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Posts posted by buyerninety
Ryuichi Sakamoto - 'Fade' from anime 'Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise' 1987
Yuki Kajiura - 'Point Zero' from anime 'Fate/Zero' 2011
0 -
Sung by AmaLee, Arrangement Jonathan Parecki, Mixed by Shawn Christmas,
Song 'Hey Kids!!', originally by Japanese band 'The Oral Cigarettes',
from anime; 'Noragami Aragoto' season 2 (2015)____________________________________________________
Sung by AmaLee, Arrangement Jonathan Parecki, Mixed by Shawn Christmas,
Song 'Again', originally Produced & Arranged by Hisashi Kondo & Sung by 'Yui',
from anime; 'Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood' (2009)The vocals may sound rushed, due to fitting English over Japanese lyrics,
but that's OK - it's an Equivalent Exchange...0 -
nostaglic98 said;
"and very small areas where the actual information you want is displayed"
The worst standout example of this is a members messages.
PREVIOUS board layout - (in a approx 1/2 page size right side panel;)
You could view one page with a scroll bar (something like 15+ messages
without scrolling), of message headings and part message, that's about
50 messages with scrolling, if I remember correctly. The remaining
messages accessible and viewable as previously described, simply by
clicking on a page '2' button.
NOW Inbox (in a smaller left side panel;)
You can view 5 messages, with only about a 6 to 8 words of the message
beginning, with a scroll bar to reach all the remaining messages, which
are loaded dynamically to the bottom of the scrollable area BUT you
can only see 5 messages at a time. This is not helpful if you are trying to
find a message by remembering (relating) when it was in relation to
other messages you received.
(Also, I can't remember if there was previously a 'Sent' box for 'sent'
messages, but there doesn't seem to be one (NOW) that I can see.)
Sigh. Is there no way the old format/layout of the board can be accessed,
perhaps by a 'legacy theme'?
0 -
Anime Film- Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (2000) - Soundtrack 'Grove'
Marco D'Ambrosio - Composer and OrchestrationAnime Film- Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (2000) 'Opening'
Marco Ambrosio - Composer and Orchestration
0 -
I acknowledge your decision not to put direct download link. To make it
easier to understand for persons wanting to download, in the webpage
cited in the first post above, action would simply be;
Click Manual Update, then;
OS Type; 全て
Kind; All
Language; English
Search Keyword:Roots
and then this is the text for the applicable download;
Update for Root Certificates Jan 2016/繝ォ繝シ繝郁ィシ譏取嶌縺ョ譖エ譁
ー繝励Ο繧ー繝ゥ繝[2016蟷エ 1譛� (KB931125+KB3097966) for Windows
NB: I haven't tried or applied this update myself.
0 -
jaclaz said;
(Ref Post #8 above)
"If I go to" ... [Acheron's]" "member page" and look for content I get:
Topics and posts: There have been 103 items by Acheron
Only Topics: There have been 13 items by Acheron
Only Posts: There have been 415 items by Acheron"
..."if you actuallly started 13 topics and posted in total 415 times,
you should have any of 415 "items" or 415-13=402 "items" in the latter.
I have to presume that it is some "quirk" in the way the database is
managed internally."
{Above quoting rearranged and compacted somewhat for brevity!.}
On this matter I have no IP.Board references, but rather this theory:
Using a somewhat smaller sample/example, the Content of Member dinkydi ,
we see;
Topics and posts:__ 8 items
Only Topics:_______ 7 items
Only Posts:_______ 10 items
Examining all that content, as at 12th January 2016 there are;
10 Posts total.
7 Topics started (initial post by dinkydi), of which 2 of those Topics
each contain 1 additional post by dinkydi (so 7 + 1 + 1 ) .
1 post in a topic not started by dinkydi (so, reality check with above,
7 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 10 , agrees with the 10 Only Posts) .
Therefore it appears the enumeration of items actually works like this;
Topics and posts:__ 8 items
(sum of; Topics started by member + Posts in Topics not started by member)
Only Topics:_______ 7 items
(sum of; Topics started by member)
Only Posts:_______ 10 items
(sum of; Posts by member).
