thread since I am having the same issue on my Windows 2003 Standard CD. I cannot get the classic setup background to display. I have made a 256 color 800x600 bitmap. Then followed: http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/74/ to remove the needed files. I then placed SETUP_S.BMP in the i386 folder and made the CD. Not working... The setup background is just white. I also tried making SETUP_S.BMP into a cab file as SETUP_S.BM_ and SETUP_W.BMP and SETUP_W.BM_ (SETUP_W files are not in txtsetup.sif and dosnet.ini so they obviously weren't used). I am not sure what i could be doing wrong. Anything else I am missing?
  22. Hi, I am setting up an unattended Windows 2003 server CD for my organization. One of the things I wanted to automate during the install (without having to login) was copying the i386 directory to the C:\. I found some great scripts for this on the forums and modified one that I liked. Here is my script (i386.cmd) which I slightly modified from one on these forums (thanks Sonic): @ECHO OFF TITLE Copying i386 folder to hard drive ... FOR /f "skip=4 tokens=3" %%p IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v SourcePath') DO SET CDSource=%%p XCOPY /s /c /i /f /k /y /EXCLUDE:exclude.txt "%CDSource%" "%SystemDrive%\i386\" TITLE Adding source path registry entries ... REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v "SourcePath" /d "%SystemDrive%\i386" /f REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup" /v "Installation Sources" /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d "%SystemDrive%" /f REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup" /v "SourcePath" /d "%SystemDrive%" /f REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup" /v "ServicePackSourcePath" /d "%SystemDrive%" /f REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Transaction Server\Setup(OCM)" /v "Source Path" /d "%SystemDrive%" /f REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSDTC\Setup" /v "Source Path" /d "%SystemDrive%" /f REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\COM3\Setup" /v "Source Path" /d "%SystemDrive%" /f EXIT I created 'cmdlines.txt' and put it in $OEM$ on the CD. This is also where my i386.cmd file lives. However nothing gets copied over (not sure if it is attempting to run or not). When I test i386.cmd by itself after it does the regular unattended install it runs as expected and copies the i386 directory. What are some things I can try? Is it possible that HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SourcePath is not yet available so it can't find the CDROM drive?
  23. I am also getting this error. It happened on and off. Now i'm on my 5th try and still getting the error when it recompresses the cabs. Biggest issue with this error is it requires me to wipe my CD folder and start fresh... very time consuming.
  24. After I install my slipstreamed windows 2003 SP1, I get a couple popups that I would like to remove. The major one that is not needed is a Terminal Server help file which opens to a terminal services checklist. The second one I think I might know how to remove already is the Manage Your Server popup (ServerWelcome = No ?). The third one is the Post-setup Security screen (which I may have already disabled by explicitly telling the windows firewall to be off. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. Thanks!
  25. I foudn the part that tells how to silently install R2. But what I am trying to do is prevent the R2 part from even attmepting to setup (not needed in my case). Is this possible or should I just go back to my original w2k3 CD and slipstream sp1 and all updates (was hoping r2 would contain sp1 and most updates already and require less manual slipstreaming).
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