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  1. @Roytam1 in the latest 64bit version New Moon 28 the downloads drop box in the toolbar is unresponsive.. In addition, Downloads part of Library tool remains empty. Previous version of omni.ja restores a correct behaviour. (I didn't tested 32bit version of NM28) Edit: Please disregard my complaint. After I restored omni.ja to the current version, everyting returned to normal. I am clueless,,, Sorry for bothering! have a nice day!
  2. I have stumbled on an annoying glitch in 64 bit New Moon v28 in XP64. When opening the Synology Diskstation NAS page and dropping any file from the Explorer into its window New Moon triggers a response: "You have chose to open....download etc" dialog as if there is just a normal htm page in the backgound. Under New Moon 32-bit or 64-bit Basilisk 55 Diskstation's window (with underlaying DSM software) just accepts a file. None of the previous year 64-bit New Moon worked OK (always using fresh profile). Or am I missing something?
  3. Same here! All toolbar icons in Serpent v. 55 are one and the same. The problem disappeared if I change DPI settings from large fonts (120 DPI) to normal size (96 DPI). Unfortunately, I don't want to squint at the screen, so...
  4. Good news: "Restore support of Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1. Windows 7 support requires that either KB3033929 or KB4474419 is installed. Windows Vista support requires that either KB4039648 or KB4474419 is installed." Although not specifically mentioned, in our beloved XP the latest version (1.25.7) works as well (tested with already present volumes/files).
  5. Next version (1.25) of VeraCrypt (https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Home.html) will only support Windows 8+ Develper's (Mounir Idrassi) explanation: "For Windows, we have no choice but drop complete support for Windows XP and Windows 7 because we cannot renew the SHA-1 certificate that is needed for signing VeraCrypt driver. All public CAs have stopped issuing SHA-1 certificates and drivers signed with SHA-256 will refuse to load on Windows XP and Windows 7 (and in case of system encryption, Windows will not boot at all). Microsoft has its own internal CA so it can issue SHA-1 certificates to itself but third-party developers like us cannot have such certificates."
  6. @VistaLover Regarding broken download manager in latest NM28 - after applying your omnia.ja file, everything is back to normal. Thank You!
  7. It seems that the native downloads popup page is also broken. Downward arrow in the toolbar (showing "Display the progress..." after mouse hover) does not respond to the mouse click to open current or previous downloads. In addition, menu item "Downloads Ctr+J" shows empty downloads page in the opened Library.
  8. I had the same problem. Solution in my case was to replace one of the javascripts in omni.ja file in Pale Moon directory (\components\nsHelperAppDlg.js) with the script from the previous version. The omni.ja file is just an ordinary zip file.
  9. Alternative solution is to kill ImageImportDescriptor for Bcrypt.dll in ffcodec.dll (with e.g. LordPE) No troubles for now with any media file.
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