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Posts posted by dman

  1. Download Delpart.  The utility deletes NTFS partitions (which FDISK cannot see), thus enabling you to create FAT32 partitions.

    Click here to visit the Delpart website.

    When they refer to the disk that you put Delpart on, just put it on a MS-DOS boot disk that you can create in Windows XP.

    Hope that helps.

    Sounds handy for stubborn partitions. Sometimes fdisk cant remove ones created by ontrack diskmanager or linux cfdisk and some other partition programs, but if it is a normal install of XP you shouldent have any trouble removing it with fdisk.

  2. I am tempted to ask why you want to do this, but I'm sure you must have a reason so I won't. You need to delete the NTFS partition first. Back up anything you don't want to lose, then boot from a recovery floppy (or cd) and and run "fdisk". Then choose 3. "delete partition or logical drive", then 4. "delete non dos partition", and delete the NTFS partition(s) found there. Then escape to main screen and choose 1. "create dos partition or logical drive" and create primary dos partition. after this reboot into floppy and run "format c:". when format is done you can install 98 clean.

  3. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong here, I'm not an expert either. The .cshrc, .login and .profile files are in your "home" directory root, yes? They are used to set your UNIX (Linux) environment variables on login. I think it only applies when you are running a shell (I believe these are for cshell) like through SSH. I don't believe that these have any bearing on the operation your website. They definitely are *NIX files, not frontpage. Not sure if the log is your web log or a system log. What do you mean you created it with ftp program?

    You are right about frontpage adding junk. dreamweaver too. Really there is nothing better than a good simple code editor like notepad++. I am trying to learn how to build a xhtml compliant site with CSS. I gave up on all of the IDE tools because they all want to add their own little unmaintainable, non-compliant things.

    What type of message are you getting when you try to delete the log file?

  4. It is better with a little spin :)

    You are IT professional of some type, yes? See the tag line on the welcome message "Where People Go To Know"? You are advancing your career!!! :thumbup

    The great thing here is that it is probably true. I know I learn so much here just reading "other peoples problems". Often I will remember something from a thread, do a little search to find it again and presto, happy customer. So yes, I can easily justify it to myself. My wife, that is another story.:whistle:

  5. Hi Gayle,

    First a thought about frontpage. I won't comment on it as a web authoring tool since you inherited the site, but it is a good idea to avoid using the "live edit" feature. You want to be working on your local computer (after making master backup, of course) and only uploading pages when you are satisfied. Too many things can go wrong doing live edit. If you need assistance setting up local web server on your machine to use for developmant will be happy to help. What OS are you running, BTW.

    Are you trying to delete these files through frontpage? I don't use it, so can't offer help there but have you tried a regular FTP connection? You should be able to delete, download or upload any file via FTP as long as your login has permission on the files. I like the fireftp extension to firefox or smartftp freeware.

    Hope this is some help.

    EDIT: Don't be worried or anxious about any of this because you have the golden ticket (working backup). There is nothing really bad that can happen if you have this.

  6. Very interesting guys! Just goes to show the state of Windows compared with linux in the 'proper' secure computing league tables. When MS manages to get developers to write for the restricted user then we can start making PC's secure.

    The albatross around MS neck has always been backward compatability. The relative states of security in Windows and Linux reflect Windows evolution up from DOS, and Linux evolution down from UNIX.

  7. This will turn row into link, add it to your <tr>. you will have to change the mouse pointer to finger onmouseover or with CSS style="cursor: pointer ;" if you want that too.

    <style type="text/css">
    tr {
    cursor: pointer;
      <tr onclick="document.location.href='http://www.mysite/myfile.xyz''"
       bgColor=#eef1f6 onmouseover="this.bgColor='#AAAAAA';" onmouseout="this.bgColor='#eef1f6';">
          <TD>Column 1</TD><TD>Column 2</TD><TD>Column 3</TD><TD>Column 4</TD>

    You could also make a ".mousein" and ".mouseout" class in css for the color and background and set onmouseover and onmouseout to the class.

    <style type="text/css">
    .mousein {
    background: #eef1f6;
    color: #AAAAAA;

    .mouseout {
    background: #AAAAAA;
    color: #eef1f6;
    <td onmouseover="this.className='mousein';" onmouseout="this.className='mouseout';">

    [edit:] Better yet, just skip all the mouseover/mouseout and use css "hover" (oops, this only works in FF and opera. IE CSS support sucks!)

    tr {
    cursor: pointer;
    background: #eef1f6;
    tr:hover {
    background: #AAAAAA;
    <tr onclick="document.location.href='http://www.mysite/myfile.RAR'" >
         <TD>Column 1</TD><TD>Column 2</TD><TD>Column 3</TD><TD>Column 4</TD>

    BTW, Your site looks like a great resource! :thumbup

  8. We are all novice when youconsider how much there is to know. The code in the sample page works ok. Just try to work your way through the source. save it on your local webserver so you can run it, then hack it apart piece by piece until you break it. That is when you found important part. This seems to work ok.

    <tr bgColor=#eef1f6 onmouseover="this.bgColor='#AAAAAA';" onmouseout="this.bgColor='#FFFFFF';">
     <TD>Column 1</TD><TD>Column 2</TD><TD>Column 3</TD><TD>Column 4</TD>

  9. Glad you found it. I use something similar.

    Private Function devmode() As Boolean
      Dim ltest As Long
      Debug.Assert Not chkmode(ltest)
      devmode = ltest = 1
    End Function

    Private Function chkmode(ltest As Long) As Boolean
      ltest = 1
    End Function

    Private Sub Command1_Click()
      If devmode() = True Then
         MsgBox ("Development Mode")
         MsgBox ("Runtime Mode")
      End If
    End Sub

    I use it to set paths for development, since app.path returns the vb6 dir. What are you using it for.

    sidenote: in VFP you can do this with function version(2). Everything is so much easier in VFP.

  10. You are right. This would be very complicated since savefildialog class is sealed and cannot be subclassed. whats up with that?.

    You would need to hook WM_INITDIALOG somehow and then draw in new combo box. Even then you still have to write the functionality for the encoding. It would be much easier to just build your own savefiledialog class from scratch, theres really not that much to it. Then you would have class you could subclass for any kind of use like this.

  11. I also have removed Netmeeting

    OK, I not trying to talk you into the demo, you made that clear. But for others, just so you know, you don't need anything installed for LiveMeeting, it is purely web based. You can even use knoppix livecd or the like if you are worried about your machine being attacked (It won't be). I never saw it used before, and it is pretty slick.

  12. Ports don't really exist by themselves, a program needs to open them. So if you have open ports, they are being used by something. It is not always obvious what the purpose is, like port 5000 used by network device PlugnPlay for example.

    Use a firewall to keep out unwanted traffic.

  13. OK, I won't say it can't be done, But I will say that I think you should be looking at unattended install, not ghost. That is really only appropriate for same or very similar machines. Unattended install is universal solution.

  14. Hi Cyber,

    I caught your post before you edited it. I think you are looking in the wrong place to remove blank lines. instead of removing them from the array, let the sort function bring them to the top and use the trim method after rejoining the string, like this.

    frmNotepad.txtNotepad.Text = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, sArray).trim

    one way to do smart number sorting of strings is left pad the string to a fixed length with a known character sequence that precedes 0 in the ascii table (like *) sort the array, then go back through the array removing the pad characters.

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