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Posts posted by Opticork

  1. Well, THANK you! And I'm glad it worked!


    BTW, nowhere in your original post did you say "I clicked on SETUP.EXE on the DVD." ;)


    What we're observing here is "Running OS is consuming Memory so Upgrade has insufficient, therefore booting to DVD and allowing Setup to use any and all Memory works, since no Running OS is using any". See? There's why Tripredacus said what he said. THEREFORE, we now have the logical explanation of how it was attempted and why it failed. <sheesh!>

    Exactly!  :yes:  :angel


    Finally the logical explanation came on this world.  :thumbup

    That's what I got in mind from the start...  :sneaky:

  2. Looks like is time to repeat the whole topic, but with screens:


    Firstly I was attempting to install it from SETUP.exe:




    But unfortunately it was freezing on this screen:




    After that I decide to boot the pc from the DVD/CD and it didn't frozen, and the installation continued as usual:






    I hope that this cleared the things up!

  3. I think you didn't got me from the start. Try reading the whole topic again.

    If you have the same issue, just try booting it from CD/DVD.




    Submix8c, the problem was caused, due the fact that the computer didn't had enough memory for all processes, so the setup just freezes and stops responding.


    So the problem were caused due the fact that PC were too crappy to run the setup file tough the .exe file.

  4. I didn't said USB, because I didn't tested it and I was not sure, if it was going to work or not, but anyways it does work with USB.


    And I also think that I wasn't able to install it on my friend's computer, because there wasn't enough physical memory for all processes on the machine.


    Here's my friend's machine specifications:


    - Intel Core i3 1.80GHz

    - Intel HD Graphics

    - Windows XP Professional x64 SP2

    - 1.0 GB of RAM

  5. As the title says, my Windows Vista setup freezes every time on the activation screen.


    I tryed with all version 32x & 64x, but none of them worked. I even tryed leaving the setup on this page after clicking Next around a hour, without results.


    If I leave the setup more than 5 minutes on this page when I already have clicked Next, it stops responding.


    Any help will be greatly apreciated!



    8/15/2012 - any reason you are using such old drivers?


    Anyway, it appears to be installed correctly. Code 10 is very difficult to troubleshoot because it tells almost nothing about the problem.


    What was the original OS? Did it work immediately before installing XP?



    When I bought my PC, I has Windows 8 Pre-Installed. (It was working)

    Around a year later I decided to downgrade to Windows 7. (and I find working version for the driver)

    Later on I decided to downgrade to XP. (I didn't find working driver)

    Because of the driver issue, I decided to upgrade to Vista. (I didn't find working driver again)

    And then I get back to XP without driver.


    I am using that old driver, because it is one of the latest for Windows XP.

  7. Back when switchable graphics first came out and worked with XP, you had to change the default video adapter in the BIOS. Modern OSes (and drivers) allow the change to happen in the OS. This might also be the problem. See in your BIOS if you can change your video adapter.

    I just shearched... Unfortunanely I didn't find anything in the bios.

  8. Radeon 7xxx series is quite new, I'm afraid it might not be working on XP.


    Here you have old driver versions. Catalyst should be independent form Notebook manufacturer and work correctly if supported for the system. Can't say which one works, sorry.

    Tryed the newest without success. Now tryeing the oldest.


    EDIT: No success in the oldest.


    EDIT: I think I found why it doesn't install anything: http://i.imgur.com/lIUVFpW

    Because it installs all the needed things, except the AMD Catalyst Control Center.


    Help!  :no:

  9. The yellow triangle means something. If you look at the properties of the device, what is the code number in the Description box?


    When using a notebook with multiple video cards, make sure that you are installing the Intel Mobile driver. The desktop driver will install on a notebook but won't work properly.

    It is not there anymore.

    When I try installing the driver, it says: Driver installed successfuly, but after the reboot I don't see the video card in device manager. lol


    Anyways can you give me link (if you find) for my video card for notebook pc's with Windows XP?


    Thank you!

  10. Hello.  :hello:


    Today I wanted to discuss about my problem. I have Intel HD Graphics 4000 and AMD Radeon 7600M. Unfortunately

    I was able to use only Intel HD Graphics 4000. When I try installing the AMD Driver and everything installs just fine, but when I restart my computer and go to device manager, I see the video card, but with a yellow triangle.


    I use HP Pavilion G6 2303su (It is a Notebook PC)


    Any help will be greatly appreciated!  :yes:

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