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Posts posted by DosProbie

  1. Silent I may be a little late for the party, but here is a snippet of a audit batch code that can be run

    as non-admin for basic hard drive information.


    Happy Thanksgiving!



    @Echo Off

    :: ### HD MODEL:
    For /F "Tokens=2 Delims==\" %%A In ('WMIc DiskDrive Get Model /Value') Do Set HDModel=%%A

    :: ### HD SERIAL NUMBER:
    For /F "Tokens=2 Delims==\" %%A In ('WMIc DiskDrive Get Serialnumber /Value') Do Set HDSerial=%%A

    :: ### HD FREE SPACE:
    For /F "UseBackQ Tokens=1-2 Delims==" %%A In (`WMIc LogicalDisk Where^
    "DeviceID = '%CD:~,2%'" Get FreeSpace^, Size /Value`) Do If "%%B" NEq "" (
    Call Set _%%A=%%B)
    Rem Set/a _FreePercent=%_FreeSpace:~,-3% / %_Size:~,-5%
    Set/a _FreePercent=%_FreeSpace:~,-6% / %_Size:~,-8%
    If %_FreeSpace:~,-6% lss 214748 (Set/a _FreeSpace=%_FreeSpace:~,-6%*9313/10000
    ) Else (Set/a _FreeSpace=%_FreeSpace:~,-6%/1074*1000)

    :: ### OUTPUT:
    Echo. Hard Drive Model: %HDModel%
    Echo. HD Serial Number: %HDSerial%
    Echo. HD Free Space: Local Drive %CD:~,2% %_FreeSpace:~,-3% GB = %_FreePercent%%%^ Available

  2. Windows 10 has been released and is upon us, I just don't see any reason to have to deal with it, ... yet.



    I Second that motion!, I am perfectly happy with my present dual boot setup with Windows 7 and 8.1 and see absolutely

    no need to jump ship for now just for the sake of having the newest OS.


  3. I have not done a ua install of W10 yet but normally I just specify the image name of the OS from the wim and add it to the image install section then value, here is example of 8 WMC that works for me.

    <!--SELECT OS-->     <ImageInstall>       <OSImage>     <InstallFrom>       <MetaData wcm:action="add">       <Key>/IMAGE/NAME</Key>       <Value>Windows 8 Pro with Media Center</Value>        </MetaData>     </InstallFrom>        </OSImage>     </ImageInstall>
  4. Here is a batch script to "Stop the Windows 10 Upgrade Nag"

    credit: http://www.intelliadmin.com/


    Echo off:: Notes: Stop 10 Nag.cmd - Right-Click and Run as admin..:: Remove the "Get Windows Now" folder from update if found..taskkill.exe /F /IM "gwx.exe"takeown /a /r /skipsl /d Y /f "%windir%\System32\GWX" && icacls "%windir%\System32\GWX" /grant administrators:Frobocopy "%windir%\System32\GWX" "%windir%\System32\GWX_Old" /Ermdir /s /q "%windir%\System32\GWX":: Disable "Get Windows 10 Upgrade Nag" message..reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Gwx /v DisableGwx /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
  5. This build is not intended for working computer. If you don't know how to install it then don't use it.

    Yes its always been the case to:

    1. Install Only on a test machine

    2. Install Only if you know what the heck your doing and don't wine if you don't and it's not working.

    Sure there will be a installer in the future for those that don't want to deal with the manual install method..



    Hello to everyone! First of all  I would like to say thank you bigmuscle for such a great product!

    But there is a little issue with it when i use it with a win8rp theme(http://www.glass8.eu/themes/win8rp.png) which is displayed on the screenshot.



    This artefact is only observed in "Mobility Center" window. With win8cp and win8rtm themes its all looks good! Does anyone also have this issue?

    Aero Glass for Win8.1+ v1.3.1 and Win 8.1 x64.



    This is known problem. That's why this theme on my page is called "Sample (unfinished) theme". If someone has fully working TP a CP atlas theme for Win8.1 and Win10, I'll be glad if he sends them to me and I will update the links.


    How about this one I've been using? 


    Looks better, just wish we could get rid of that title bar text :realmad:  glow.



  7. Guys, any idea how to deactivate my key and regenerate new one? My HDD died on me and had to replace it but then the key is not accepted as you know.


    Thanks for all the help and big thanks for bigmuscle of course.



    I found the page to do it and deactivated my two keys already. Unfortunately, I have to wait 30 days  :( ... 

    Well for continued support of the Aero Glass project you also could just donate again and not have to wait the 30 days.



  8. It's a AccuWeather widget that I have been using since Windows 7 from a Dell machine that works in Windows 8 and 10 and uses a registry run file at boot-up.



    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]"AccuWeatherWidget"="\"C:\\Program Files\\AccuWeather\\accuweather.exe\" \"C:\\Program Files\\AccuWeather\\start.umj\" --startup"
  9. Now that Microsoft is moving to free upgrades to Windows 10 rather than charging for the OS we now will have a ad supported OS with all pre-installed metro apps, that is also a big reason why they are pushing us to all have Microsoft accounts rather than local accounts so we will be forced to used ad supports apps to make up the difference for loss revenue.



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