N.B. the numbers in the above items could change if any of those
items ceased to be searchable in the database. This may occur if for
example, a Topic you posted in was deleted, or posts you made were
deleted (say you accidently double posted and asked a moderator to
delete the second post).
Uhh, and of course, remember that Topics that are 'Archived'
are not searchable in the database - (well, not at MSFN and probably
most IP.Boards, although this Topic;
suggests that it may be/may have been possible to have an option
in 'Advanced Seach' on some Ip.Boards to do a separate search only
within the Archived section - depending if such IP.Board uses a
database engine capable of searching multiple indexes...).
One last point, here;
we see that dinkydi is attributed 11 active posts - more than the
10 listed above - not sure why that is, possibly that enumeration
is a singular field attached to a members profile, incremented
only upon each post by the member. If that's the case, searchable
results would have no bearing upon it (which would explain why my
equivalent profile page always shows about +6 more active posts
than my searchable content lists ...I've posted in a deleted Topic,
had some double posts removed and probably some of my post(s)have ended up in an archive).
CiaoAddendum: There is seen currently on the MSFN webpage;
an 'Archives' heading which is clickable with this link URL;
however this merely seems to be a listing of MSFN 'general
interest' news releases.
0 -
haven't said what browser Version on what OS Version you are experiencing this.
I don't see this behaviour, and when pasted to the address bar, the link;
does resolve immediately correctly for me, to entry 680254 (i.e. post #287 in
that topic).
Interestingly though, I see that copying, pasting the (xx -fixed) URL;
into address bar of Firefox v28 running on XPSP3 on an i865G small desktop
connected via 100Mbps to an ADSL2 modem, returns initially page 20 of that
topic, as evidenced by seeing Page 20 of 20 for a second or so. However,
after that second or so, I see that page 20 is replaced by page 12,
displaying correctly entry 680254.
Maybe Acheron is right that it is a server (parsing) issue, except it is maybealso dependant on your browser (could your browser be sending a somewhat
differently parsed request to the MSFN server, compared to other browsers?)
FYI, behaviour you are experiencing of being redirected to the first page
of the topic with a truncated URL, is as behaviour for this previous fault;
https://www.invisionpower.com/support/kb/_/old-page-findpost-p-x-links-do-not-redirect-correctly-r260 -
ragnargd, on 11 Sept 2015 - 07:18 AM, said:
"On Toms Hardware in the german forums, in a thread from 2009, FormatCclaims he has produced working INFs for P35/ICH9 by instructions on msfn.org."
FYI, here are the (translated from german) relevant comments from that
above mentioned thread;
"Asus P5K (P35 [so PCI-E ver 1.1] + ICH9 Southbridge) with Pentium Dual
Core E6300 [2.8GHz]@ 3GHz
1GB RAM (even recognized!)
Geforce 6800GT 512MB PCIe" [not stated if installed in 'blue x16 mode' PCI-Eslot or 'black x4/x1 mode' slot - I note this because the relevance is that while
the blue slot is surely off the P35, the black slot may be off the ICH9 southbridge..]
[Format C mentions] "ForceWare 81.98 is really stable and performat enoughfor 98"
"LAN, sound and SATA [are all] disabled"
"everything hung on the IDE."[JMicron JMB363] "That SATA also in IDE modedoes not work, I know"
installed cards;
"external Realtek network card
C-Media Audio (AC97)"
"First, I have the complete '98 installation files copied to the disk and theninstall Windows. The missing chipset drivers, I even "tinkered" (also thanks
to @7oby for the link!)" [Note: this link;]
"That which was linked there, although not directly helped me (because,
unfortunately, only for G31 / ICH7), but the idea was right and with a little
logical thinking skills, almost all relevant areas were umfrickeln analogy.
