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Posts posted by dman

  1. Dont forget CWShredder by the hijackthis people. It can get rid of nasties that others can't.


    For super-pesky version of CoolWeb that closes spyware programs


    And not actually a spyware tool, winsockxpfix can get your connection back after you use some of these tools and removing the spyware kills net.


  2. chip,

    that "Limited or No connectivity", with NIC reported as working properly is usually a giveaway that it is a TCP stack problem. I get this sometimes after removing viruses and spyware from peoples computers. Only once has winsockXPfix failed to restore connectivity.

  3. Is NVU managible for someone with no training?

    Have you ever used front page? It is comparable to that, but it is free and arguably better. I think it's pretty easy to use. You got nothing to lose by trying it. (and no adware)


    Have you run cwshredder, spybot and ad-aware? They may be able to get rid of the ads, but some freeware won't work if you remove them.

  4. Yes, most of the books are for previous versions because, as discussed, MS is pushing .NET. One of the great things about VFP is that it evolves, not changes. Any book covering VFP5,6,7,8,9 will be helpful. The IDE and language core heve been the same since v5, each new version then adds some enhancements.

    I tried to PM you, but they are not showing up as "sent" so don't know if you got them. Email me at dettest@comcast.net and I will send you some stuff.

  5. I made small util to do text replacements that can be called from command line or batch file. It will replace all instances of search with replacement as specified in simple comma delimited script file, case sensitive. Only downside is it requires VFP6 runtime (see readme.txt for link and info). Not well tested, but shouldent be able to hurt anything. Hope it can be useful to someone.



  6. Hi Gofret, welcome to MSFN.

    You made a great choice from a technology and developer standpoint. The worst thing about VFP is trying to convince customers that it is the best thing to use. As you noticed, MS treats VFP like redhead stepson. It is kept alive grudgingly by MS because of dedicated developer base. They would much rather sell you a license for SQL server, and try to convince you that’s what you need to run a desktop db app. They hate the built-in database engine that they can’t extract royalties from. Unfortunately, because of no advertising for VFP, customers swallow this BS and demand .NET/SQL Server app for everything, even simple db app.

    It usually takes at least 3 times more lines of code to do ANYTHING with VB than it does in VFP, and VFP is much faster.

    VFP is also much more powerful than Access, and can easily access SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL or any other DB server. The language is also very elegant and concise, and is a true Object Oriented language implemented in a way that non-geniuses (ie. C++ coders) can understand and use.

    Long Live VFP!

    Look for books by whil hentzen, ed leafe, or marcus egger.

    These are two of the biggest fox user groups



    EDIT: I might add, VFP is not just for database apps. It is great for creating all kinds of general-purpose applications, has full (almost) access to win32 API and other dll's and can create working apps more rapidly than any other language.

  7. Another open source bundle joins XAMPP. Sounds like a good business model... Give away the software and sell the support. This is the future of software.


    SourceLabs lets corporate IT buyers realize the strategic flexibility of using open source software without trading off the dependability, convenience and mission critical support that production systems require.

    SourceLabs sells support and maintenance subscriptions for tested, certified "stacks" of open source infrastructure software, which we provide free of charge. The company's rigorous CERT7 testing framework produces a documented, reproducible certification for functionality, scalability, stress response, failover and security.

    SourceLabs has released SourceLabs AMP Stack v1.0, its certified Apache/MySQL/PHP distribution.


  8. I found this simple, generic php code to query mysql db when I was asking the same questions you are. Maybe it will help you as well.


    Author - Ofri Markus
    Date   - 3/12/03

    This is a generic script to view and modify mysql databases.
    All you need to do to use this script is:
    1. Put it in your site, and call the file "admin.php".
    2. Fill in the connection details on the first line, replace DB_USER AND DB_PASSWORD.
    3. Fill in the database name on 2 lines, replace DB_NAME.

    The advantage of this script is that is you don't need to
    modify it to your own scheme. it will work on any scheme.

    I would be happy to receive comments and improved versions of
    this script to:




    // Initial connection to the database
    $database = mysql_connect("localhost", "DB_USER", "DB_PASSWORD");

    // Because the first time we enter the site we have'nt selected
    // a table to view we init the number of rows in the current table


    <body bgcolor="#ffffff">


    // Get the data of the tables on the scheme
    $result = mysql_list_tables ("DB_NAME");

    while ($i < mysql_num_rows ($result))
    $tb_names[$i] = mysql_tablename ($result, $i);$i++;

    // Check if we got here after pressing submit on the page
    if (isset($_POST['submit']))
      // If we did press the submit button, we sould view the table that was on the select
      // box
    // If we didn't get here after pressing the submit button, check if we already
    // viewed one of the tables (and saved it's name on the hidden field hidtable
       if (isset($_POST['hidtable']))
     $table = $_POST['hidtable'];
     $table="<i>not selected</i>";$xnum=0;


    <form name=ff method=post action="/admin.php">
    <b>Select table</b>:<select name="table">
    <option value="<? echo $tb_names[$x];?>" <? if (isset($table) && $table==$tb_names[$x]) {echo " selected ";} ?>><? echo $tb_names[$x];?></option>
    <? }?>
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">


    // Check if we pressed the submit button and if we did - fetch the table data
    if(isset($submit) || isset($_POST['hidtable'])){
    $SQL="SELECT * FROM $table";
    $result = mysql_query($SQL);
    $xnum = mysql_num_fields($result);
    $rowNum = mysql_num_rows($result);

