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Yes, I know you can download them, but I'm also retro developer and retro gamer collecting real stuff. I already downloaded half of Thank you
Thanks for MSDN .NET 2.0 link and now imagine here is one super awesome project that allows you to have compatibility layer alias polyfill that will make your .NET 4.X project run on .NET 2.0: ....that means you can use modern .NET features and backport any .NET app to Windows 98 SE. That is what I'm currently doing with vJoy kernel driver and FreePIE (glove pie alternative) programmable input emulator. It shows how minimal effort can make everything possible and that the original company (MS) could show a little bit more love and do this officially, very minimal effort and a no brainer for smart people. I am currently writing article for and I want to mention stuff like in this thread. I want to write about problems in current opensource that I did not encounter as a student 20 years ago, when commercial companies did not do opensource. A lot of projects did work on Windows XP and maintainer just delete some files and rewrite project files, so you need latest Visual Studio version, even you should not have to. This lack of true opensource habits and a lack of some basic craftmanship codex might root inside their daily commercial job, where companies claim to do opensource only to have free bug fixes from community. But it is not community driven effort and it focus on requirements of one author, not requirements of community. At least there are servers as, FreeDOS mailing list and Vogons. Where people are open and want to help. Thank you for that!
Ahh, got it. I already have a few Github forks going on my account, where I want to support retro OS. It is only a matter of time when I will need to have some website, so this would be a good candidate to have at least a links listed there. Which brings me to another question: There is Visual Studio 6.0 and 2015 being sold on E-Bay - boxed - opened - for like $300-600. A part of it is some subscription access for MSDN. It might be worth checking if active subscription to MSDN would give people these resources. We need to push Microsoft more towards sharing at least documentation. My github issues on Microsoft docs repository has been reopened. Microsoft says they are doing opensource with .NET, and similar, technologies. They bought Github. Now it is right time to ask if they should not provide more information. I don't agree with them that documentation contains only Windows 11 and it is a superset of everytthing and includes everything for past versions and mentions what is deprecated or what has changed. It would be nice, if that would be the case.
Guys, thanks, but I already know that Microsoft website does not have older than 7.1 I already know that github with exe files. For that you better download ISO torrent from containing all these exe files. These exe files are the actual DDK and WDK, driver development kits. I am trying to find documentation only. Some readable format with search function that will be cross-platform, like html for example. I have 8 computers with KVM, so now I need to switch between them only to boot into particular OS and read particular documentation to rework kernel drivers from open-source projects. The only solution now seems to be to explore web sites and make some links for each Windows version filtering by year. But I think there will be some pages missing, not scanned by the bot. I will try to do that and I will try to reopen Microsoft issues topic one more time with new findings.
Ok, I know MPS multiprocessor support is different implementation than ACPI multiprocessor. I was thinking about providing ACPI layer that would bridge the requests about multi-cpu capabilities to MPS layer thus providing support for post-Whistler NT builds. I'm currently helping to two other open-source projects + daily job, so I might need to dig into the code myself...after I finally compile XP kernel driver for vJoy. Thank you for your response, at least.
Yes, but as the same URL seems to be for all Windows version, you would literally study each Windows release date and then search in This is the worst situation. It might be easier to find and open CHM files.
SDK Archive link contains only Win7:
@jaclaz bro you kidding me? The links are not working Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7 WDK v7.1.0 32-bit + 64-bit [620 MB, ISO CD image, right-click to save!]. -> did you open this link? It shows only Windows 11 !!!!! This is what I complain about!!!!
BTW: MDGx link have: WDK Documentation, which points at: , but will redirect you here: is not working
Okay, at least something. I already have downloaded some DDK's. But I was curious about online documentation. Because I have multi-boot machine and need to switch often. I'm trying to compile this opensource project: it working on Win10. For Win7.1 and WinXP got only BSOD. Original repo on Sourceforge (SVN) contains makefile for WinXP DDK. I think there should be some codex for opensource developer and some certification. 10-15 years old project and someone just remove crucial files, so now it works only on Win10. I'm trying to fix someone else's bad habits. I guess they learn from Microsoft fire & forget style. Open Visual Studio -> Upgrade project -> commit on git -> famous :-D
The most crucial in my post was the link, did you open that link? I'm not talking about modern hardware at all. Year 2000 super server, 6x CPU mini fridge: Please look once more: What he did: Take Whistler build (early Windows XP) that still did not have ACPI implemented. Use that file. Install Whistler. Then install XP SP3 over it. Working Win XP without ACPI. I'm asking, if it would be possible like DIY with this driver presented here. This Pentium 1 machine kills Pentium 4 in 7-Zip benchmark :-D Because this would allow other Vogons community to use that. For example we can only use Windows 2000 Advanced Server. With this approach, we could use Windows 2003.
Wow! Can this be used to implement ACPI driver that will in fact ignore ACPI for BIOS that does not support ACPI and does not have ACPI table? Something like silently ignore ACPI, provide SMP support (multiprocessor support via MPS multiprocessor) and don't throw BSOD? See screenshot here:
Hi, I asked at Microsoft, but it seems I need to tackle with individual ignorance, as usual in open-source and developer codex. So I ask here, is anyone able to answer this: Where to get Windows Kernel Driver documentation for: Windows 8.1 (WDK) Windows 7 (DDK) Windows XP (DDK) Windows 98 SE (DDK) (and SDK)
Current status report (09/2020) Downloaded fresh 32-bit (x86) Win 7 Pro ISO with SP1 bundled in. First I try to browse some websites in Google Chrome and got a lot of certificate issues, so I downloaded root certificate update first, here: Even after this: Automatic updates say error: 80072EFE Googled that it requires this manual update:
It is good if you can get the source. Anyway, .NET is a byte code (interpreted) language (same as Java) and even Visual Studio provides built-in decompiler.