Only the USB host spackt a little, but this is rather marginal. Fact: Windows
98 even starts with the dual-core on the new board!" "The OS sees only the
single-core" [i.e. 'sees only a single-core' of the dual-core cpu.]
"The next problem was the added sent from nVidia graphics card that wasnot detected in this version of the driver. So again INF-Gefrickel and
manually install the driver instead of the Setup program. Successfully,
because the map runs. Even with fan control. Windows 98 to 1920 x 1200
is not very funny, but it works;)" [Note; so probably modified the graphic driver
INF so that the card is in the inf file of the driver.]
"DirectX 9c is now running well, now I just have to find an old version ofFraps [game capture fps video recorder], which is stable under the 98"
"I want anyway test with 1 and 2 cores. But what amazes me is that aftermy Frickelei suddenly 1021 MB RAM (comical value) are available. The
complete start (measured between F8 forced Start menu) and desktop
less than 3 seconds! However, the desktop does not have a pause of
about 5 seconds."
"NFS Underground 2 is on it and runs ever. With widescreen patch. Mygoodness, that was long ago. The old 6800GT even creates 4 x AA at full
resolution. Amazing."
[Note:game reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Need_for_Speed:_Underground_2 ]0 -
From anime TV series 'Cowboy Bebop' 1998 :
'Tank' composed by Yoko Kanno, performed by Seatbelts
'Gotta Knock A Little Harder' by Mai Yamane0 -
The webpages being shifted slightly top-left (out of frame) & larger 'fonts' is
mentioned here;
and here;
The symptoms are described and (ignoring the virus suggestion) remedies,
such as clearing the 'Font Cache' (i.e.; C:\Windows\System32\FNTCACHE.DAT )
then restarting, and/or
such as merely resetting the windows default font size 'DPI setting' (Custom Setting)
(via the 'General' tab in your monitors 'Display Properties' dialog) to 75%, then
returning it back to 100% and restarting.
Unfortunately, there is no suggestion as to how to prevent the fault re-occuring.
0 -
Well, I haven't seen this bug mentioned...
'When attempting to track back through the 'page numbered lists' of older topics,
eventually a point is reached in the page lists where the topic title can be seen,
but the link to the topic seems damaged, and does not display the topic posts.'
To experience bug;
In most MSFN webpages, find your membername towards the top left hand corner.
Directly below your membername, is what appears to be a readout of the current
path of directories. Now, for example, say you see;
MSFN/Miscellaneous/Site & Forum Issues
and you click on 'Site & Forum Issues', then see (for example) Page 1 to
56nn, andyou click on the ('double right pointing chevrons'=)Earliest page (which are the
highest numbered pages).
What you see is the topics listings with all the topics displayed like this;
(e.g. for a topic called 'very dumb question')
very dumb question
_______________________-1 replies______Guest__*
Started by Guest__* , --_____________________1,908 views_______--(Note; the '-1' you see above is not a typo.)
If you click on the topic name, it sends you to a page containing the topic but the
topic posts are missing.
Also, in our example above, where you are on the last page (56 ?), if you click
through the pages towards the present day, you will find eventually a
'changeover point' where the topics lists will return to normal - in this example
the topic lists change back to normal on about page 53 or 54. (Note; the page
numbers quoted here will change, of course, in the following weeks, as new
poststopicsare created and cause the topic list numbering to be incremented upward in number).
The bug makes it difficult to access old topics (posts) if the topics are listed beyond the
'changeover point'.
I do have a direct link for an old post (the first ever MSFN post, actually);
and that oldest post is still there and obviously accessible, so hopefully this
bug is only affecting the link to each topic, in the pages of topic lists, beyond
a certain point (the bug does not appear to be date-related).
Other (random) examples;
MSFN Forum/Unattended Windows Discussion & Support/Device Drivers
see page 98 , 99 and back
MSFN Forum/Microsoft Software Products/Windows 9x / ME
page 185 , 186 and back
Cheers0 -
Ha ha ha, seems like similar opinions are echoed in the video on the website;
http://www.dearjjabrams.com/ .
