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Everything posted by Coluwyvurne
Hi Tihiy, I'm having a bit of a problem with Startisback++ in Windows 10, which was purchased for business. One of our users upgraded their system from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10, and we had to install Startisback++ over the previous version in order to give him back the classic start menu. The new software installed and activated without any problems, but about a month later, it is saying the trial has ended and needs to be activated or uninstalled. We have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program, to no avail. When we checked how many of our licenses were in use: Could you please assist us with reactivating the license on his laptop? Best, Thomas
Hi Tihiy, Have you ever considered porting StartIsBack to run on Windows RT devices, as per the instructions available on xda-developers.com? I'm not sure which compiler you used to build StartIsBack, but if the linked instructions don't seem too difficult to do--and you're willing to give it a try--I would be more than happy to make a donation for your efforts as well as to help with the testing. While such ported desktop applications will only work on jailbroken Windows RT devices, I think the poor Surface RT and Store sales, and the interest that has been generated in developing/recompiling desktop applications for Windows RT may cause Microsoft to reconsider its stance and allow users to run unsigned code at their own risk. Thanks, and cheers!
Hi Tihiy, The hybrid boot feature in Windows 8 makes it impossible to hit F8 following POST to enter the Advanced Boot Options, so the only way to do so without a System Repair Disk is to restart the PC from the Charms menu while holding down the shift key. I believe you are using the shutdown /r command to initiate a system restart on StartIsBack. Would you be able to have it issue shutdown /r /o /t 00 when the Shift key is held down prior to clicking on Restart? Thanks! By the way, I had purchased a couple 5-PC licenses, but would like to donate some money towards your continued development and support for StartIsBack! Could you please PM me an email address for me to do so? I guess I can just buy more licenses, but that means more licenses and activations to keep track of. Cheers, Thomas
Hi Tihiy, I would like to report a little bit of a bug I have found in SiB 1.3. On my desktop PC, when I enter the Windows Taskbar properties, and deselect "Store recently opened programs" under the Jump Lists tab, the recently opened applications is removed from the Start menu like in Windows 7 ("Store and display recently opened programs in the Start menu"). However, on my laptop and on virtual machines I had set up, doing so populates the Start menu with items which are all highlighted and cannot be Remove from this list manually from the context menu, unless I reselect "Store recently opened programs" first. The "Highlight newly installed programs" option has been disabled under "Configure Start menu items and behavior", yet this bug persists. It's not a major issue, but sometimes I like clearing out my list of recently opened programs and letting new ones repopulate the list. If you have time to look into this, that would be great! Thanks for all your hard work!!
Thank you. This addresses my concerns, and was the response/support I was hoping for. Looking forward to StartIsBack's final release... and I'll be making a volume purchase on behalf of my workplace
While this seems a better solution than previously, I have a question nonetheless. If sometime following my initial StartIsBack installation I replace or upgrade my system drive, is the new serial number taken into account along with the motherboard's UID? My concern is that in addition to someone upgrading or replacing their system drive (very likely), their motherboard suddenly requires an RMA (not as likely, but still a possibility). I am thinking back to last year, when after replacing a failed SSD I was able to reinstall and reactivate Windows 7 without any problems. However, Intel then issued a recall on motherboards with the Sandy Bridge chipset, and after receiving my B3 replacement, I had to call into Microsoft to reactivate as a significant hardware change was detected. Thanks!
I would have to agree with Shane. I was very excited about this project and was prepared to buy it, but upon discovering how you intend to restrict license keys to a PC, I forsee many problems in my future. Just this past month, I've had to replace my SSD 3 times due to problems present in drives based off the Sandforce controller, before picking up a Crucial/Micron one which seems to be stable so far. I've also had to deal with S.M.A.R.T. and other HDD failures on old mechanical drives. This has always resulted in the reinstallation of Windows, or reimaging from a backup actually, to the new drive. If you intend to lock a license down to a PC, I believe there should be a better hardware identifier you can tie it down to than something that commonly fails, or is upgraded.
Thanks for the reply maxXPsoft So would my <FirstLogonCommands> look something like this? <FirstLogonCommands> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <Order>10</Order> <CommandLine>FOR %%i IN (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\CDRoot.txt SET CDRoot=%%i:</CommandLine> </SynchronousCommand> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <Order>20</Order> <CommandLine>%CDRoot%\applications\GUIRunOnce.cmd</CommandLine> </SynchronousCommand> </FirstLogonCommands> Also, just another thing... is it possible to only have the <FirstLogonCommands>, the header, footer and other necessary code in the AutoUnattend.XML? Basically, I want to be able to 'attend' to the installation (eg. choose the edition to install from the AIO disc, input a COA, name, region/time, etc manually during each installation), but I want MS Office and a select few other applications to automatically install silently following the Windows installation. Thanks
I had been creating various Unattended and Slipstreamed Windows installation discs for Windows XP, but I haven't had that much success doing so in Vista and Windows 7. Anyways, I had inserted <FirstLogonCommands> into my AutoUnattend.XML file and placed it within the root of my Windows 7 installation disc. However, it doesn't appear that the AutoUnattend.XML is accessed during the installtion. Basically, what I'm trying to do is install some applications silently after Windows 7 has installed, but unlike what I had been doing for Windows XP, I don't want these files to be copied onto the hard drive during the installation, but run from the disc instead. I've tried doing the following... without success: Within AutoUnattend.XML, under <settings pass="oobeSystem"> just before </component> <FirstLogonCommands> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <Order>1</Order> <CommandLine>%CDRoot%\applications\GUIRunOnce.cmd</CommandLine> </SynchronousCommand> </FirstLogonCommands> The GUIRunOnce.cmd contains the following code: CLS @ECHO OFF TITLE WINDOWS 7 APPLICATION INSTALLATION REM -------------------------------------------------------- REM APPLICATIONS ECHO Installing Microsoft Office 2010 ECHO. START /WAIT %CDRoot%\applications\office\setup.exe START /WAIT %CDRoot%\applications\office\officemenu_45.exe /silent copy "%CDRoot%\applications\office\MSO_Launcher.exe" "C:\Users\Public" WScript.exe "%CDRoot%\applications\PinToTaskbar.vbs" "C:\Users\Public\MSO_Launcher.exe" ECHO Installing WinRAR 3.90 ECHO. IF EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)" START /WAIT %CDRoot%\applications\utilities\winrar-x64-390en.exe /s IF NOT EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)" START /WAIT %CDRoot%\applications\utilities\winrar-x86-390en.exe /s EXIT I'm not quite sure why GUIRunOnce.cmd doesn't load after Windows 7 installs. If I double-click it manually, the programs install just fine. On a side note: I had used Windows AIK to merge the .WIM of an x64 installation disc into that of an x86 installation disc to create an AIO disk. And then I copied the AutoUnattend.XML file into this disc's root... is that what I'm doing wrong? I didn't notice a WINNT.SIF/answer file to have it access the AutoUnattend.XML... but from what I've been reading Windows 7 automatically looks for this file within the root of the installation DVD as well as any flash drives plugged in. If someone can please point me in the right direction, that would be much appreciated.