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Posts posted by dman

  1. I like it. Good idea Tarun. I am former programmer, now starting my own IT service/consulting company. So far about 75% of my customers have been people needing their system douched of malware. I can usually get them straightened out with a combo of tools and hand weeding, but sometimes have a problem that just wont budge, like this one...


    It would be great if we had a forum to help each other out and share ideas on this all-too-common plague.

    BTW, your link to lunarsoft doesn't appear to work... Would like to see what you got!

  2. Try re-installing the Scripting Engine

    OK, tried that. No good.

    Updates from other programs work OK. Just had media player update itself from 9 to 10 with no problem. Only Windows Update Website broken. Wish they would give a more descriptive error message. :angry:

  3. I think he is talking about installing so the entire app is located under single subdirectory, not spread out in program files, registry, application data, local settings and everywhere else a typical app gets installed to, so you can back up the whole thing in one archive and move to any other computer.

    I think it is a very good idea.

  4. @prathapml

    I have found your posts to be most interesting and insightful. And I have been meaning to thank you for all of the great software you have hipped me to in the "Technology News" section. You come up with some real gems!

  5. But if by "fragmentation" you actually mean all the thousands of distributions that exist, then its perfectly fine - not a problem at all. It is frightening only to the windows wimp.

    Yes, that's what I mean. 99% of user base is baffled by Windows, and there isn't even a choice to make there. At least with windows you can walk a user through the screens over the phone, knowing that he is seeing what you are seeing. With Linux, you can't even know what packages they are running, even within a single distro.

    I find the abundance of choices tremendously empowering, but to the average user (many of whom can't even tell you which version of Windows they are running) it will never be anything but confusing.

  6. Linux is Free if you dont value your time

    Yes, it is true that Linux has a steeper learning curve than Windows, and is still somewhat harder to set up and administer (though that is getting better with modules such as udev and new admin tools). That doesn't mean the time spent learning Linux is wasted, as you are going to be more and more likely to have to deal with it as time goes by.

  7. I agree. As I noted, fragmentation is one of the biggest hurdles Linux faces. The new Linux Standard Base is a step in the right direction, but by Linux' very nature everyone is NEVER going to be on the same page.

    I am not a partizan, I Love Linux and Windows both for what they are... Great OS that have some advantages, one over the other, but also a lot of overlap. (I can do almost everything I want to with either). My bread-and butter is Windows, though, cause thats what everyone uses.


  8. Red Hat has always been about making money, and as you noted, that's not a bad thing. Same with Novell SuSe. Others like Debian and Mandrake have always been about Open Software and are not for profit.

    Linux is a great OS that keeps getting better. It continues to make inroads on the server side, but its fragmentation and lack of pre-install are going to keep it a distant second on the desktop for the forseeable future.

    If you have some time on your hands try building a linux distro from source. It will give you an appreciation of just how many various packages from disparite sources make up a linux distro, and a pretty thorough instruction on how it works.


    BTW, there is nothing inherently unsafe or unsecure about Fedora Core, and updates are available. It's just not an "official" red hat product and is on a more agressive development track and thus has not been as thoroughly tested.

  9. GLO,

    You don't need to save system restore. If system is working OK there is no need to save a bunch of old restore points. You can turn it off, then back on to flush all of the old restore points. Then make a fresh restore point. (or just leave it off and make sure to back up regularly)

  10. Hi GSM, Thanks for reply.

    That's correct... download works ok, fails when it starts to install. Account is admin so no problem there. I can install them manually, but not through windows update site. I am thinking something is broken from removing all of the virus and spyware. TCP was broken, but fixed that with winsockxpfix. Internet and everything else is is working now, just the updates broken. Can't seem to find a log file with any reason for the failure.

  11. I removed tons of malware from a clients computer (XP Home w/ SP2). AVG, spybot, ad-aware and ms spyware remover all say the system is now clean. Everything works now except automatic updates. They download, but as soon as they start to install I get error msg "updates were unable to be successfully installed", with no explanation of why. It does this with any of the updates, so the update itself is not the problem.

    Any Ideas?

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