0 -
Xper says; "Maybe, I say maybe we will loose some threads"...
Gulp. (I seem to remember several years back Xper mentioned the size
of the database was ~ 700MB {as it stood on the server, in compacted
database form, then, I guess}).
Doesn't seem unreasonable to make a backup as it stands now, before
the full change is applied to the database, so there is no way that any
threads are lost... forever?
0 -
I wonder if the actions usually taken to mitigate the ATI 'hardware cursor bug'
might also act to mitigate this problem? (but probably not fix it). Worth a try -
set in Control Panel, Mouse Properties, Display Pointer Trails to 'on' (and its'
slider bar to minimum), and check 'off' Enable Pointer Shadow (then Reboot).
0 -
Oingo Boingo (aka Mosley & The B-Men) with Danny Elfman, 'Try to Believe', fm End Titles 'Midnight Run' 1988
0 -
Everlast-Stone In My Hand (fm 'Drive Angry' 2011)
(Sorry - Fast Forward over the 15 seconds of Indian music at the start)
0 -
Michael Wandmacher-Good Little Follower (fm 'Drive Angry' 2011)
0 -
submix8c said:
"Dunno if this will help but it *implies* that the PNP8FFF entry *could* be anything "available".
I wonder if we're misreading that webpage - the author of that webpage seems
to be listing the text as it lays (is seen) of his Win98 registry. If you look at the
1st occurrence of PNP in that webpage, it does seem at first as if it were a
listing of the PROTOCOL.INI text, but if you scroll up and down it becomes
evident that that text is actually a representation of the Win98 registry text.
Also, the 2nd occurrence of the PNP has this sentence immediately preceding it;
"An Advanced tab is available for network adapter settings which are set in the
Registry and the PROTOCOL.INI "
netcard=EXP16$,*PNP812D "Therefore, it could be that the above text is in fact meant to be (read as) a
representation of Win98 registry text, rather than PROTOCOL.INI text - (it's
open to misinterpretation).
I'm not aware what program or process dropped that *PNP8FFF into Dave-H's
protocol.ini .
PNP ID's in that format do get written into the registry, from a network adapters
INF file, as explained e.g. here; www2.gol.com/users/pbw/filelib/BATCH98.DOC
Another thing - I notice in the "*multiple* entries in PROTOCOL.INI" webpage
that submix8c mentioned, that it says to use E1002$ , E1003$ , etc. for multiple
instances of the E1000$ Drivername (in protocol.ini).
If it occurs that multiple instances are required, and that doesn't seem to work,
try using instead e.g., E10002$ .The reason is that that appears to be the
format of the usage that other manufacturers Drivernames use, and also
I see when I look inside file 'E1000.DOS', this error message;
"PROTOCOL.INI does not have a DRIVERNAME = E1000x entry.
The driver looks for DRIVERNAME based on its load order in CONFIG.SYS,
the second E1000 driver loaded uses E10002, the third uses E10003, etc."
0 -
You mentioned;
"REM 29/11/2014
REM ** REINSTATE THE PREVIOUS LINE IF CD SUPPORT IS NEEDED IN DOS OR SAFE MODE ** ""I tried a step by step boot, and it's fine until it gets to DEVICE=C:\WIN-98\SIZER.EXE /15834 /11 C:\WIN-98\COMMAND\ANSI.SYS at which point it stops and goes no further.
Trying again and skipping that line it's then OK until it tries to load DBLBUFF.SYS with SIZER.EXE (which isn't actually in the CONFIG.SYS file, which i think is normal) and it hangs again.
Skipping that it gets to loading AUTOEXEC.BAT and then hangs again. "
I did wonder if this information on MDGX's webpage was having an affect;
"Hidden features, oddities + BUGs I discovered:"
"Windows 9x/ME automatically loads the interface (GUI) ONLY IF a "SHELL=" line is NOT present in CONFIG.SYS"
Despite the above, I'd agree hangs are usully caused by conflicts (during
{boot} setup) when assigning memory ranges an such... - so the different
installation process you eventually used allowed the BIOS or OS to assign
the resources, such that no fatal conflicts occured.
