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Everything posted by dwit

  1. put the wallpapers in $oem$\$$\web\Wallpapers. that will put them in the C:\Windows\Resources\Web\Wallpapers http://unattended.msfn.org/global/oemfolders.htm
  2. do you have an installation cd that sp1 integrated in it?
  3. Have a question. I'm trying to compress my $oem$ folder to fit on hopefully one cd along with all the other stuff i want (Ha! like thats really going to be possable) but i don't quite understand the difference between the presetup.cmd used by the driverpacks and detachedProgram. I guess my question should i tweak the presetup.cmd and add the files from my $OEM$ folder or create a separeate batch and call it from detatchedprgram on the winnt.sif and if i do that will it interfear with the execution of the presetup.cmd. See I'm all Discombobulated help
  4. According the instruction on creating your own DriverPack the format for naming the DriverPack should be DriverPack_*.7z However this format will only work when using method 1 it will not work in method 2. If your going to use method 2 you'll need to change your format to DriverPack_*_.7z Method ones format is Set D=DriverPack ECHO %F%\7za.exe x -y -bd %D%s\%D%_*.7z -aoa -o%FOLDER%\DPfiles >>extract.cmd or DriverPack_*.7z . Method two's format is Set D=DriverPack ROBOCOPY %D%s %FOLDER%\DPfiles %D%_*_V*.7z /NS /NC /NFL /NDL /NP /NJH /NJS or DriverPack_*_v*.7z . I hope this helps anyone who like me have been trying for hours to figure out why their driverpack wasn't being used.
  5. Hi Gotta Question for ya. First off let me say thank you for all the work youve done on these driver dbs thay are very very much appreciated. However there was a thread i saw yesterday, that had a small tutorial on how to execute the 2 driver pack methods, and on the second or third post a member wrote that he used detachedProgram and called a batch file were he had as far as i can tell most of he $orm$ files compressed. I have searched but so far have found very vague explinations about this command. If any one could explain it to me or point me in the right directions . I sure would appreciate it. Thank you
  6. Hello, I'm a newbie so first off i'd like to apologize for this simple question, if this is a simple question, which i hope it's not. I have been working on an unattended XP Pro Installation CD with SP2 slipstreamed with RVMUpdatePack1.03 installed. I used n-lite 0.99.4 beta 2 to do all of this but when i go to install i get "The file inf.ex_ was not copied correctly" the file system copied is not a vallid windows xp system image file. I tried using modifyPe but it doesn't work. Please Help i'm going to try to start all over. so if anyone can help me i would appreciate it.
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