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  1. I've been searching the net for the past hour looking for a good source of app switches (a listing). Not one site offers a good list of app switches that I've seen so far. Does anyone have any links or a custom list available?
  2. Photoshop imageready has the ability to save files as animated gifs if you are willing to do it yourself.
  3. TY for the in-depth description. I'll check it out.
  4. Anyone have any information on the switch for an Outlook plugin for a Barracuda Antispam appliance? When the install runs you need to click yes, next, next and finish. I'd like to bypass all of this. Many thanks in advance.
  5. ack...nm found it after 20 minutes of searching.
  6. Has anyone had any luck getting winzip 8.1 to install silently? I've run a search on the forums and haven't come up with anything helpful. This doesn't seem to work and the winzip site offers some code that doesn't work. ECHO. ECHO Installing WinZip ECHO Please wait... start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Winzip\setup.exe \s
  7. LOL sorry I wasn't around last night. I had to stay in at the office late to prep for a conference.
  8. Yeah...the path points straight to the file: start /wait "%systemroot%\Install\Office11\setup.exe" TRANSFORMS="C:\Install\Office11\Unattended.MST" /qb- Path>HD C:\Install\Office11
  9. So...I changed the line accordingly and it told me that it could not find the 'transform' blah blah. Any ideas?
  10. I'm still stuck at work setting up 2k3 servers... If I get in at a decent time I willl IM you.
  11. I think that is going to do it...THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!
  12. this is what the office prep tool gives me: setup.exe TRANSFORMS=C:\XPSP1a_ENG_PRO\$OEM$\$1\Install\Office11\Unattended.MST /qb-
  13. I think i left something out in the syntax...am I right? should be? start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Office11\setup.exe TRANSFORMS="Unattended.MST" /qb-
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