Guess you should make a note from Device Manager, Network Adapter,
Properties, Resources, of the (working) Memory Range, I/O Range...
there's no conflicts shown there, right?
0 -
I tend to start looking at such things, more from the hardware (silicon) POV...
The motherboard Super Micro X7DAL-E (link probably mentioned in other thread);
So the onboard motherboard hardware is;
"Intel (ESB2/Gilgal) 82563EB Dual-Port Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
Ouch. I don't think I've ever seen anything 'PHY' that had Win98(xx) drivers.
Intel built it, so for completeness, from the horses mouth...
98-wise, looks like we're all the Crying Indian on this one.
Did click the (1st listed) DOS driver link... says "The DOS drivers are
provided solely for the purpose of loading other OSes -
- for example, during RIS or unattended installations. They are not
intended as high-performance drivers."
(Don't know what that means for DOS... didn't go any further down
the rabbit hole....)
0 -
Carter Burwell - Maureen in the Desert , from 'Psycho III' 1986
1 -
(It seems, doesn't it, that a PM can be 'initiating a 'New' Conversation' which
makes another entry to the My Conversations list or a PM can be 'adding a
reply to an already established Conversation' which enumerates the replies
to an already existing Conversation in the My Conversations list. You do seem
to be aware of this, but it may be helpful if I state this up front.)
"I tried to send a new PM to dencorso and got a message" {from the IP.Board
system} "stating that he is no longer receiving new messages."
Possibly Dencorso's storage quota of 'New' Conversations had reached the
'full' limit.
"I then communicated with him through a PM thread that we had
already established," "and he said he has been receiving new{?} PMs from
others as usual."
Possibly Dencorso may have meant he was certainly receiving PM's to
already established Conversations - or more probably, he had deleted or
archived out some of his Conversations , which had the effect of dropping
his storage quota of Conversations below the 'full' limit.
(The latter theory tends to find support from this following sentence:)
"Later he said that my new PM to him arrived, from his point of view, in spite
of the message I got."
"But my new PM to him did not show up on my list of messages, making it
impossible for me to communicate with him about the new topic in the usual
My theory here is that the IP.Board system dealt with your PM initially by
informing you Dencorso's New Conversations quota limit was 'full' and held
your PM in 'abeyance' - seems when the PM was eventually placed in his New
Conversations list, that the IP.Board software did not automatically act to
also make an entry in your New Conversations list. (To be fair, this sequence
of events would not happen often.)
Unlikely to happen again, but if this problem occurs again, then:
possibly, if you sign out of the forum and then sign back in, that action
could trigger a check of your PM's, and the PM may then appear in your list.
Alternately, maybe Dencorso, after reading your PM, didn't mark (tick) the
PM as 'Mark Read' (see drop down box at bottom of My Conversations page).
That action triggers a change in the status of your PM so that when you
view it, it shows as 'Read' (by the addressee at such and such a time) -
if you request that he mark the PM as 'Mark Read', possibly your PM may then
appear in your My Conversations list.
1 -
My Browser Builds (Part 5)
in Browsers working on Older NT-Family OSes
Posted · Edited by buyerninety
Thanks for the info, VistaLover.
Well, @AstroSkipper, for instance, here's a happening using Serpent v52.9.0
(2024-06-13) (64-bit) on Win Pro x64 Ver 2003 SP1,
What happens is a line of text "Please enable JS and disable any ad blocker",
is displayed (even if adblocker is disabled), and then is seen from, apparently,
geo.captcha-delivery.com , a 'slide the puzzle to the right' picture which, even
when correctly solved, just gives a 'Puzzle Solved' information... and then
does nothing, no button to click to progress beyond the puzzle webpage (I
assume it's supposed to automatically progress upon puzzle completion but
that's not occuring?).
I've seen a few websites beginning to use this puzzle in the last couple of
months... same result, no progression beyond the puzzle webpage.