    // Read all the data in the table
    for ($j = 0; $j<$rowNum; ++$j)
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

    echo "<b><center>$table contains $xnum fields.<br><br></b></center>";?>

    <table bgcolor=black><tr>
    <td bgcolor="#e3e3e3">Offset</td><td bgcolor="#e3e3e3">Field Name</td><td bgcolor="#e3e3e3">Field type</td></tr>

    // Get the data about the primary keys and the numeric fields in the table
    $currField = mysql_fetch_field($result,$x);

    <td bgcolor="white"><? echo $x;?></td>
    <td bgcolor="white"><? echo $name[$x];?></td>
    <td bgcolor="white"><? echo $type[$x];?></td>
    <? }?>


    // Check to see if there was an update to a row
    for ($j = 0; $j<$rowNum; ++$j)
       if (isset($_POST["update".$j]))
     // Make an sql update query
           echo "<center>There was an update to row $j</center>";
           $sql="update $table set ";
           for ($i = 0; $i < $xnum; ++$i)
     if ($numeric[$i]==1)
                $sql.=$name[$i]."=".$_POST["$name[$i]".$j]." ";
                $sql.=$name[$i]."='".$_POST["$name[$i]".$j]."' ";  
     if ($i != $xnum-1) {$sql.=",";}
           $sql.="WHERE ";
     $notFirstKey = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $xnum; ++$i)
     if ($key[$i]==1)
       if ($notFirstKey == 0) {$notFirstKey=1;}
       else {$sql.=" AND ";}
     if ($notFirstKey == 0) {
     echo "Table does not have a primary key, not doing anything";
     else {
       echo $sql;
            $result = mysql_query($sql);


    // Check to see if there was a delete to a row
    for ($j = 0; $j<$rowNum; ++$j)
       if (isset($_POST["delete".$j]))
           echo "<center>There was an delete to row $j</center>";
           $sql="delete from $table ";
           $sql.="WHERE ";
     $notFirstKey = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $xnum; ++$i)
     if ($key[$i]==1)
       if ($notFirstKey == 0) {$notFirstKey=1;}
       else {$sql.=" AND ";}
     if ($notFirstKey == 0) {
     echo "Table does not have a primary key, not doing anything";
     else {
       echo $sql;
            $result = mysql_query($sql);

    // Check to see if there was an insert of a row
       if (isset($_POST["insert"]))
           echo "<center>There was an insert of a row </center>";
           $sql="insert into $table values (";
           for ($i = 0; $i < $xnum; ++$i)
            $sql.="'".$_POST["$name[$i]"."insert"]."' ";
     if ($i != $xnum-1) {$sql.=",";}
       echo $sql;
           $result = mysql_query($sql);


    if(isset($submit) || isset($_POST['hidtable'])){
    $SQL="SELECT * FROM $table";
    $result = mysql_query($SQL);
    $xnum = mysql_num_fields($result);
    $rowNum = mysql_num_rows($result);



    <table bgcolor=black>
    for ($i=0; $i<$xnum; ++$i)
    <td bgcolor="#e3e3e3"><? echo $name[$i]; ?></td>
    <? } ?>

    <? for ($j = 0; $j<$rowNum; ++$j)
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

    <? for ($j = 0; $j<$rowNum; ++$j)
    <? for ($i=0; $i<$xnum; ++$i)
    <td><input name=<? echo "\"$name[$i]".$j."\""; ?> type="text" id=<? echo "\"$name[$i]\""; ?> value=<? $currRow=$currTable[$j]; echo "\"$currRow[$i]\""; ?>></td>

    <? } ?>
    <td><input type="submit" name=<? echo "\"update".$j."\""; ?> value=<? echo "\"update\""; ?> height="10">
       <input type="submit" name=<? echo "\"delete".$j."\""; ?> value=<? echo "\"delete\""; ?> height="10">
    <? }
    for ($i=0; $i<$xnum; ++$i)
    <td><input name=<? echo "\"$name[$i]"."insert\""; ?> type="text" id=<? echo "\"$name[$i]\""; ?>></td>

    <? } ?>

    <td><input type="submit" name="insert" value="insert"></td>


    <input type="hidden" name="hidtable" value=<? echo "\"$table\""; ?>>


  9. The analog to classic personalized menus IS the windows XP start menu (hate it, use classic and put my programs into categories on the main programs menu trunk) The closest thing in the XP menu is to right-click a program and select "pin to start menu" for things you always want there. This keeps it from getting knocked off by other programs you launch. Nothing you can do with "all programs" menu in this mode except turn on highlight for new programs (oh, the joy)

  10. MY computer just blue screened with the message the RPCTR4.Dll cannot be found

    do you mean "rpcrt4.dll", the remote procedure runtime? maybe problem is just a typo?

    copy the dll back where it belongs (windows\system32), then

    from "run" box or command prompt type regsvr32 RPCRT4.Dll

    this will re-register the dll. You will get a confirmation for success or failure.

  11. @gantlett

    put ghost32.exe, ghostcdr.dll, ghostexp.exe and ghostsrv.exe in the plugin\ghost8\files dir of PEBuilder, make sure the plugin is enabled and build PE disk. That is all there is to it unless I misunderstand your question.

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