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Everything posted by cluberti

  1. I'd start by changing the script to log to a txt file on the local disk with every single line of the script that does anything. I'd guess the script is actually running and bombing out for some reason.
  2. Did you modify this installation of Win7 with vLite or any other tool before installing? If so, please tell us with what and what was modified so we can get some idea of where to start troubleshooting.
  3. Yes, I'm not a moron and I understand the difference between a WinPE boot.wim and a full OS install.wim. And yes, you can remove WinSXS even from a full OS (what do you think that WinPE image is based on???), but I wouldn't recommend it. You won't save *that* much space in a boot.wim, even if you do get it to work. I guess it would make more sense if you explained *why* you are trying to shave off a few MB from an already svelte WinPE?
  4. Depends on the components you have added to the WIM, but in general, yes.
  5. Are you configuring the installer via Software Installation, or configuring it via a startup script? Also, is this in a user policy object, or a computer object?
  6. Very fast today, quite happy with it. Almost as fast as it was back when no one else was here , which is saying something.
  7. MDT creates boot images for you - if this is unrelated to MDT, you might want to post a new thread in the WinPE section.
  8. Microsoft Security Essentials is also a good choice for an antivirus/antimalware suite, for what it's worth.
  9. You might want to make sure it's not connected to any networks - the 10 minute mark is where it's going online (amongst other things) to check for updates, and while I don't know if that's what's causing the issue or not, it would be useful to re-test without any network connectivity during that portion of setup.
  10. I know - sometimes the right answer isn't the one we want to hear . However, I think it's worth being forthright - I still stand by my statement that it's very easy to configure RA in Group Policy, for what it's worth.
  11. RD on the desktop, legally anyway, isn't going to allow you to use a desktop machine without locking the display. That's what remote assistance is for. It can be configured in group policy to the hilt, so while there are some front-end configurations you might have to do in policy, once that's done it can be as easy (or easier, in fact) than remote desktop. Otherwise, you're limited to using things like VNC, which you already stated you wanted to avoid.
  12. It all depends on the router - for example, an Apple Airport and some higher-end netgear and linksys/cisco's do this already, although I don't think any of them will run DD-WRT or one of it's variants .
  13. You need to make sure, when you run regedit, that you run it as administrator. Hopefully you will be able to remove these that way.
  14. We will be. Or I'll skin 'em alive /pun intended
  15. Cool - I will wait until the separators between stickies and regular threads come back, and I'll be a happy camper . The new mobile interface looks great on my phone.
  16. The previous poster is correct - WDS shows you the uncompressed size (although it's sending down the compressed WIM - not sure why this decision was made, but it is the way it works).
  17. You've got your main start and default pages in your profile's registry (HKCU) and the local machine registry (HKLM). IE8 is going to read both, so I'm going to suggest looking at deleting the values at least in HKLM for default search, default page, and start page, and see if that helps.
  18. Usually you get this error when a driver injection (from a driver injected into the WIM) causes a failure - was the WIM file modified to contain any additional drivers offline that would be injected on deployment?
  19. Please remember that a failing GPU doesn't necessarily mean output to an external device won't work - I've seen it with my own eyes. Let us know how the replacement goes though - hopefully you'll get lucky!
  20. That's usually a permissions error with the account running the distribution not being in the administrators local group on the client being deployed, at least that's the only places I've ever run across that particular error code in deployment: C:\Users\User>err 0x8007051B # as an HRESULT: Severity: FAILURE (1), Facility: 0x7, Code 0x51b # for hex 0x51b / decimal 1307 : ecNotRitpMaster ec.h ERROR_INVALID_OWNER winerror.h # This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this # object. # 2 matches found for "0x8007051B"
  21. Is the BIOS screen pinkish? Like I mentioned above, replacing the CCFL and inverter are usually cheap and don't take too long, so doing so is always a good troubleshooting step. However, I would still say that something like that happening so quickly would indicate a GPU failure, but you could get lucky and have it just be an overheating inverter due to a bum CCFL.
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