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Everything posted by stonyi1966

  1. Don't get it, so many people having problems. I had AeroGlass installed on 8.1, installed update 1, and when Windows rebooted symbols downloaded and It's working perfectly.
  2. Just installed update 1, and Glass windows are working perfectly. Symbols downloaded automatically, thanks BM.
  3. Any time frame on Windows 8.1 Glass working with the new Windows update.
  4. Thankyou, I'll figure out why it's happening soon I hope
  5. Nothing works, even tried downloading from my old Xp PC. every time I try to go to website, a Mediacom page comes up saying the page cannot be found
  6. Any chance you could e-mail me the zip file of it. For some reason ever time I click on the link it says that it can't be found. Must be my ISP
  7. Link still doesn't work, do you have an alternate link?
  8. When I click on your link, I get nothing. Is there another link?
  9. Thanks for the reply BigMuscle, I uninstalled the update, it really has no new features I care about. Besides that I would rather have the Glass Windows.
  10. Installed the new 8.1 update 1 msu's and AeroGlass isn't working now, any ideas or will it have uninstall these updates to get Glass back?
  11. Great work BigMuscle, just installed and Donated. AeroGlass is working flawlessly.
  12. Working perfectly, thank you, can't wait until it's final. Definitely worth paying for !
  13. I had the same problem when I did an upgrade to 8.1 from 8. I think the video drivers from Win 8 caused it. I went and did a clean install of 8.1, and installed the Drivers made for 8.1 by Nvidia and haven't had a problem since.
  14. Has anyone tried this with the leaked builds of Windows 8.1, if it doesn't work with it then the testing stage may turn out to be a on going thing. Surely Microsoft is aware of this project, so I can see them doing 1 of 2 things. Either putting glass back into Windows to kill Big Muscles project, or constantly changing things to mess up his project.
  15. Thank you, Works great, but I can't help wonder how long it's going to take Microsoft to put Glass back into Win 8. Now that you have it working so well I'm sure once it reaches final build nearly every Win 8 user will have it installed. The way Microsoft is they'll have to be jerks and replace it themselves just to be jerks.
  16. Works, but my windows are barely transparent. What reg setting and where to adjust level of transparency now. Reg setting from before have no effect
  17. It uses the default window theme, yes I like the color. All I do is change the desktop background
  18. Applied these settings to Registry and Aero Glass is looking, and working better than ever. Hope if anyone tries them it works as good for you too. DWM.reg DWM2.reg
  19. I'm not sure if what I'm saying even matters, but if a person has a DX11 video card then it should work with DX11 registry setting. DX11 setting works the best on my system, and my system acts like the transparency was there from MS. I have no bugs or any other problems that I have seen as of yet.
  20. v 0.5 works perfect, but it looks much better when I use the Release Preview Theme instead of Win 8 RTM's theme.
  21. Reg values did it, working perfectly now
  22. I don't seem to have the memory problems other users are showing. With Glass I have, 18% cpu utilization and 12% memory usage. Without Glass I have 17% cpu utilization and 11% memory usage.
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